Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What Makes Me Cry?!

I slept pretty well this morning. I got home from work and took a couple of Benadryls so, I guess I cheated a bit. I slept six straight hours; four hours is usually my limit. I probably would have slept longer but my cell phone rang with someone wanting to set-up a telephone job interview with me for Thursday. I will be right back. I haven't eaten anything since last night about 1700 so I had better go grab a banana to kick-start my metabolism or some fancy, high-falutin' way of saying "I'm hungry." As many time that I have mentioned Benadryl in this blog over the years I should have a bright pink car from them parked in the driveway by now.

Now it is 1635. Time really flies when you're doing stuff around the house. I just made chicken for the rest of the gang. There were only two breasts, unlike Betty Ford, so Cha Cha gets one and Fabio already ate his. It passed his taste-test. One thing about him - if he doesn't like it he is not afraid to let me know. I will probably try to go back to sleep for a bit at 1730.

Cinderella Man is on television right now. People always joke about crying when Old Yeller dies. For me it is more about sports films. I am almost always teary-eyed with films like this one by the time the movie is over. And they tried to tell us that Rush was Ron Howard's best film. Lying Hollywood bastard hype machine. Maybe more like his tenth best film. In all fairness, I never saw Rush. Clint Howard must have been busy when they made Cinderella Man because I didn't seem in this one.

There has been talks of opening more shifts for the daytime at work. That gives me mixed feelings about switching jobs. If I knew I for sure I was going to be able to work days I would love to stay where I am. The other job would be about 30 minutes aways and the current one is about four minutes away. That is a huge deal in the winter. The money is better where I am now too but this overnight stuff is taking it's toll. There have been so many carrots dangled. I am the fourth person in line to move into days so there would either have to be three shifts added or the others would have to decide they would rather continue to work nights. I know that one (# 1) has turned it down twice because he likes working nights. # 2 will take a day spot in a second. # 3 I am going to feel-out tonight and see where he stands on the possibility of days. There is someone else starting back tonight that left for awhile. She was ahead of me by two spots but, because of her leaving for six months, I gained six months on her seniority-wise and now I am ahead of her by about four months. It's like the cosmos are making it line-up for me. I am a big believer in things happening for a reason and maybe she left for six months so I could move to days? If I get offered the new job I will talk to the current job and find out whether shifts are going to be added for sure. They cannot show preferential treatment because of the Union so a lot would have to fall right.

This is gonna have to end here because I have to try to get some shut-eye. Just a reminder that the new Dirty Laundry Podcast is washed and folded. Thanks for stopping-in. I will blog again tomorrow. I know there will be something on my mind fingers. I hope you have a great night. TTTT...MITM (out)

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