Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wisconsin Fun

It is 17:20 on Thursday evening and the party in my rumpus room is only 15 hours away. In 40 minutes I will drink the stuff that will open the Willie Wonka highway for business. The liquid diet has gone very well. I have had some chicken broth for breakfast and some vegetable broth for lunch and lots of water and a couple of Diet 7-Ups. For dinner I found a chicken broth that has Tuscan seasonings. My hetero life mate Greg told me that my tomorrow may be more eventful than I have anticipated. It is what it is butt but maybe being in a car for a couple of hours immediately following the procedure be eventful. Not like Barbra Streisand singing. I am not really sure why that is always seen as such a big deal and I am not really sure my her name is spelled Barbra either. I like bars and bras are okay. I do prefer au natural but those two words don't really make a proper name when you put them together. Have you ever been to an island bar and they had a bunch of bikini tops and bras hanging from the ceiling rafters? Maybe that is considered a Bra Bar and that's where the name came from (the bras on the ceiling are Bar Bras); maybe she was conceived or born in one of these bars.

Splashdown is now in T-minus 15. I may or may not be right back. I will spare you most the details from here - you're welcome!

It is 02:49 Friday morning now. I am sure doing that a lot lately - starting the blog one day and ending it the next. So far the procedure hasn't been as horrible as my imagination has made it out to be. That is one great thing about having a vivid imagination - things are seldom as bad as you think they'll be. I am looking forward to having this whole thing behind me (pun intended) and having a great weekend. I think the next time they suggest this I may opt out though.
Everybody's internal clocks are different 

Time got away from me again. It is now 01:51 Sunday morning. A combination of things is making my sleep crazy: the colonoscopy prep throughout the night Thursday/Friday, the knock-out juice for the procedure, not listening to the advise of sleeping after the procedure... I have pushed it and I think I am paying for it. They found eight polyps and the doctor said even though that may sound like a lot, that number is very low. He could be lying? If he is I guess that is nice that he wants to lie for me. I don't know why he would lie about that sort of thing considering that if there were a devise that I could type something down and see information about it I would know if he were lying. I guess they do biopsies on the polyps now and see if I have pre-cancer or something. And then, what if they are pre-cancerous? I think I am pretty much done with this kind of thing. Cha Cha will let me know if I can really be done with this sort of thing though. How come spell-check doesn't recognize "colonoscopy?" Maybe that means we, as a civilization, shouldn't recognize colonoscopies.

We have been having a good time in Milwaukee butt (is that the wrong butt/but in this case?) I think I have been a little bit of a party POOPER. I am trying to be a sport but my whole cycle is off. Not only all of that other stuff but, while we are doing the things during the day, I am usually sleeping and I would normally be at work now for another six hours tonight. I am really glad I took the extra day (tonight) off too. We are going to the Milwaukee Brewers' game today at 13:00 and I will be home at a decent time this afternoon/tonight to try to get my sleep cycle back to where it needs to be by Monday night at 22:00. I will probably stay up now until tomorrow morning at 06:00 (though that is 28 hours from now). I know I am probably making this all more difficult than it needs to be butt but, I cannot follow directions sometimes.

I cannot believe it has taken me two-and-a-half days to write this blog. It certainly isn't one of my better blogs. It is now 02:20 and I may try to sleep before we start our day. I am never quite sure where we are supposed to be at certain times. I just wait until I am told what I need to do and I do it. Sometimes that information is wrong or I don't get all the detaials but I am just a foot soldier. There are advantages and disadvantages in that. I am usually the drill seargent screaming at the troops. This weekend I have decided to be a foot soldier. There have been good and bad due to this decision. I am just going to go with the flow no MATTer what the results.

Have a great day. The weather here has been really nice. I think I may have sunburn on my nose and neck a bit because we have been outside in the sun and it has been cool being right on Lake Michigan so I didn't know I was getting burnt. I hope I can go back to sleep for a few hours; I am not optimistic. Thanks a lot for humoring me. I will, most likely, blog again tomorrow if my clock gets back into order. TTTT...MITM (aus).

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I Want it Now!

Which ice cream is clear?  Vanilla? Pineapple Sherbet? Sorbet?
It is 19:10 on Wednesday night. I am calling-off from work tonight because I need to try to get on a regular sleeping schedule tonight so I can do my interior body flushing tomorrow for my anal intrusion on Friday. I was reading through the pre-invasion battle plans and I see the doctor who will be performing the procedure is named Bubba and I have to wear an orange jump suit. Orange is the new brown.

The new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast (Load #157) is ready to make you laugh and think and hum and feel better about yourself.

With having tonight off I now have begun a five-day weekend. I am headed to Milwaukee Friday right after my anal raping. I wonder if I will get drunk quicker cheaper with my entire body void of sustenance.

It quickly turned into 20:15. I think I will go to bed. This is almost the time I am usually waking up to get ready for work. When I wake-up in the morning I will be on a 100% clear liquid diet for over 24 hours. At 06:00 I am supposed to drink something called SUPREP (16 ounces) and then another 32 ounces of water/clear liquid within the next hour. Vodka and gin are clear. I am a great drinker (I went to Southern Illinois University you know - we are the ones that ruined Halloween for everyone else). I think I will just chug the 48 ounces down straight away and then pee for the next two hours straight. The peeing part wasn't that big a problem back in the late 1980's in Carbondale when I was much younger. If I drink 5 1/2 cans of ginger ale or 7-Up... one right after another I bet I could burp for three minutes straight and then pee for three hours straight. I may as well make losing my anal virginity YouTube-worthy. Ginger ale is kinda yellow; does it qualify for "clear?"

It is 04:00 now. I would still be at work for another two hours usually. Today, instead, I have already slept the night and I am awake for the day finishing this blog. When I have something to eat drink later I believe I will have chicken broth. Hey, that is kinda yellow too so, I am making the comparative assumption that ginger ale is "clear" enough. I am kind of excited to get rid of all of the crap (pun sort of intended) in my system. I'd like to believe that once I am cleaned out I could remain cleaned-out but, though I will try, I will kill my body with crap again. Why do we do things to ourselves even though we know they are harmful? I am a total immediate gratification kinda guy. I really dislike that quality about me sometimes. But, then other times, that is my best quality. Instant gratification and harmful = fast food and drive-up windows.

While finishing this blog this morning I have been watching American History X. I have seen this film at least seven or eight times. It is extremely disturbing but a great movie. I have always liked Edward Norton and disliked prejudice so it makes sense that I would like this movie. I did not even think of it until writing this paragraph butt but there is one particular scene on the movie that is similar to what I will be experiencing in about 26 hours. At least I get drugs prior to my shower scene.

I will probably blog again later today and post it EARLY tomorrow morning. I think I am going to set up a "desk" in front of the commode so I have evacuate and blog at the same time. Multi-tasking and prep is a big part of immediate gratification. Ironic that IMMEDIATE requires planning. Thanks a lot for stopping in. Check out the podcast and I will blog at you in about 20 hours. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Let's Thin the Herd

I am a bit confused. That is an understatement though isn't it? It seems that the US and A wants me to live forever even though I really don't want to. I am going to get a colonoscopy Friday. Is that so I can live longer or so the medical people can get more of my insurance money? I am not sure if I could have said "no" but I feel pressured by people and culture... to have this done. Is this procedure elective? The reason that I am confused is that America also does many things that make me believe they do not want me to live forever. There is all of the horrible processed foods that they MAKE ME eat, for instance. The thing that really made me think about this was when I was watching a movie that was based in Japan and began wondering why we would have our automobiles with the driver's door on the road side of the car on America. Most other countries have the driver-side toward the sidewalk/curb. That makes so much more sense to get out on the curb rather than near cars and trucks whizzing by. We really need to thin the herd.

Did you know that throwing a banana peel out of your car window is littering? Apple core? Littering! Orange peel? Littering. It doesn't MATTer that they are biodegrade and other animals/bugs/birds may eat them. Allegedly, like driving the speed limit, this will be a law that I will continue to believe does not apply to me. Maybe I am returning them to their families in their final moments of their lives. They gave of themselves and now just want to make peace with their loved-ones. It's the circle of fruit!

Ironically, I just got a call about my lab results from last week's doctor's appointment. The blood was good but the my cholesterol is too high. I stopped eating red meat awhile back in hopes that it would help keep my cholesterol from getting too high. I did this when The Lost Sock mentioned his was high and they recommended less red meat. This was when I did not have high cholesterol but I thought I would make sure I kept my cholesterol lower if I could. So now I'm getting some Lipitor called in for me. The nurse rattled off some numbers to me. Something is 221 and they want it under 200. Something else is 46 and it should be over 40. Another thingy is 159 and that they want under 100. And, another thing is 81 and they want that under 100 (so, that one is okay). Supposedly diet and exercise will help. Okay, so diet doesn't seem to help since I have been trying that one by eating no red meat. Now I am just tempted to go have a big steak wrapped in a gyros with White Castle sprinkles. So, I am falling apart on the inside and they are sticking something up my butt on Friday. Can't I just die already for goodness sake? This is how crime-fighters get started. I am falling apart anyway so I may as well put my personal life on the line trying to save others. Now my blood pressure will probably go up because I will be worrying about my cholesterol. Whatever happened to silent killers? I just checked and everything has cholesterol - chicken, milk, some sea foods (the delicious ones), chips, ice cream, pasta, cheese, muffins, crackers, butter, margarine, burgers, steaks, eggs, milk, donuts... I guess fruits and salads with no even grilled chicken now. Please do not give me any advise about what I can/should eat. I am short, fat, full of cholesterol and proud of that. The list of things we should have is probably much shorter - fruits and vegetables.

I guess when I go to the Brewers - Cardinals game next month I may as well have a brat and a hot dog or two. When in Milwaukee live as the Wisconsins do, huh? I will be in Milwaukee this weekend too. I smell a meatfest on the horizon. And to think I was worried about banana peels and apple cores just a couple of paragraphs ago. I will probably find out that I have ass-cancer on Friday too now.
What is that two bowling balls? 

On a happier note - there is still a load of Dirty Laundry Podcast you may  not have heard. There is also another one in the can that I intend to have up by Thursday. Then, if I still am alive, we will probably record another on that night and Cha Cha can get that one done after I do myself in with sausages and cheeses next weekend. When you want to kill yourself by over-dosing on cholesterol go to the dairy and sausage capital of the U S and A (Wisconsin). I wonder if I can find some of those deep-fried butter sticks.

I have depressed myself now (actually nothing has changed with me other than what the doctor's office put in my head). I bet doctors kill more people than cholesterol ever could! Thanks a lot for being here so I could vent about my fading health. I will probably blog again tomorrow. I will try to be more cheery the next few days until I get my Butthole Glamor Shots. If you get a Christmas card in the mail from me this year you may want to think twice before opening it.

TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Word for the Day is - Polyphasic!

It is 19:32 and I should be asleep. I have to be at work in less than 2 1/2 hours. When I got home this Benadryls) and I slept well. I slept from about 07:30 - about 13:00. That is around three hours longer than I usually sleep when I get off work. I think I may go in at 22:00 and see about taking 3 1/2 hours of Comp time and come back home at 02:00. I have that job interview tomorrow and it would be nice to get some sleep before the interview. I don't know why I am nervous about the interview; I don't NEED a different job I just want to stop being a vampire. I could never sleep at night when I worked days for many, many years so I am not sure why I think it will be different this time. I actually sleep better during the day working nights though I break it up into shifts (like DaVinci did). It's called Polyphasic Sleep. I am more Biphasic but that is a form of Polyphasic. That seems pretty self-explanatory. It is my personal life stuff that suffers. We weren't put on this Earth to work. We have been brain-washed to believe we need all of this stuff and have to work to obtain stuff. Soon Cha Cha and I will be empty-nesters with this large home for two of us and Jeff. We will never be able to sell this house because the housing market still sucks. We do live in a college town. I wonder how our neighbors would feel about a bunch of college kids renting our house? The repairs and calls in the MIDDLE of the night would probably not be worth it. We could rent just rooms and keep living here though. Hmmmmm?
morning I took two Bennies (

I think I will break and finish this tomorrow. I am going to try to sleep again. My writing puts me to sleep. You too huh?
Fast forward two days... it was Wednesday when I wrote those last two paragraphs and it is now Friday afternoon so forgive me if I go astray. But when I woke up this morning could have sworn it was blogging day. I had my job interview since writing those paragraphs. I felt the interview went very well and I received a lot of signs that I would be chosen for the position. Here comes the BIG BUT! But, at the end of the interview, I asked several questions and one of their answers turned-out to be a killer for me. I was just confirming that the job was for first-shift as I was told by a company representative before I went in for the interview. They told me that the position opening-up was for first shift BUT they would have to offer that job to someone on second shift and then I would be working second shift. My hours would be 18:00 - 02:00. In my opinion, those hours are worse than my 22:00 - 06:00 that I work now. My opinion is all that counts on that MATTer so, after thinking about it for the night I contacted the Human Resource person and told her, based on the findings of my exploratory mission, I was removing my name for consideration of the position. She was very nice and apologized for the bad information I was originally given and said she would keep an eye out for any positions that would come up to fit my qualifications. I guess that must mean that they liked me, huh? Disappointed but hopeful for several reasons.

What else has happened since I wrote paragraphs one and two? Oh, I had my yearly doctor's appointment. I gained 17 pounds since last year; I thought it was more so I didn't feel that bad about it. And, now I have to have something stuck up my butt and snaked through my intestines next Friday. That is the day we are going out of town to Milwaukee so, I will get drugged-up and be totally cleaned-out (maybe lose that 17 pounds) and be able to get a buzz on less alcohol. Lose-Win-Win-Win. I am glad they knock me out so I can blame roofies on being anally invaded.

Last night Fabio and I went to the Kane County Cougars' game. They are a minor league team affiliated with the Chicago Cubs. It was a lot of fun right up until the fifth inning when the sky opened-up. The weather was great until Miss Gulch flew by. Minor League games are a lot of fun. Greg and I are going to a Milwaukee Brewers' game in a few weeks. They are playing my St. Louis Cardinals. I guess Greg owes me (watching my team) because we went to Wrigley Field last season and watched his team. I hope it rains that night (July 11th). I have been to quite a few games at Miller Park and I have never been there with the roof closed.

Last night, after I got home from the game, I stayed up until 04:00 getting the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast up. I think we may record the next one tonight. We have to get the house ready for painters too; they are coming tomorrow morning.

Today I went and got the building permit for the fence and went and paid the first half of the fence bill (1/2 down). I also stopped by Comcast (if you read the blog regularly you know all about this - if not, you can scroll down and get caught up). They will be out on June 30th to get the WiFi cable buried. I should have gone in and talked to a live person in the first place. Maybe I should wait to celebrate until after the cable is buried. J.U.L.I.E. was out yesterday for the fence. I don't know if J.U.L.I.E. is everywhere so, in case you don't know, that stands for Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators. They locate all of the utilities so you don't hit any wires while digging. Unlike Comcast, all of the other wires are buried.

Looks like we have free Cinemax. That mean it's a free HBO/Cinemax weekend. Now I feel ripped-off because we pay for HBO now. Free Skinamax for the weekend though I guess.
Seriously, the WORLD'S Largest?

I did lots more but this will be good enough for my alibi should I need to recollect where I was and what I was doing over the past couple of days. There's more but, this will get me to those other places in my head. Have a great Friday night (my Sunday). Next weekend I get a four-day weekend so, no MATTer what happens this week, I have that pot-of-gold at the end of my week's rainbow. Milwaukee will probably be packed - Summerfest is going on. Guinness Book of World Records says Summerfest is the World's largest music festival. MTV says' it's #3. Top three is pretty impressive no MATTer what. Ya Der Hey! I am gonna spend quite a bit time in Brewtown over the next few weeks. Gotta love the MIDDLEwest. Maybe we can get Bruno Mars and Lady Ga Ga on the podcast since they will be in town. I am sure they could both use the publicity for their shows.

Thanks for stopping in. Sorry it was so long; boy, I wish I had a dollar for every time I have said that. Listen to the new podcast soon because there will be a chaser coming fairly quickly. TTT (Monday most likely)..MITM (out) auf wiedersehen (getting ready for Milwaukee). Guten Tag!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Lottery Would Solve Everything! Right?!

This blog has had almost 63,000 page views since I began writing it. I am not sure how that compares to other blogs but it sure seems like a lot of views. Most of them are probably me going back and correcting grammatical errors and misspellings and the like. I know what you're asking yourself, "he actually proofreads this?" Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't and I am fairly certain I miss things every time I write a blog. How else am I supposed to reach 10,000 page views one day?

I have a second interview scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. I think it was only a week ago when I had the first interview. I have no idea why I am nervous. I already have a job so, it doesn't really MATTer whether I get this job or not. I am not even 100% sure I will accept the job if I do get an offer. The deciding factors will probably be: whether I want to continue to work 22:00-06:00, the much longer drive to the "new" job, if they decide to add more day-shifts at my current job (they are actually hinting at that lately) and, if I get offered the job (that is a big one). I really don't like leading people on so I am torn about that too. I suppose it will be a game-time decision if/when they offer me a position. I really hope they don't offer it to me on Wednesday. What do I say? "I will have to think about it?" "I will let you know?" "I'll have my people contact you're people to iron-out the details?" I should probably already have my mind made-up by game-time Wednesday. Maybe I will win the lottery Tuesday night and tell them both that I have decided to retire to a tropical island. I have tried to use this plan in the past and it has not been very successful.I know one thing, if I do decide to accept a new job I am going to be "sick" a lot for awhile; I have 21 sick days accumulated. Use them or lose them. They would be smart to pay us a percentage of our sick days. People who are leaving always seem to be sick a lot right before they quit. It's quite odd.

Man, every time I see The Godfather I cannot believe how great that film is.

I was awakened last night by a phone call before I went to work and then again today after I got home from work. They were both good calls so I hope, when I am taking my pre-work slumber, I get another call in about three-four hours. Yesterday Splenda called me to wish me a happy Father's Day and then this morning the job interview call. Don't good calls come in threes? I cannot imagine what the third call would be but, I am hopeful.

We recorded Dirty Laundry Podcast last night. I have to find time to get it edited within the next few days. I have stuff scheduled every day this week so, it will be difficult. My target day to have the new show ready is Thursday (night). It is so tough in the summer with yard work and family obligations. Speaking of that we are going to Milwaukee in a couple of weeks. I am still waiting to see if I get my two days approved so I have a four-day weekend. If I don't I may whittle those sick days down into the high teens. Then, I could save the vacation days and use the sick days. Vacation days I will get paid for if I don't use. Damn it, I should not have requested for the days off; I should have just gotten a 48-hour bug. Idiot!

Alright, I have to make some dinner, eat, sleep and go to work. Thanks a lot for stopping-in. I hope you have a great whatever you want to have a great of. I will probably blog tomorrow - my last day as a non-millionaire. TTTT...MITM (out) $$$$$

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Choose Not To Fight!

I am so tired of just about everything. I am mainly tired of all of the fighting in America. Of course, everybody thinks they are right or they wouldn't believe what they believe. I usually try to avoid discussions about: politics or guns or health care or religion or gay rights or race relations or abortion or women's rights or testing on animals or sports or immigration or Cuba... I know how I feel about these things and I usually have a pretty good sense for how other people feel about things after talking with them for a few minutes. They are not going to change my mind and I am not going to change theirs so let's just talk about the weather. No, then there is the whole global-warming / climate change deal so we cannot even talk about the weather. I realize that every topic in the world can be controversial. I am entertained by my perceived feeling of other people's idiocy and I am sure they are entertained by their perceived feeling of my idiocy. I admit that I am an idiot most of the time. I am mean, hey, I am not a Cubs' fan. When I was a kid there was a saying I would hear the grown-ups say all the time, "you never talk politics or religion." That list of things not to talk about has grown exponentially. It cannot be avoided on Facebook. There are a lot of people who would argue against social networking too. Bottom line, I guess that every topic can be controversial. Some people even hate babies and puppies and kittens. Even Adolf Hitler believed he was right. There are even Neo-Nazis who believe that too.

Last night we (Cha Cha, Greg and I) went to see a band called Sixteen Candles at RiverEdge Park in Aurora. It was Greg's idea and it was a good one. Supposedly the band had been on Rosie O'Donnell's show. When is the last time she even had a show? I had been by here several times but this is the first time I have been to a show there. It was fun. The weather was great, it was Friday the 13th and there was a full moon. The band played all 80's music which is probably my favorite era for music since that right in my wheel-house. The band was pretty good but the lead singer wasn't that great. Maybe I should cut him some slack since we was doing songs sung by every gender and race. He did better than I would have done and they were worth the price of admission. Admission was only $3.00. It was not as nice as Ravina but it had a similar feel. They have a couple of large acts coming this summer. Maybe they have these smaller bands early in the season so they can get the bugs out (sound, lights, staff training...). It is hard to get angry when you only pay $3.00 to get in. I hope they get some really big acts that I like in the upcoming seasons because it is so much closer than Ravinia for us. Ravinia allows people to bring their own food and beverages (even alcohol) in but RiverEdge does not.
$31,000,000 could buy a better tie

I have still not received any calls from Comcast/ Infinity about burying the cable. I wish the speed of the internet sucked so I could just cut the cable and mail it back to them. No, I really do like the fast internet. I just read an article this morning about how Comcast's CEO was paid $31,000,000 last year. I like to write the zeros because it looks bigger that way than to say $31 million I think. That's like $14,900 per hour if you figure it at 40 hours per week. Whatever! That's their business but, my business is that the people who answer your phones are morons (at least the last three I spoke with) because you pay them $7.25 per hour. If they work 40 hours a week for 52 weeks that is only $15,000 per year. There are a lot less zeros in their pay than there are in the Brian Roberts' (CEO). The hourly employees make, in one year, roughly what the CEO makes in one hour. Zeros don't equal zero if they follow another number.

Tonight it's back to work and tomorrow is Father's Day. My mom and dad are coming over and we are taking them out for brunch. There is a new place in town we have been wanting to try and we will let my dad be a Guinea Pig for his Father's Day. It's called Farada's Banquet Hall. I just went to Yelp! and they have three reviews. Two very good and one not so good. I haven't reviewed anything on Yelp! for awhile and maybe this is a good opportunity on the morrow. It's a Sunday brunch every Sunday so, how can that be bad? Time will tell I guess.

Alright, I have wasted enough time just blabbing here. Have a great Flag Day! Why don;t they just called is Old Glory's Birthday instead. That's what Flag Day really is. I love our flag. I really liked the one with the 13 stars in a circle a lot too. If we add states will we change the flag? There are talks of California breaking up into more than one state. Never mind all that, I was wrapping up. Have a great day and I probably won't blog tomorrow though I may Yelp!. TTT?...MITM (out) SALUTE! TA!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

This One is Just Right!

This is the letter that was left in our mailbox (isn't that a Federal offense?)
Most people who know me know me as a fun-loving, mild-mannered idiot. For the most part that is true. I don't get too angry very often. Not that anybody usually knows, anyway. I am actually usually fired-up about something inside. You know when I preface the blog with this there is something coming. Comcast/Infinity is digging a deeper hole with me - pun slightly intended. I am not going to go into the entire saga; the last two blogs should explain in-depth what I am blogging
 about. They were, in fact, here yesterday. I found the evidence when I got home from work and got the mail from the mailbox. There was a handwritten letter in the mailbox (see the photo up there) saying that our "cable" is still hooked-up and it maybe the problem is  that we still have the satellite hooked-up. He is partially correct - we still do have the satellite hooked-up. We have had satellite television "hooked-up" in this house for about ten years. The problem is there is a cable (for the WiFi) running through the backyard. I had to get a bit more stern with the fellow I spoke to today from the call center at 06:18. After explaining the whole thing to him he scheduled a service call for my "cable" issue. This guy was more Hispanic-sounding than Middle-Eastern sounding. He was very polite and helpful; he was just helping me for a problem that I did not have. Maybe he is a doctor too? So, now I think someone is going to call me from the local office - I think. I may go over to the local Comcast office tomorrow but I bet they have no office in town.

There is a black bear loose in my county. There are probably many but the news agencies are talking about a particular black bear that has been covering a great amount of ground over the last few days. I heard our County Sheriff on the radio talking about how it seems harmless and appears to be a young bear (although very large) and probably got kicked out of the house when Mama Bear spilled the porridge gave birth to some new cubs. We're supposed to keep our kids and dogs inside. I am not concerned. I am sure it will show-up at work one night.
Ultimate Raccoon Warrior?

Last night I saw two raccoons fighting. It looked like Hulk Hogan and Randy "Macho Man" Savage going a it. Actually more like the Ultimate Warrior with the masks. I passed them and they were wrestling and then I passed them again about fifteen minutes later and they were still going at it. No, it was not sex! I have talked about the fox I always see running around with a rabbit in his/her mouth. The other night I saw the fox and then I drove about two miles East and I saw the fox again running with a rabbit in it's mouth. Makes a lot more sense now; there are at least two foxes who are always running around with rabbits in their mouths. Very foxy! I am on to you now Mr. Fox(es). I haven't been stalked by the coyote lately. Deer, geese, skunks, coyotes, foxes, raccoons... and now a bear? It's MATTual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom at my work. I love it! How come the plural of ox is oxen but the plural of fox isn't foxen?

I am going to get a few winks real quick. I have tonight and tomorrow off but I only slept for about three hours this morning because I had an appointment this morning. So, as you might imagine, I am a bit sleepy. We are going to record Dirty Laundry Podcast tonight so I need to be a bit more chipper than I am right now. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will let you know when the new show is ready but I think there will be at least one more blog before that happens. Have a great whatever night this is for you. TTTT...MITM (out) Good night in the day - TA!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I Have No Idea What I am Doing (and it shows)

I am starting today's blog with nothing really on my mind. Yesterday I said I was gonna blog today and I keep my word 67% of the time. This is not even close to the first time I have started a blog without any idea of what I was going to say. The only thing on my mind is that my weekend begins in 17 hours (right after my Friday begins in nine hours). Nothing MATTers but the weekend.

There are quite a few hints that there are going to be some more day shifts added at work. I am hoping that three day-time positions are added because I am third in line to move into one of those slots. Even second shift would be better. I am not even that picky what my days off would be if I could work with some daylight in the sky. I wonder of my skin would go up in flames?

Speaking of daylight the Comcast/Infinity people have not been here to bury that cable yet. Cha Cha told me this morning, while I was trying to sleep, that they were here to bury the cable. I woke up three hours later to see the cable still lying there. Maybe it is because it has been raining for about two days straight and the ground is too wet. You think they would have ding-donged the doorbell or left a note on the door. They said 8AM - 8PM so I really have no beef yet as it is only 13:25. I will probably call back and get the runaround again tomorrow.

I have to take the LEADS (Law Enforcement Agency Data System) test this week. It is a certification that needs to be redone every two years. It is not difficult. It's just time consuming; it takes about two hours. I could take it at work but I think I will do it tomorrow or Friday here at home. I don't know. Maybe I will do it tonight at work. See, I am unsure of everything today.

Believe it or not I am out of words. I am gonna end here. I will probably blog tomorrow and we will record a new Dirty Laundry Podcast tomorrow too. Have a great rest of your whatever you call what it is right now. TTTT...MITM (out)!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Is Poor Customer Service the Cause of All of these Shootings?

So called Customer Service Centers are a joke. We had Comcast/Infinity WiFi installed several months ago. The wireless speed is awesome but the cable running through the backyard has not been buried yet. Every time I mow the lawn I curse them. The first call I made today a woman answered. She started to help me but she was in the billing department. There was no option that mentioned what I needed so I picked the closest one. When I explained what I needed (remember I have a couple of degrees in Communications) she asked, "so you need to add service?' ARGGHH! When I re-explained what I needed she asked if she could transfer me and when she did she hung up on me. So, I called back and tried the technical support option. I explained that we had a cable lying in our backyard and need it buried and he said, "so, you need the service in your house relocated?" DOUBLE ARRRGGHHH!!! When I repeated EXACTLY what I had previously said a little slower he took my call-back number... then we got to the point where he needed to transfer me and I said, "the last person who tried this hung up on me. Are you gong to do the same?" He assured me that he would not and said he would stay on the line with me until the other person answered. He transferred me and I got disconnected. He was gone too. So, I called again and played the Wheel of Useless Options again. This time I clearly reached a call center. By the sound of the background and the guy I was speaking to I assume it was in India. I explained it for the third time (it is really so simple) and he asked if I need the wires moved. He was the closest guesser so far but did not understand what I wanted either. I think he finally figured it out and said, "they work from 8AM - 8PM tomorrow." I then asked, "so, you are telling me that it will be buried tomorrow between 8AM and 8PM?" He said "yes." I thanked him and now I will hope that he knew what he was talking about. I worked in a large customer service call center as a supervisor right after college for awhile and I know how difficult this job is but, many of the problems are created by the CSR (customer service representative) by simply not listening, That's how I became a supervisor so quickly... I have the ability to listen. We have two ears and one mouth because we are supposed to listen twice as much as we talk.

It's only June 10th and my forehead is already peeling from sunburn.

Writing that first paragraph makes me feel a bit better. I sure hope that cable gets buried tomorrow. Mowing the lawn is a pain and we are having a fence installed soon right where that cable is lying.

What in the Hell is going on with all of these shootings in America? It seems like there is a new shooting every day. Maybe poor customer service is a deciding factor? Luckily, I have a blog to allow me to vent. A great many of the shootings have been at schools. I work at a place that has experienced this horror. I did not work there at the time of the shooting but I did live in this same town and know how it changed everyone. Today there was a shooting at an Oregon high school. I mentioned a week or two ago about training we had at work recently but, the training only works after the problem has begun. How do we stop the shooting from happening in the first place? Are people this angry? Do they just want the fame (even if it is through infamy)? Is social media to blame? The 24-hour news cycle? Maybe we should not mention the shooters when we talk about these incidents. I bet more people know who John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald are than know who Benjamin Harrison and James K. Polk are. I know all of the Presidents but I bet I know the names of just as many assassins. Security has been increased at many place in the country but, if someone really wants to punch their ticket to Hell they will find a way to do it. Reminds me why I want to move to Canada.

I have to wrap-up. Have a great rest of your day. Thanks a lot for reading my whining. I will probably blog on my Friday (tomorrow). Three-day weeks are awesome! TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Coup Fere!

Coup Fere
What a nice weekend. The weather was perfect and the company was great (Cha Cha and Splenda). We were able to drive with the top down all the way down and all the way back to and from the bottom of our state. I did get a bit of sunburn from the open top but who cares? Compared to ticks and poison oak/sumac sunburn is a tiptoe through the tulips. Another great thing about the drive was that it is still cool enough that all of the bugs that kamikaze themselves into our vehicles on summer drives haven't decided that it is too hot to live. They aren't ready to fly themselves into our windshields and headlights and grills and such to get out of the heat. The road went without incident except for the one time that some old-timer pulling a trailer tried to put us in a ditch. We were in the left lane of a two lane freeway and he was in the right lane. I was about in the MIDDLE on the left side of his trailer when he decided to come over into my lane. I always picture the worst case scenarios when driving and have my counter-measures predetermined so, I was ready. I went onto the left shoulder after taking my foot off the gas. As he noticed me in his rear view mirror I flipped him the bird. He saw me. I slowed down and settled in behind him. He got ahead of the semi he was passing and went back to the right lane. As I passed him he gave me the "sorry" wave and then I felt bad about the MIDDLE finger deal. It was just a reflex and I would have expected the same had I been on the other side of the equation. I said to Cha Cha - "looks like we've had our glitch for the mission." Fortunately, that was the only road issue the entire trip.

We visited about nine wineries on the Shawnee Hills Wine Trail in the heart of the Shawnee National Forest (pretty gutsy for a guy susceptible to poison trees). We visited about nine of the vineyards. We would have gotten to more but Splenda left her wallet at one and we had to retrace our wine steps to find it. Luckily it was her wallet because she was the only one getting carded. If I had lost mine the search would have been more extensive. Ironically, we found the wallet at the only winery that didn't card her all day. If you're thirsty come on over - be have eight new bottles of wine in our rack (nice rack!).Turns out that we also won a $15 gift card at Blue Sky Winery because of Tonalist winning the Belmont Stakes. Splenda and her boyfriend went out and enjoyed our winnings last night. They gave us cards as we entered and if your horse won you won. We had California Chrome too but that one didn't win. I did the mileage for the trip and calculated the fuel economy and am disappointed that we average only about 32 miles per gallon with the Fiat. I guess that is okay but come on. Maybe the top down was giving us too much drag? Maybe 77 miles per hour doesn't spell fuel efficiency. So many guesses. It is what it is and it is 32 miles per gallon.

I saves a turtle's life on the wine trail. There was a very small turtle crossing the road. I am guessing he was a baby but, he could have just been a very small turtle. While we were driving to try to find the next Easter egg winery I turtle was moseying across the road in our path. I stopped the car in the MIDDLE of the road (we were in the woods and there are no shoulders there), put on my flashers and got out the pick up the little guy/gal. As I approached he/she battened-down the hatches and
Made it to six of these and several others

I was rooting for California Chrome to win the Triple Crown. Now, after the whining of co-owner Steve Coburn, I am glad he didn't win. He didn't have anything to say about the "unfairness" of the race before the race began. Nothing to say until he lost. At least, if he did, he didn't say anything about it when he was calling himself the next John Wayne and mugging for the cameras before the race. I was a huge fan of the story of him and his partner buying a broken-down race horse for a song who gave birth to California Chrome. I realize Coburn was caught up in the moment, similarly to me flipping off Mr. Green Jeans when he cut me off on the road Friday. But, I wouldn't have done it on national television. I feel bad for the jockey and the other owner. I am a competitive person and have played many sports over the years but I was always magnanimous in my losses (which have been plentiful). I have always appreciated people who lose well. That says a lot more about a person than whether they are a good winner or a sore loser. Maybe Coburn was having so much smoke blown up his butt that he "knew" his horse would win.

It was nice having a four-day weekend. Now tonight is my Wednesday already. It is 15:32 already so I am going to wrap-up here soon. Nice thing is that I am very tired so I will be able to gets some sleep before I go in at 22:00. We have not recorded a new Dirty Laundry Podcast yet. Cha Cha has been very busy with some projects for her paying gig. I think I am going to end today. We may not record a new show until Thursday at this point. For some reason we had 45 downloads in The Netherlands yesterday - Thank You Netherlands! Have a great night. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will probably blog tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Mini Travel Log - WooHoo Y'all

It is unreal how driving a mere six hours south and not leaving your own state can be so different. It's more like being in Greenbow, Alabama than Illinois. Every time I try to access the internet here at out hotel I have to re-sign in to the internet. Thank goodness places like Panera or McDonald's or Barnes and Noble... are not this moronic. What do they think is going to be the problem if they just keep the internet open and have a range set that doesn't let the signal go beyond the hotel itself?

Hey, I just thought of something. I am down south and I am sunburned. I am a true redneck! WooHoo y'all!!!!!!

I went to one of the 24-hour stores to get a few things early this morning. I have always been an early riser. I needed socks and I wanted to get a pair of cargo shorts. We are going to do the wine trail today and I thought extra pockets for corks and knives (since we will be in the backwoods) and such would be handy. I actually had two pairs (it has always seemed weird to pluralize the word "pair" to me) of shorts when I went up to purchase my items and the second pair set off some message on the computer. The lady said "I cannot sell these to you." I asked why and she said "I can't tell you. I just can't sell these to you." Of course, I could not leave it at that and I asked, "you can't tell me or you won't tell me?" She then, in the best way she could put the words together between her jack-o-lantern smile, explained that she didn't know the reason but the computer contraption deally would not allow her to sell me the other pair of shorts. 

When I drove out of the parking lot I saw all of the people setting up their stands on the various corners. When I say "stands" I am referring to the people with the signs begging for money. I am a very sympathetic, bleeding-heart person but, these same people have been down here since I can remember. Their signs always say something about: a sick family member, how they lost their job, a religious figure (usually God or Jesus), their kids (that was a big one at Christmas time), someone is sick or needs an operation, pregnant wife at home... These same people have had the worst luck in the world for years. There was a dude last time who was actually playing the saxophone; at least there I am getting a little something other than just the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. This was the same guy who had a bike next to him that probably costs more than my car. Today I saw something that confirmed my suspicions. One of the women that I have seen doing this for about a year now was travelling between four corners (where people were posted with their signs). She has been promoted to a supervisor or a district manager or something. I was there early enough to see the "shop" setting-up. It was like being backstage at Disney World and seeing Mickey without his head on. Maybe I will go back late tonight a watch when the limousine comes to pick them up.

The tiny refrigerator in our room doesn't work and the Wifi deal, along with the sunburn, are making this not as fun as I had pictured. It isn't bad but not great yet. I am counting on the 30 or so wineries in my very near future to remedy that. We will probably go to downtown Salukiville tonight and see what they know. There are a lot of great memories from down there on "the strip." Most of those great memories are from Gatsby's which no longer exists. I would write a book about it but print is dead (he writes as he sits and types his blog).  I can't usually remember where my car keys are but this I can remember like it just happened yesterday (coincidentally the last time I lost my car keys).

Why do we still even have keys? What happened to retinal recognition and stuff?

The troops are starting to move around so I am gonna wrap-up. Don't try to break into our house while we are gone because we have a house-sitter there and our killer dog Jeff. Be warned! They also know not to let you get off the property once they kill you. They are well-trained in your extermination and disposal. Other than that, have a great rest of your day. I may blog again tomorrow. Maybe I will drunk blog later. That is sometimes fun. TTT?...MITM (out) 

Friday, June 6, 2014


It's like they just deleted the 1 by mistake
I am totally on the other side of MIDDLE-age. Do you know how I can tell? The rising gas prices are driving me batty. Back in my day a gallon of gas was only $1.38. Two weeks ago gas was near $3.50 / gallon and today it cost me $3.83 a gallon. I realize the whole supply and demand and screw the people economic model but I am getting sick of it. What can I do about it? Quit driving? At least one of our vehicles is economic with the fuel (Fiat). We are going out of town very soon and I am happy we have this car. The 4 Runner is great for around town but it sucks gas quite a bit more. Luckily I work five minute from home right now and Cha Cha work out of the house most of the time. I also like how they call it $3.839 so we don't think of it as $3.84 per gallon.What the Hell is that all about? It doesn't show the 9/10ths on my receipt. Turns out that the oil companies make an extra half-a-billion dollars more by adding these 9/10ths.

Speaking of working five minutes away I had an interview for a job today that is about 30 minutes away. It doesn't seem like I am taking the fuel prices too seriously does it? I really would like to work days again. I think the interview went well. I have what they are looking for I think and we'll see what happens. Weird - Escape From Alcatraz is on the boobtube right now and as I wrote that the guard (Spoof) came up to Clint Eastwood's cell and said, "I smell something burning (I don't smell nothin'). Hell, it must be my imagination. Working nights really gets to you after awhile." This film sure is on a lot. I will await the next step and see what happens in the job process. There is lots of talk that they will be creating more day shifts at my current work soon. That would suck if I took this job further away and right then they added a position during the day that I would have been able to get. I wish decisions were always clear and apparent. Clear and apparent danger.
I'm afraid she will haunt me forever
I am getting more and more tiny red itchy bumps all over my body. I have a doctor's appointment on the 19th so I will just wait until then. I know I have at least one ear infection too. Maybe I will die and the work thing will work itself out. I still have some of that prescription cream I got when I was poisoned by Mother Nature so I will use that.

Okay, so I said I would blog yesterday. Those last three paragraphs were written yesterday so, did I technically blog yesterday or is it not blogging until it is published? Blogging is the act of writing I think so, I did officially blog yesterday as promised. I just didn't publish the blog until today. That is provided I don't get called away and I hit the "publish" button today.

I am going to go over and get the oil changed in the Fiat in a few minutes so we can continue to get the best efficiency out of the very expensive fuel. I am headed out of town today to where gas prices are cheaper. I have to get packed and get over to the auto dude. I want to be the first one there so I can get a bit of the old in-out-in-out. I will probably blog sometime this weekend (the real weekend which is also my weekend this week since I have a four day weekend and today is only day two of four). Have a nice day. I will let you know when the new Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready - probably Monday. I guess there are a few inaccuracies in the current show that we will talk about on the next show. Listen and see if you can discover what they are before the next show.

Blog to ya soon. MITM (out) TA!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dr. Cha Cha?

I had something great to write here and I thought to myself, "self, you had better either write it down or type it on that blank page so you don't forget the idea. My MIDDLE-aged mind thought, "you won't forget because it is such a great idea." Guess what? I did not write it down or type it here and I forgot what this great, funny, world-changing, Earth-shaking thought was and now I am starting the blog about the idea that I forgot. It will probably pop into my mind sometime in the next couple of days but, whatever that thought was, will not be as pertinent and I will decide to forget it AGAIN.

There is an older movie (1992) on television right now called Shining Through. It is a WWII espionage film. It stars Melanie Griffin and Michael Douglas. I am one hour and two minute into the film and Liam Neeson shows up in a Nazi uniform at a dinner party. I wonder if this was his audition tape for Schindler's List. Hey, Schindler's List was made in 1993 - I thought I was kidding but now I don't think so anymore. I am often amazed how many times my silliness turns out to be right. That's why I am so silly.

I have bumps all over my body. They are very small and unnoticeable unless you are looking for them. However, if Helen Keller were to touch me she would think I had The Iliad tattooed on my body. I am not sure if it is residual from the poisoning (oak/ivy/sumac) from before that was still in my system rearing it's ugliness again because the steroids have worn-off or this is something new. When I was a kid these are what my parents would probably have called The Hives. They itch a great deal. I wonder if it is because we will be heading back to Southern Illinois very soon and my body is in worry mode. I keep telling my body that we will be staying in a hotel this time and if I do go into nature I will wear enough clothing that I will look like a beekeeper but I don't think my body believes my mind anymore. The mind has tricked the body so many times over the years that it has finally gotten wise.

I love the weather we are having today on MY Friday. It is chilly and rainy. For a person who sleeps during the day this is fantastic. It also means I will probably be able to wear my jacket at work tonight - I love the extra pockets my work jacket provides. Then, tomorrow is my phone interview for the potential job. I am still unsure what will happen if I am offered the position. They daytime hours are a huge enticement for me.

Northern Illinois State Normal School
Do bombs really whistle when they fall from the sky like they are doing in this film? If so, why? I think it is just for effect so we know they are falling and not just bombs that were planted or grenades. It is actual air raids why would they want the bombs to whistle? It seems like a design flaw if that is really what happens. It must be a real thing because it seems to happen in all war films. I had to know - thank goodness for the interweb -  "It is true that bombs in World War II would make a whistling sound as they fell. This could be heard by both the pilot and the target, however due to the Doppler effect, they heard different things. The pilot would hear a high pitched whistle and as the bomb accelerated it lowered in pitch. The target would initially hear a higher pitched whistle than what the pilot heard because the target is in front of the bomb and the pilot is behind the bomb. The pitch would continue to increase until the bomb struck. This is assuming the bomb is going slower than the speed of sound. The bomb will not reach the speed of sound until it has fallen ≈19 500 ft.The whistles were purposefully attached to the bombs. Their purpose was to weaken enemy morale and to enhance the intimidation of dive-bombing. Look at the Stuka dive-bomber, a similar case. What other purpose did it's sirens have? As far as warning the target, it's too late to get to safety once you hear the whistle if you're not there already (bombs fall fast). Not all bombs were equipped with whistles, but they still all made noise as they fell due to air displacement (just not the famous whistling sound)."  That sure was a lot of information but now I know. 
     Cha Cha, who already has one Master's Degree, among several other degrees, just came in and told me she has received word that she has been accepted to DePaul University for their Master's Program. I think she is trying to get degrees from every university in Illinois. She only has a few more to go. Maybe one day I will have to address her as Dr. Cha Cha. I am very proud of her. See, you don't have to be smart - just marry somebody who is smart and you become smart by association; I am fine with that. Her grandmother and her aunts would be very proud of her too. They were all educators who went to school right here in town way back when Northern Illinois University was known as the Northern Illinois State Normal School. It's sole purpose back then was to prepare college-educated teachers. They were a very big influence on Cha Cha and I am sure they are smiling down every day from where ever it is we go when we leave this life. Cha Cha will be a doctor one day and I cannot even remember what I was gonna blog about - I am pretty lucky to have that crutch to lean on. Just wait until Dr. Cha Cha has to change my adult diaper one day.
This turned pretty long-winded today. I just take it as it comes and it came big today. Please listen to this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast to hear the wisdom of Dr. Cha Cha and her sidekick Sheerluck Holmes (The Agitator). Thanks a lot for coming here today. I know there are so many better things you could be doing. Have a great night. TTTT...Sheerluck (MITM) out! TA!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What Makes Me Cry?!

I slept pretty well this morning. I got home from work and took a couple of Benadryls so, I guess I cheated a bit. I slept six straight hours; four hours is usually my limit. I probably would have slept longer but my cell phone rang with someone wanting to set-up a telephone job interview with me for Thursday. I will be right back. I haven't eaten anything since last night about 1700 so I had better go grab a banana to kick-start my metabolism or some fancy, high-falutin' way of saying "I'm hungry." As many time that I have mentioned Benadryl in this blog over the years I should have a bright pink car from them parked in the driveway by now.

Now it is 1635. Time really flies when you're doing stuff around the house. I just made chicken for the rest of the gang. There were only two breasts, unlike Betty Ford, so Cha Cha gets one and Fabio already ate his. It passed his taste-test. One thing about him - if he doesn't like it he is not afraid to let me know. I will probably try to go back to sleep for a bit at 1730.

Cinderella Man is on television right now. People always joke about crying when Old Yeller dies. For me it is more about sports films. I am almost always teary-eyed with films like this one by the time the movie is over. And they tried to tell us that Rush was Ron Howard's best film. Lying Hollywood bastard hype machine. Maybe more like his tenth best film. In all fairness, I never saw Rush. Clint Howard must have been busy when they made Cinderella Man because I didn't seem in this one.

There has been talks of opening more shifts for the daytime at work. That gives me mixed feelings about switching jobs. If I knew I for sure I was going to be able to work days I would love to stay where I am. The other job would be about 30 minutes aways and the current one is about four minutes away. That is a huge deal in the winter. The money is better where I am now too but this overnight stuff is taking it's toll. There have been so many carrots dangled. I am the fourth person in line to move into days so there would either have to be three shifts added or the others would have to decide they would rather continue to work nights. I know that one (# 1) has turned it down twice because he likes working nights. # 2 will take a day spot in a second. # 3 I am going to feel-out tonight and see where he stands on the possibility of days. There is someone else starting back tonight that left for awhile. She was ahead of me by two spots but, because of her leaving for six months, I gained six months on her seniority-wise and now I am ahead of her by about four months. It's like the cosmos are making it line-up for me. I am a big believer in things happening for a reason and maybe she left for six months so I could move to days? If I get offered the new job I will talk to the current job and find out whether shifts are going to be added for sure. They cannot show preferential treatment because of the Union so a lot would have to fall right.

This is gonna have to end here because I have to try to get some shut-eye. Just a reminder that the new Dirty Laundry Podcast is washed and folded. Thanks for stopping-in. I will blog again tomorrow. I know there will be something on my mind fingers. I hope you have a great night. TTTT...MITM (out)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Someone Else's Shoes

Last night at work, since this is our slow time at work, I got to spend the entire shift with the T.C.'s. In case you are unaware, the T.C.'s are the dispatchers and the ones who answer the phones for the police departments including the 911 calls. I think T.C. stands for telecommunicator. Wow, these people are under-appreciated. It was a very slow night, which is good in our industry, and it still was pretty tough. It would take me a really long time to become proficient at this job. I cannot believe what all goes on in that room simultaneously.

Ann B. Davis died. All of you Middleers know that she played Alice on The Brady Bunch. She sure seemed like a nice lady. I remember seeing her on Love, American Style and The Love Boat and thinking she was nice based on those appearances. I am pretty sure The Brady Bunch TOTALLY type-cast her so she had a rough time finding other serious work after that. I didn't really find her a very good actress so that could have been a contributing factor there too. If I would have based Robin Williams' possibility of serious work on Mork and Mindy I would not have thought he would have done much either.

I just finished uploading Dirty Laundry Podcast so, the show is ready for your ear gawking. I think it's a pretty good show this week. We have been good at keeping it near an hour these past several shows. It makes it easier to listen and faster for me to edit and get it uploaded. It's also free on iTunes among other places but, you already knew that. Next week we will be out of town but I think I will pack up the show and take it on the road.

It is 16:49 right now. I will have to get to sleep pretty soon so I can get some shut-eye before work. Tonight is only my Wednesday (Hump Night/Day). Property taxes (the first half) are due in three days.I just got the check from Action Marine today from selling our boat. They sure were a great company to work with. They are near Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. I would have gotten a bit more for the boat if it weren't for someone else wrecking the prop on the boat we rented. They took that money off the money t hey got for our boat. I learned a valuable lesson so I will write it off as tuition (tuition of life). Life is full of tuition situations isn't it? I wish I had more INtuition in renting that boat and letting somebody else take it out without me. Live and learn. I am tired of having to learn.

I am gonna end now. I should be able to blog tomorrow now that the show is up. I hope you have a great Monday night (that makes me better that it is my Wednesday already). Thanks a lot for listening to the show and stopping in here when you can. I know you're busy but the show can go with you and the blog is usually short and extremely interesting and informative. TTTT...MITM (zzzzzzzout) TA!