Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Tribe Y'all (we are one people)

It's Tuesday already; Sugar Momma's last day of staycation.

Swing Dancing was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. Jill said she liked it other than thay they made us switch partners a lot...what does she think SWINGING entails? That's the big draw for us dudes. Variety is the spice of life. I pretty much already forgot everything I learned but it looks like we're going again July 19th. "Looks like you need a refresher course buddy." We ran into Sugar Momma's cousin there...we are not really sure how to do the genealogy math but their parents were cousins so we weren't sure how to do the "once-removed's" or the "second-cousins" or "third-cousins"...and then there was an adoption thrown in there so they're probably not really even "blood" related... She is very nice and we have always liked her and she lives close but we can never manage the time to get together with our busy lives so it was very nice to visit with her. She's coming to the Swing Dancing again on the 19th too. We're trying to start a Swing Dancing Posse so come on out. Maybe we will get matching shirts like square dance clubs or bowling teams (not really...not a chance).

I know what the term "belle of the ball" means now. There were plenty of guys there but when we were sitting, taking a breather, someone was always approaching us to dance. Guys...if you want to meet ladies you need to learn how to dance. If they see you dance one time they will approach you after that. Come to the free dancing lesson (and mixer) on June 19th at Eduardo's Mexican restaurant.

How do flies know when you're holding a fly swatter? You don't have to kill flies to get rid of them; just hold a fly swatter and they will stop coming around.

I worked out before going dancing figuring it would help loosen me up. I need to know one thing - Why does my nose always itch when I'm doing squats and cannot scratch it? I am considering turning my basement into a mini health club...is that legal? I could include healthy cooking classes and recipes. I just want to help people change their lives the way mine has been changed by being in better shape through good nutrition and excercise. I love to coach and maybe this is a way to help people and make some money? Is this how Richard Simmons got started? I will even do the shorts and hair if it boosts "membership"!

I came to grips with all I want in my old age. I want to live on an island near the ocean...I want to own an outdoor shower...I want to drive a topless jeep with a roll-bar and I want to be around family and friends that I enjoy and eat my caprese rolls (I just included that last one so I could add my photo that I promised). That's all I want! I guess I want to be Gilligan.

I don't know how or when this happened but I have turned into a hugger. It's not a bad thing but it's just curious. I think some people are surprised by it but no one rejects the hug. I am pretty much a tree-hugger and now I am a people-hugger. Maybe I am checking for weapons now that I am a world-famous blogger and soon-to-be health club owner. I should probably hire a security detail but I would still hug. There are worse things to be and I do shower at least once a day (not outdoors yet) so I should not offend. Everybody needs a hug!

I try to keep this blog light and happy to help you (and I) escape the pains and suffering of everyday life with a little distraction. At times, however, I have touched on more serious matters and I want to do that again for a moment. There is a mother of two in Iran named Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani. She has been convicted of adultery, which she was forced to admit after 99 lashes but later recanted. She is of Turkish descent so there was a language barrier in her "trial." She is sentenced to be stoned to death any any time. They will bury her up to her chest in heavy rocks and then throw stones, not large enough to kill her at first but to cause serious pain, until she is dead. She was convicted in 2006 and they could carry out the sentence at any time. Astiani was a women's rights activist, which is frowned upon, who has denied any wrong-doing but was convicted by three out of five judges (three men). Article 74 of the Iranian penal code requires at least four witnesses -- four men or three men and two women -- for an adulterer to receive a stoning sentence. There were no witnesses in this case and husbands often turn wives in for adultery to get out of a marriage. The only way to get out of a marriage in Iran is by death so if you want a new "wife" you get together with some of your drinking buddies and turn her in as an adulteress. Man, we think we have it rough in America. The death is so brutal that they will not even allow it to be viewed yet they allow it to happen. Amnesty International tracks death penalties around the world and is putting pressure on the Iranian government to stop this barbaric act. The only way the Iranian government will stop this is by pressure from the world. I always joke about my blog being so big and important and I know it is not really but I will take the chance to post this in hopes that maybe someone (or you pass this on to someone) that can help stop this brutality. I don't know if she is guilty (though given the circumstances I would bet she is not) but either way this is no way to humanly handle it.

Okay, now that I've cheered you up I will send you on your merry way. Tomorrow's blog will be happier (probably)...BIG HUG!!!! Blog you later.

**family tree photo uprooted from webwombat.com.au & amnesity international art transcended the internet border from tangodiva.com **

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