Friday, June 6, 2014


It's like they just deleted the 1 by mistake
I am totally on the other side of MIDDLE-age. Do you know how I can tell? The rising gas prices are driving me batty. Back in my day a gallon of gas was only $1.38. Two weeks ago gas was near $3.50 / gallon and today it cost me $3.83 a gallon. I realize the whole supply and demand and screw the people economic model but I am getting sick of it. What can I do about it? Quit driving? At least one of our vehicles is economic with the fuel (Fiat). We are going out of town very soon and I am happy we have this car. The 4 Runner is great for around town but it sucks gas quite a bit more. Luckily I work five minute from home right now and Cha Cha work out of the house most of the time. I also like how they call it $3.839 so we don't think of it as $3.84 per gallon.What the Hell is that all about? It doesn't show the 9/10ths on my receipt. Turns out that the oil companies make an extra half-a-billion dollars more by adding these 9/10ths.

Speaking of working five minutes away I had an interview for a job today that is about 30 minutes away. It doesn't seem like I am taking the fuel prices too seriously does it? I really would like to work days again. I think the interview went well. I have what they are looking for I think and we'll see what happens. Weird - Escape From Alcatraz is on the boobtube right now and as I wrote that the guard (Spoof) came up to Clint Eastwood's cell and said, "I smell something burning (I don't smell nothin'). Hell, it must be my imagination. Working nights really gets to you after awhile." This film sure is on a lot. I will await the next step and see what happens in the job process. There is lots of talk that they will be creating more day shifts at my current work soon. That would suck if I took this job further away and right then they added a position during the day that I would have been able to get. I wish decisions were always clear and apparent. Clear and apparent danger.
I'm afraid she will haunt me forever
I am getting more and more tiny red itchy bumps all over my body. I have a doctor's appointment on the 19th so I will just wait until then. I know I have at least one ear infection too. Maybe I will die and the work thing will work itself out. I still have some of that prescription cream I got when I was poisoned by Mother Nature so I will use that.

Okay, so I said I would blog yesterday. Those last three paragraphs were written yesterday so, did I technically blog yesterday or is it not blogging until it is published? Blogging is the act of writing I think so, I did officially blog yesterday as promised. I just didn't publish the blog until today. That is provided I don't get called away and I hit the "publish" button today.

I am going to go over and get the oil changed in the Fiat in a few minutes so we can continue to get the best efficiency out of the very expensive fuel. I am headed out of town today to where gas prices are cheaper. I have to get packed and get over to the auto dude. I want to be the first one there so I can get a bit of the old in-out-in-out. I will probably blog sometime this weekend (the real weekend which is also my weekend this week since I have a four day weekend and today is only day two of four). Have a nice day. I will let you know when the new Dirty Laundry Podcast is ready - probably Monday. I guess there are a few inaccuracies in the current show that we will talk about on the next show. Listen and see if you can discover what they are before the next show.

Blog to ya soon. MITM (out) TA!

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