Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Gonna Run Away Today!

Wow, I actually remember a dream from last night. It wasn't that exciting but I was on The Amazing Race and we were in New York City. Do you suppose that has to do with me falling asleep watching Late Night with David Letterman (I was watching David Letterman he didn't sleep over)? Maybe I have to be over-tired to dream. I was really tired. I cleaned the garage yesterday (it took about 8 hours because I actually did it right this time), I started mowing the lawn last night at 8:30; it was dark when I finished so I will see this morning what I missed. I took a shower and completely shaved my face after mowing and slept with the bedroom window open. I woke up with a stuffed-up nose and drool on my face (good thing I shaved). So this must be the perfect storm for me to sleep deep enough to dream and drool even though I remember only about five seconds of the dream.

Ironically, last night's sleep happened the night before a new study came out saying that teens don't get enough sleep because of technological advances. Maybe the study doesn't apply to teens times three. They should do a study about why kids don't threaten to run away any more. When I was a kid it was a big thing to threaten running away and our parents' response would be "I'll help you pack your bags." Kids have it too easy now so why would they run away? Of course, I am not advocating kids running away or even threatening it for that matter but I just wonder why that is. As a society we have changed incredibly over the last 30 years. We have texting and cell phones and DVR's and cosmetic surgery and twelve million television networks...we live longer but we cannot wait for anything. We have to have everything right now. I think this whole revolution started with fast food. I have pages of notes about this but I am starting to sound like an old codger so I will leave it at that suffice it to blog that the things I treasure the most accrued over time: my family, my home, my values, my memories, my friends, my grandchildren (still waiting for them for several more years, thankfully, but I know they will be worth the wait).

I did a personal study on blogging and I have found that blogging is one of the top 20% most difficult things to do. I arrive at this phologna bologna (or phony boloney) notion because 80% of communication is tone and body language and that is lost in blogging. What tone and body language did you imagine there? Actually, now that I blog about this, blogging is easy because YOU create the tone and body language. Okay study change...READING a blog is one of the 20% most difficult things to do. I know that applies to reading this blog; you are truly amazing!

I did my review on Prairie State Winery yesterday but got busy with the garage so I didn't do the Eggsclusive review yet. I will do that this morning since I don't have to mow the lawn.

I now have eight notebooks in front of me with notes in them. Seriously, eight notebooks. I have almost enough notebooks for one to be left in each of the original colonies. I'm like the nutty professor or the nutty blogger. Putting sticky notes everywhere and writing scribbles on napkins and my hand so I can remember to blog things. But I'm not obsessive or anything. Why can't I become obsessive about curing the common cold or something important that'll change the world? Maybe we all change the world just a little bit every day in our own ways and together we make huge changes. I like to believe that but I'm not going to obsess about it or anything.

Only a few spots left for the October 30th seance at the Blog Cave (my house - Dekalb). Reserve your spot today. Are people afraid? Scared? There's no charge. I'm sure nothing will happen except maybe too many mai tais or too much wine or Ghoul-Ade or something. There will be food! Okay...there are quite a few spots left. I lied and tried to build the hype like people were dying to come to the seance. Die to come to the seance...I kill me! I think seven or eight more people would be perfect.

Have a nice day. Blog you tomorrow. Ta...M

** sleep photo drooled away from hot-screensaver.com (i hope the words aren't offensive but the picture is funny) & huck finn or tom sawyer running away graphic high-tailed from heyhotshot.com **

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