Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beware Of On-line Scams

There has been a break in the case of the two dead birds found two weeks ago in the Mattgarita Island Bird Sanctuary. There was a piece of evidence that was either overlooked, washed up on shore since the incident, was dropped by someone not involved in the deaths or was dropped by someone re-visiting the scene of the crime. Investigators discovered a stick of Kool-Aid Lip Smackers soarin' strawberry lemonade lip balm (ca-ching) not six inches from where the first victim's body was found. The crime lab is working in cooperation with The Bonnie Bell Company, a division of Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc. (ca-ching) to bring this case to a close. A reward is being offered by the families of the victims for any information leading to an arrest (probably worms or something). Any information should be reported to this blogsite. It may be the pompous calling card of Kool-Aid Man taunting us again.

I finally got across the street to check on the other bird situation in our cul-de-sac. Remember there was the baby bird that had fallen out of his/her nest and I had put him back in the nest in hopes that his parents would get him/her healthy? I spoke to Lisa RBN (registered bird nurse) Kathy RBN and they said the parent birds tried to save the bird but it didn't work out. Both birds in the nest died. Kathy said she researched it and found that only 20% of baby birds survive to the point of getting out of the nest. I guess I am no Doctor Matt Medicine Woman.

George Steinbrenner, long-time owner of the New York Yankees, died yesterday. Of course he would die on the day of the MLB All-Star Game; always the showman. Though he wasn't as vocal as he had been in the 1970's and 1980's he was always baseball's P.T. Barnum to me. He kept things interesting. He had a passion for the game of baseball and he loved the New York Yankees. I don't think I will ever watch re-runs of Seinfeld the same again. Larry David is probably rolling over in his wad of cash in syndication heaven.

On Facebook I must have accepted a friendship request from some kind of hottie ring. I am getting friend requests from all of these people who have beautiful women as their Facebook profile photo. I think it is a marketing scam to try to sell us more things through Facebook. I accepted the first one thinking that maybe she read my blog and wanted to "friend" me because of that. I am so stupid and naive and I want people to read my blog so I guess I am pathetic in a sense. I may have to do some Facebook friends house-cleaning. Supposedly, there is a scam going around that if you accept the wrong person you are infected with a virus and it goes to all of your Facebook friends. I do not want to do that and neither do cautious and only accept friendship requests from people you really know!!! Use a Facebook prophylactic (patent/trademark/copyright - not the Facebook part though). This is the correct term to fend off a disease (in this case a virus) and not a reference to the way the term is normally used. It comes from the Greek meaning "an advanced guard."

Now go forth and do partake in your normal hump-day festivities. I will blog you agian tomorrow..TTFN!

** george steinbrenner photo caught stolen from & computer scam photo scammed from **

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