Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Want To Be Treated Like a Slave!

I actually remembered a dream from last night. I never, no never, never, hardly ever, remember my dreams. I know I told you before that I wish I would remember my dreams so I would have something cool to blog about and this was cool but I must have been thinking about the screenplay that I am writing because this will fit perfectly. Unfortunately, that means I am not going to blog about it and you will have to wait for the movie...sorry, Steve and George would want it that way. Oh, I'm sorry that's Mr. Lucas and Mr. Spielberg to you people not in the biz.

My back still hurts from helping, what are now old neighbors, move. It's not a bone pain or anything like that it's actually muscle pain. I guess I must have gotten a good work-out during the moving. It's not really pain rather more of an ache. I get the same feeling sometimes after I do my sit-ups (I do 450 sit-ups every other day as part of my workouts). It's my lats (latissimus dorsi) I think. Instead of Bodies By Jake maybe I should have Lats By Matt. That graphic up and to the left there is an actual exoskeletal photograph of my lats and posterior area, by the way. Relax ladies!

I am getting tired of not having a regular full-time job. The unemployment system, though very nice, makes it hard on people who were making decent money before they became jobless. Most jobs that I would accept would pay less than I receive on unemployment. Sugar Momma has always carried our health insurance because my former employer's insurance was no where near as good as hers. I am at the point now where I just want to get a job no matter what it is but it makes no sense to make less money. I have my part-time job too but that doesn't mess up my unemployment either. I may try to get a job at the local corner grocery store. It would be weird working there seeing all of my neighbors come in but I need to get back to work; I am developing some bad habits that I need to shake. I am becoming too complacent even though it's nice having the laundry and dishes and such closer to being done than when we are both working. I do apply for jobs most every day but I am not as diligent with follow-up as I should be because I don't want to take the pay-cut. Get a job hippie!

I have a lot to do today. The lawn needs mowing but it's still wet right now and there's a chance of rain again this afternoon. The office is still a mess...we dumped a lot of stuff in here when we had the graduation party. We should call it the "don't pay attention to the man behind that curtain" room. I know you all have one too...at least most of you do. I still haven't gotten Splenda's mo-ped running properly so I have to go and get some parts for that today so the Pink Power Ranger can hit the streets soon. She goes to get her motorcycle license (through a class at NIU) this coming weekend.

We lost our game last night to the White Sox 17-12. It's double elimination so we're still in it. We now move down to the loser's bracket (or some politically-correct named bracket - we know we lost...no big deal) which is kind of nice because I believe we will be the best team in that bracket and could still come back and win the whole thing. We were rallying in the bottom of the last inning but some mental base-running errors ceased our momentum...That's Baseball!

The whole LeBron James thing is getting outta hand. Why does Jesse Jackson have to stir things up so much? I guess that's rhetorical because I suppose that's how he gets paid. He is claiming that the Cleveland Cavaliers were treating Lebron like a slave...are you kidding me? I don't remember any slaves that were offered $100,000,000. And if they would I would gladly enter life-long servitude right now if you would give my family "ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS" (said like Dr. Evil). It is funny to see the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Dan Gilbert, cry like a baby when he doesn't get what he wants though. I have known several people who had multi-millions in the bank and they all whine like spoiled brats when they don't get their way. I'm not sure if that has to do with the money or being a male of our species. But...Gilbert was not treating LeBron like a baby by offering him over $100,000,000...he just couldn't buy a championship! From all that I have learned about history slaves weren't offered such sweet deals. Jesse Jackson just has to make it about skin color so he can keep going around making his multi-million of dollars.

Have a great loneliest day of the week. I gotta get my groove on. Blog you tomorrow.

** photo of my physique crunched from bodyandfashion.com, get a job photo soup-lined from zazzle.com and cash under the mattress photo stashed from cosmoloan.com **

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