Friday, June 20, 2014

The Word for the Day is - Polyphasic!

It is 19:32 and I should be asleep. I have to be at work in less than 2 1/2 hours. When I got home this Benadryls) and I slept well. I slept from about 07:30 - about 13:00. That is around three hours longer than I usually sleep when I get off work. I think I may go in at 22:00 and see about taking 3 1/2 hours of Comp time and come back home at 02:00. I have that job interview tomorrow and it would be nice to get some sleep before the interview. I don't know why I am nervous about the interview; I don't NEED a different job I just want to stop being a vampire. I could never sleep at night when I worked days for many, many years so I am not sure why I think it will be different this time. I actually sleep better during the day working nights though I break it up into shifts (like DaVinci did). It's called Polyphasic Sleep. I am more Biphasic but that is a form of Polyphasic. That seems pretty self-explanatory. It is my personal life stuff that suffers. We weren't put on this Earth to work. We have been brain-washed to believe we need all of this stuff and have to work to obtain stuff. Soon Cha Cha and I will be empty-nesters with this large home for two of us and Jeff. We will never be able to sell this house because the housing market still sucks. We do live in a college town. I wonder how our neighbors would feel about a bunch of college kids renting our house? The repairs and calls in the MIDDLE of the night would probably not be worth it. We could rent just rooms and keep living here though. Hmmmmm?
morning I took two Bennies (

I think I will break and finish this tomorrow. I am going to try to sleep again. My writing puts me to sleep. You too huh?
Fast forward two days... it was Wednesday when I wrote those last two paragraphs and it is now Friday afternoon so forgive me if I go astray. But when I woke up this morning could have sworn it was blogging day. I had my job interview since writing those paragraphs. I felt the interview went very well and I received a lot of signs that I would be chosen for the position. Here comes the BIG BUT! But, at the end of the interview, I asked several questions and one of their answers turned-out to be a killer for me. I was just confirming that the job was for first-shift as I was told by a company representative before I went in for the interview. They told me that the position opening-up was for first shift BUT they would have to offer that job to someone on second shift and then I would be working second shift. My hours would be 18:00 - 02:00. In my opinion, those hours are worse than my 22:00 - 06:00 that I work now. My opinion is all that counts on that MATTer so, after thinking about it for the night I contacted the Human Resource person and told her, based on the findings of my exploratory mission, I was removing my name for consideration of the position. She was very nice and apologized for the bad information I was originally given and said she would keep an eye out for any positions that would come up to fit my qualifications. I guess that must mean that they liked me, huh? Disappointed but hopeful for several reasons.

What else has happened since I wrote paragraphs one and two? Oh, I had my yearly doctor's appointment. I gained 17 pounds since last year; I thought it was more so I didn't feel that bad about it. And, now I have to have something stuck up my butt and snaked through my intestines next Friday. That is the day we are going out of town to Milwaukee so, I will get drugged-up and be totally cleaned-out (maybe lose that 17 pounds) and be able to get a buzz on less alcohol. Lose-Win-Win-Win. I am glad they knock me out so I can blame roofies on being anally invaded.

Last night Fabio and I went to the Kane County Cougars' game. They are a minor league team affiliated with the Chicago Cubs. It was a lot of fun right up until the fifth inning when the sky opened-up. The weather was great until Miss Gulch flew by. Minor League games are a lot of fun. Greg and I are going to a Milwaukee Brewers' game in a few weeks. They are playing my St. Louis Cardinals. I guess Greg owes me (watching my team) because we went to Wrigley Field last season and watched his team. I hope it rains that night (July 11th). I have been to quite a few games at Miller Park and I have never been there with the roof closed.

Last night, after I got home from the game, I stayed up until 04:00 getting the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast up. I think we may record the next one tonight. We have to get the house ready for painters too; they are coming tomorrow morning.

Today I went and got the building permit for the fence and went and paid the first half of the fence bill (1/2 down). I also stopped by Comcast (if you read the blog regularly you know all about this - if not, you can scroll down and get caught up). They will be out on June 30th to get the WiFi cable buried. I should have gone in and talked to a live person in the first place. Maybe I should wait to celebrate until after the cable is buried. J.U.L.I.E. was out yesterday for the fence. I don't know if J.U.L.I.E. is everywhere so, in case you don't know, that stands for Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators. They locate all of the utilities so you don't hit any wires while digging. Unlike Comcast, all of the other wires are buried.

Looks like we have free Cinemax. That mean it's a free HBO/Cinemax weekend. Now I feel ripped-off because we pay for HBO now. Free Skinamax for the weekend though I guess.
Seriously, the WORLD'S Largest?

I did lots more but this will be good enough for my alibi should I need to recollect where I was and what I was doing over the past couple of days. There's more but, this will get me to those other places in my head. Have a great Friday night (my Sunday). Next weekend I get a four-day weekend so, no MATTer what happens this week, I have that pot-of-gold at the end of my week's rainbow. Milwaukee will probably be packed - Summerfest is going on. Guinness Book of World Records says Summerfest is the World's largest music festival. MTV says' it's #3. Top three is pretty impressive no MATTer what. Ya Der Hey! I am gonna spend quite a bit time in Brewtown over the next few weeks. Gotta love the MIDDLEwest. Maybe we can get Bruno Mars and Lady Ga Ga on the podcast since they will be in town. I am sure they could both use the publicity for their shows.

Thanks for stopping in. Sorry it was so long; boy, I wish I had a dollar for every time I have said that. Listen to the new podcast soon because there will be a chaser coming fairly quickly. TTT (Monday most likely)..MITM (out) auf wiedersehen (getting ready for Milwaukee). Guten Tag!

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