Thursday, July 15, 2010

Give Potato Salad A Chance!

This year's MLB all-star game had the lowest television ratings in history for a major league all-star game. This is the first year in several years that I was able to watch it but it sounds like I was the only one. The whole idea of an all-star game in any sport seems sort of lame. These players get so much adulation every day do their egos need even more stroking? Is it the free vacation? They travel all season, it can't be that. The NFL used to go to Hawaii for their ProBowl (NFL's all-star game) but now they go to another venue each year to try to spread their awesomeness to the rest of us commoners. So, the NFL players have no reason to try to make the game - no Hawaii. The games are fun to watch for a while but I don't know if I've ever seen an entire all-star or pro-bowl game. Just do the slam dunk contest and the home run derby and hockey skills competition and forget the boredom of the game. Nobody's watching anyway apparently.

Tonight is do or die for the Dekalb Cardinals Pony League baseball team. The next game we lose we are out of the tournament and our season ends. If we keep winning we play every weeknight for like the next nine nights until we win the championship. We are a good team but there are some REALLY good teams in our league. The team from Kingston has try-outs of 150 players from all of the surrounding towns and they take the top 12-13 players. They will end up getting second place when they lose to us in the championship! Tonight we play the Genoa-Kingston Red Sox who beat us in the regular season but ended with one of the worst records in our division...we have gotten A LOT better since we played them.

The last few weeks Sugar Momma and I have gone to several graduation parties and kid's birthday parties and picnics and there is one constant...POTATO SALAD. We went to a graduation party that had all authentic Mexican food and they had potato salad. They probably serve potato salad at the United Nations. I bet they had potato salad at every peace talk throughout history. Maybe we should drop potato salad over the Middle East and maybe we could get Tibet and China together for a potato salad potluck. I think potato salad is the answer to world peace. Give Potato Salad A Chance! I would rather have said peas so I could have written "Give Peas A Chance" but that wouldn't have been historically accurate.

I learned something about poodles working at that dog show last weekend. Did you realize that poodles are really tougher than we know? "Pudel" is a German word which means "splashes in water." They were retrievers or "fowl dogs" historically and they are shaved the way they are for that reason. When a hunter would shoot down a bird the poodle would go and retrieve their bird. If you let a poodle's hair grow it will get long and when wet would weigh the dog down while trying to swim for the fowl. The weird tufts of fur left on the body were to protect the vital organs of the dog from the cold German waters. The pom pom looking deal on their tail was left so they could tie a ribbon onto it so they could be easily located as they were swimming in the water. No wonder they seem so uppity...they are kind of a tough dog and have to look like a fairy princesses; they are temperamental so you know they're not poofs! And another bit of poodle trivia...they eat potato salad given the chance.

When traveling a couple of weeks ago I saw a billboard that said "Behold - I Am Coming Soon." It didn't specify who but at least they had the common courtesy of RSVP'ing. Are they coming alone? How long will they stay? What about a potato salad dish to pass? "Soon" is kind of vague could you be more specific? The word behold leads me to believe there are religious implications because who uses the word "behold?" I guess we should just keep the place clean so when "I" gets here we are prepared. How did the locals know it wasn't me? Maybe it was a prophecy of my trip to Missouri and I was the "I." How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop (ca-ching)?

Sugar Momma and I were walking into a store a while back and there was a very large African-American man and his very large son walking out and the dad said, "Maybe I'll get you a slushy at the gas station" in a voice that sounded like Rasputia (Eddie Murphy) in Norbit. Norbit is a terrible movie but his Rasputia character is funny and now I want a slushy! I've never really liked slushys or slurpees or freezies or whatever they are called but this guy should do commercials to promote them because I want to go to the gas station and get me a slushy."How YOU doin'?"

Have a fantastic Thursday and thanks for stopping by; I'm glad that you do. I will blog you again tomorrow and the tone will probably be based on our game tonight against the Red Sox...David Ortiz won the homerun derby so we may be in trouble. Blog you tomorrow :)

** converse all star photo stolen from, potato salad photo diced from, poodle photo retrieved from and rasputia photo how you doin'd from **

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