Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today Is A Good Day To Die!

I figure I am going to die soon. Within the next year or so. They say your life flashes before your eyes just before you die and I have been having that lately but not like you think they mean when they say that. I recently saw a lot of my old family and friends at my daughter's high school graduation party; people I hadn't seen in years. Then there was the Fox Valley Raiders' mini-reunion where I saw people who were like brothers and sisters to me most of my childhood. The trip to Kansas City was next where I saw more of my oldest and closest friends that I hadn't seen in years. Next year will be my 30th high school reunion when I will see many more old friends. I think this may be my life passing before my eyes. If I go don't be sad just be amazed that I was in-tune enough to know that it was coming. I think it's pretty cool. Just be nice to me because I'm dying. It's like a living memorial! If it happens you'll have a spooky story forever and whenever you tell it I will send you a sign from the great beyond.

Yesterday, after I was finished helping the neighbors around the corner load the semi-trailer in their driveway for their move to Florida, I came home and was changing the slow-leaking tire on the 4Runner when my friend from across the street, Lisa, and my other friend, her next door neighbor Kathy, called me over (I thought maybe they read that I was a swinger now so I dropped what I was doing and went right over). Tuesday Lisa had shown me a baby bird that had fallen from a nest above her porch light. We had thought maybe it was best to leave the baby robin there in hopes that it's parents would tend to it. I had always heard that if you touch a baby bird or a bird's nest the parents would not return and would abandon the bird. Yesterday, when the bird was still there, Kathy said that she had read that that was an old wives' tale. Given this new information, I have known Kathy to be a straight-shooter, and the fact that the baby bird had no chance lying there I went and picked-up the baby bird and put in the nest next to it's brother or sister (I didn't check). There was also an old nest kind of propped on the front of the light that I positioned in case the bird fell again it would still be in the "safety nest" (patent/trademark/copyright). It opened it's beak for food when I picked it up so I knew it still had a will to live. We left so the parents would hopefully come back and I went to work on the tire. I watched over from time to time and saw momma and poppa bird taking turns at the nest so there is hope...I will check later today with Nurse Lisa. I call her that because as I left Kathy said "thank you Doctor Matt." I prefer "Matt Helser...Bird Whisperer" but Doctor Matt will suffice.

Thanks to my buddy Stacee I am now a restaurant critic on Yelp.Com. I posted my Acquaviva Winery review and my La Za Za review from a while back. It's really just people helping other people with reviews of restaurants, mechanics, bars...(anybody can post a review). I am thinking that maybe the next time I get my hair cut I will try a new place (maybe in Malta) and review it on I can go back through the cobwebs of my mind and do other reviews too.

Why is a cobweb called a cobweb? It's actually a spider web right?

I figured out why I blog. When we were at The House for our swing dance lesson there was an open mic night right after our tripping over the light fantastic. I assimilate my blogging to that; they play because they love to play and if someone gets some enjoyment out of it all the better. There is also the pipe-dream that maybe someone will see your talent and you can pursue your talent as a job but they, and I, know that would just be icing on the cake of what we enjoy to do.

I met a guy at the open mic that had a hook necklace similar to mine and we spoke for a bit. I found out that he plays Hawaiian guitar as well as regular guitar and I have contacted him via email to let me know when he will play Hawaiian guitar as I would like to see that. Maybe I will buy a Conga or a Djembe at a flea market or a garage sale and join him sometime; won't he be thrilled. I still have the rhythm and some talent in me from percussion in my yute and I beat on a few smaller drums occasionally (a bongo and a small djembe that I have). Let me know if you see these types of drums (the larger stand-up versions) at a flea market or similar sale in the area please. If I'm not gonna work I may as well bang on the drum all day. Hopefully he won't make me put my cummerbund in it to muffle the sound (you MIDDLE-aged Middlers will probably get this reference; if not, "sit on it").

If you live in DeKalb make sure you're wearing your seat belt. Sparky and I were sitting at the stoplight at Rte 38 and Annie Glidden yesterday and a bicycle police officer was riding up and down the rows looking at seat belts. It was raining too so don't let that fool you. Fortunately, the schools drilled it into my kids so they always yelled at me when they were young and now I feel naked without a seat belt when I drive. Is it okay to drive naked as long as you have your seat belt on?

Wow, long blog (TWSS). Farmer's Market today if I have time. I need some organic veggies and granola so maybe I will have to go. Made Crab Cakes last night - huge hit...more on that tomorrow maybe (with photo). Have a great Thursday. I will blog you tomorrow if I don't die before blog just flashed before my eyes.

** grim reaper graphic ripped from the hands of, big bird doctor photo x-rayed without permission from & congas photo rim-stolen from **

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