Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Let Me Hear Your Body (and spirit) Talk!

Hi again. Thanks for coming back. I missed you.

Last night for dinner we had coconut/macadamia-crusted mahi mahi with steamed asparagus and cilantro-lime rice. I bought the fish pre-crusted from Shnuck's so even though it was a homemade dinner, I suppose, it wasn't technically homemade though I made it at home. It was yumbly in my tumbly either way.

Yesterday I worked a lot on the basement, finally getting the new workout equipment situated. It's funny how basements get so cluttered because you don't go down there very often and they are the great hidden dumping-ground. I am trying to encourage Sugar Momma to workout with me and though she wants to she doesn't want to. I hooked a television and DVD player up and faced them toward the exercise bike and the treadmill because she said that would entice her to use them. Before I did the colossal clean-up I worked-out first. It has been awhile since I worked out since I was a moving company last week. I blogged that I didn't need to workout because I was lifting so much for the move but I was wrong; it's not the same at all. The workout was tough yesterday. I did it all but a couple of weeks ago it was easier. Once you start working out it falls into that "use it or lose it" arena. So, it's back to using it because I started to lose it. Sugar Momma and I did walk for a couple miles when she got home though. I think it does her good to go on the walks because she gets to vent and release all of her day's stresses and we get to spend time together just talking without distractions - Ah, The Middle Years!

Again, I wrote something in my notebook, probably between stations of my workout, and I'm not sure what it means or where it comes from but I will throw it out there because it must have been inspirational or deep when I thought of it so here it is...hold onto your hat or your socks or whatever it is that you like to hold onto (TWSS)..."Anything that comes from the Earth eventually returns." I hope it lives up to the build-up and hype.

I think they should bring that television show "Make Me Laugh" back (when I say "bring-back" I mean re-make and update it). I didn't watch it much when it was on but I think I would watch it now. Do you Middlers remember it? Contestants would sit in a chair and comedians would take turns trying to get the person to laugh within a pre-determined amount of time? Sometimes they would have big-time comedians on but mostly it was up-and-comers who, in come cases, eventually became famous. I don't find many stand-up comedians funny (I think it comes from my desensitization from managing Zanies Comedy Club for a couple of years). Maybe I am ready to laugh again; I'm a happy guy, mostly, but I think I find most comedy too predictable. That show was kind of funny because it was more entertaining that the comedians couldn't make the people laugh and the contestants were on the verge of wetting themselves trying not to laugh. It's the classic battle. To pee or not to pee that is the question!

While I was making dinner and cleaning the kitchen the other night Splenda was watching some show she had DVR'd called "Mary Knows Best." It's a reality-show about some lady who is apparently a famous psychic, since she has a show on SIRIUS satellite radio, and her daily escapades. She gets into all of these situations where she talks to people while she's out shopping or walking the dog or whatever because she has visions of them. It's weird because she makes people angry by saying things but she's a psychic so she should know ahead of time that they are going to get upset since she's a psychic right? So, she should know not to say these things right? Or, is she posturing for the camera and making them upset on purpose for the cameras so she is actually a good psychic? There's a reason it's on the SCIFI network (the "FI" in SCIFI stands for "fiction")! I trust the Magic Eight Ball as much as any psychic. I will believe in Psychics and Mediums when Erich Weiss (from MIDDLEwest Appleton, Wisconsin - though not originally) returns from the great beyond and delivers his message. Erich Weiss, in case you're not familiar, is the real name of Harry Houdini who spent the last part of his life debunking and proving psychics as frauds with hundreds-of-thousands of dollars of his own money. There is a seance every Halloween with famous magicians like Penn and Teller and Blackstone and Copperfield trying to contact Houdini. Hey, whatever happened to Doug Henning?...maybe they should search for him too. Now that my kids are older than trick-or-treat age, who would be up for a Halloween seance this year? I don't believe but I want to believe and I would have fun trying to believe. Anyway, Houdini has never returned to give the secret code he said he would deliver from beyond the grave if life-after-death existed. Maybe he is waiting to contact you and I this Halloween? I am serious...who would come to this seance on Mattgarita Island if we had one? Houdini returned to the Earth, maybe he sent me that inspirational message and he wants to return FROM the Earth? It's 3:00 AM and I am blogging about the great touch with the spirits again I see...boooohahahahaha!!!!

Ok, long blog for this early in the morning, sorry. Luckily you will read it a bit later in the day. If it's too long break it down into chapters throughout the day when you get all ticked off because the copier doesn't work right or your report won't print or your boss is being a jerk; maybe I should make it longer in that case huh?...I hope you have a Humperiffic Day! I'll blog you tomorrow.

** let's get physical photo "ripped" from, make me laugh photo giggle-snorted from & houdini graphic conjured up from **

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