Monday, June 16, 2014

The Lottery Would Solve Everything! Right?!

This blog has had almost 63,000 page views since I began writing it. I am not sure how that compares to other blogs but it sure seems like a lot of views. Most of them are probably me going back and correcting grammatical errors and misspellings and the like. I know what you're asking yourself, "he actually proofreads this?" Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't and I am fairly certain I miss things every time I write a blog. How else am I supposed to reach 10,000 page views one day?

I have a second interview scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. I think it was only a week ago when I had the first interview. I have no idea why I am nervous. I already have a job so, it doesn't really MATTer whether I get this job or not. I am not even 100% sure I will accept the job if I do get an offer. The deciding factors will probably be: whether I want to continue to work 22:00-06:00, the much longer drive to the "new" job, if they decide to add more day-shifts at my current job (they are actually hinting at that lately) and, if I get offered the job (that is a big one). I really don't like leading people on so I am torn about that too. I suppose it will be a game-time decision if/when they offer me a position. I really hope they don't offer it to me on Wednesday. What do I say? "I will have to think about it?" "I will let you know?" "I'll have my people contact you're people to iron-out the details?" I should probably already have my mind made-up by game-time Wednesday. Maybe I will win the lottery Tuesday night and tell them both that I have decided to retire to a tropical island. I have tried to use this plan in the past and it has not been very successful.I know one thing, if I do decide to accept a new job I am going to be "sick" a lot for awhile; I have 21 sick days accumulated. Use them or lose them. They would be smart to pay us a percentage of our sick days. People who are leaving always seem to be sick a lot right before they quit. It's quite odd.

Man, every time I see The Godfather I cannot believe how great that film is.

I was awakened last night by a phone call before I went to work and then again today after I got home from work. They were both good calls so I hope, when I am taking my pre-work slumber, I get another call in about three-four hours. Yesterday Splenda called me to wish me a happy Father's Day and then this morning the job interview call. Don't good calls come in threes? I cannot imagine what the third call would be but, I am hopeful.

We recorded Dirty Laundry Podcast last night. I have to find time to get it edited within the next few days. I have stuff scheduled every day this week so, it will be difficult. My target day to have the new show ready is Thursday (night). It is so tough in the summer with yard work and family obligations. Speaking of that we are going to Milwaukee in a couple of weeks. I am still waiting to see if I get my two days approved so I have a four-day weekend. If I don't I may whittle those sick days down into the high teens. Then, I could save the vacation days and use the sick days. Vacation days I will get paid for if I don't use. Damn it, I should not have requested for the days off; I should have just gotten a 48-hour bug. Idiot!

Alright, I have to make some dinner, eat, sleep and go to work. Thanks a lot for stopping-in. I hope you have a great whatever you want to have a great of. I will probably blog tomorrow - my last day as a non-millionaire. TTTT...MITM (out) $$$$$

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