Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday Celebrity Extravaganza!

It's freaky casual aloha Friday. Friday is good on it's own why does Friday get all of the added benefits? Shouldn't it be casual Tuesday? Or Freaky Wednesday? Or Aloha Monday. Friday doesn't need any help being "liked" but those other days could use a solid.

Why do we care about Lindsay Lohan or Mel Gibson or any other celebrity for that matter? Isn't the job of making movies or music with the travel plus the excellent pay that accompanies these jobs enough? They have to be considered better than the rest of us too? There was a time when being an entertainer was a job like any other. Actually, at one time, entertainers were beneath us commoners. Why do we hold people who play pretend in such high regard? It's something we can all do; we all play make-believe when we are kids. Now Tony Robbins is coming out and advising Lindsay and Mel on how they should behave. I thought Banana Hands was just trying to be nice but he's just promoting his new upcoming television show called "Breakthrough." Even kindness isn't free in Hollywood. Shallow Mel needs a pal.

Today was work-out day. I tried to continue watching The Big Lebowski while I worked-out. Watching movies and working-out doesn't work like watching movies and spinning and tread-milling for me. I had to turn the film off and have Roz play the workout playlist for the workout portion. I did some of the bike and treadmill at the end and then I watched some more of the movie. I need the music to pump me to pump the iron. This must have something to do with the music "soothing the savage beast" phenomenon. Muscles must respond better to music. There will be no weights in my new theaters.

I think the ghost of Michael Jackson haunts me. I had to do some plumbing Thursday and I went into my "glove drawer" in the garage to get a pair of gloves and I found eight left-handed gloves before I found one right-handed match. I added the pair of gloves to my Domestic Zeus Utility Belt. Maybe on October 30th Michael Jackson will have to be someone we can channel at the seasne since his presence is here. We are up to five attendees for this event. There are still seats available...let me know if you want to come and ideas of people we should try to contact. I don't know how many people we should have participate in the seanse but 13 seems like a good number. I didn't get a chance to research the seanse today with the plumbing crisis (thank goodness it was a sink/garbage disposal issue and not a toilet) but I have a little time before October and I will get it done.

I may try to contact my grandfather who died when I was 14 or 15. I remember him as a great guy but I hear stories about him that I wonder if they are true. I can put them here because he is dead and my grandmother is dead so no one directly involved will be
harmed and this way one day my descendants can read my blog, which has kind of become my diary, and maybe know some family history. Supposedly my grandfather McGuire was dating my grandmother's best friend while they were still married. I may come from a family of playas. If you were dead and someone contacted you from this realm would you own up to something like that? Was it even a big deal in the 1950's or 60's? This seanse may be scandalous.

I will try to blog tomorrow but I think we are going boating so it may be later or maybe not until Sunday. I will do my best to do one tomorrow because I know you cannot survive too long without my life making your life seem more normal. Be casual and freaky today because the day depends on it. I'll blog you again soon - maybe from Davy Jones' locker or Mike Nesmith's locker.

** tony robbins photo pal'd from, michael jackson photo five-finger discounted from & player graphic gangsta'd from coolfreeimages,net **

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