Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wisconsin Fun

It is 17:20 on Thursday evening and the party in my rumpus room is only 15 hours away. In 40 minutes I will drink the stuff that will open the Willie Wonka highway for business. The liquid diet has gone very well. I have had some chicken broth for breakfast and some vegetable broth for lunch and lots of water and a couple of Diet 7-Ups. For dinner I found a chicken broth that has Tuscan seasonings. My hetero life mate Greg told me that my tomorrow may be more eventful than I have anticipated. It is what it is butt but maybe being in a car for a couple of hours immediately following the procedure be eventful. Not like Barbra Streisand singing. I am not really sure why that is always seen as such a big deal and I am not really sure my her name is spelled Barbra either. I like bars and bras are okay. I do prefer au natural but those two words don't really make a proper name when you put them together. Have you ever been to an island bar and they had a bunch of bikini tops and bras hanging from the ceiling rafters? Maybe that is considered a Bra Bar and that's where the name came from (the bras on the ceiling are Bar Bras); maybe she was conceived or born in one of these bars.

Splashdown is now in T-minus 15. I may or may not be right back. I will spare you most the details from here - you're welcome!

It is 02:49 Friday morning now. I am sure doing that a lot lately - starting the blog one day and ending it the next. So far the procedure hasn't been as horrible as my imagination has made it out to be. That is one great thing about having a vivid imagination - things are seldom as bad as you think they'll be. I am looking forward to having this whole thing behind me (pun intended) and having a great weekend. I think the next time they suggest this I may opt out though.
Everybody's internal clocks are different 

Time got away from me again. It is now 01:51 Sunday morning. A combination of things is making my sleep crazy: the colonoscopy prep throughout the night Thursday/Friday, the knock-out juice for the procedure, not listening to the advise of sleeping after the procedure... I have pushed it and I think I am paying for it. They found eight polyps and the doctor said even though that may sound like a lot, that number is very low. He could be lying? If he is I guess that is nice that he wants to lie for me. I don't know why he would lie about that sort of thing considering that if there were a devise that I could type something down and see information about it I would know if he were lying. I guess they do biopsies on the polyps now and see if I have pre-cancer or something. And then, what if they are pre-cancerous? I think I am pretty much done with this kind of thing. Cha Cha will let me know if I can really be done with this sort of thing though. How come spell-check doesn't recognize "colonoscopy?" Maybe that means we, as a civilization, shouldn't recognize colonoscopies.

We have been having a good time in Milwaukee butt (is that the wrong butt/but in this case?) I think I have been a little bit of a party POOPER. I am trying to be a sport but my whole cycle is off. Not only all of that other stuff but, while we are doing the things during the day, I am usually sleeping and I would normally be at work now for another six hours tonight. I am really glad I took the extra day (tonight) off too. We are going to the Milwaukee Brewers' game today at 13:00 and I will be home at a decent time this afternoon/tonight to try to get my sleep cycle back to where it needs to be by Monday night at 22:00. I will probably stay up now until tomorrow morning at 06:00 (though that is 28 hours from now). I know I am probably making this all more difficult than it needs to be butt but, I cannot follow directions sometimes.

I cannot believe it has taken me two-and-a-half days to write this blog. It certainly isn't one of my better blogs. It is now 02:20 and I may try to sleep before we start our day. I am never quite sure where we are supposed to be at certain times. I just wait until I am told what I need to do and I do it. Sometimes that information is wrong or I don't get all the detaials but I am just a foot soldier. There are advantages and disadvantages in that. I am usually the drill seargent screaming at the troops. This weekend I have decided to be a foot soldier. There have been good and bad due to this decision. I am just going to go with the flow no MATTer what the results.

Have a great day. The weather here has been really nice. I think I may have sunburn on my nose and neck a bit because we have been outside in the sun and it has been cool being right on Lake Michigan so I didn't know I was getting burnt. I hope I can go back to sleep for a few hours; I am not optimistic. Thanks a lot for humoring me. I will, most likely, blog again tomorrow if my clock gets back into order. TTTT...MITM (aus).

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