Sunday, July 4, 2010

I Must Break the Cycle (for future generations)

I am not much of a sleeper...I am more of a blogger. Those who can sleep; those who can't blog!

It's weird travelling with my parents again after being married for 23 years and travelling with my own family. As I type this sitting in the little living room area of our hotel room at 2:00 AM here comes my mom...who in the heck is up at 2:00 in the morning? Does she have a blog to compose? I make a church mouse sound like an Earthquake I am so quiet but she wakes up...why the face (WTF)? She's in the restroom now but I bet she'll come out soon and ask, "whatcha' doin'?"

It only took about seven hours to get down here after stopping for gas and lunch...not in that order. My mom is now sitting on he couch next to me and she just asked "whatcha doin?"...OMG!!!!!! I thought I was kidding. I told her, "I am typing my blog." I think she thinks I am speaking Martian. I hope she doesn't look over and see what I am typing. I can't even get 15 minutes to type a blog in the MIDDLE of the night? If you have parents you know what I'm blogging about. My dad is still sleeping near us and she is talking about NASCAR at almost full volume...when in the MIDDLE-south I guess NASCAR should be part of it. Am I trapped in an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond?

As we entered Missouri from Iowa yesterday we stopped in a "town" called Eagleville for fuel and grub. There were two Amish girls in their two buggies selling hand-woven baskets and things near the gas station. They had their horses tied up to the electical/telephone poles. I found that ironic since they probably don't have telephone poles back where they live. Do you think their Amish community would think it okay for them to use electricity in this manner?

It was weird walking into the restaurant and seeing/smelling people smoking at the tables. It's funny how quickly I forgot about public smoking since Illinois passed the law that stopped smoking in public places a while back. I don't miss the smoke. I don't begrudge people who smoke but I don't want to smell it.

I think it's nice how motorcyclists all wave to each other. Do you think people would find it odd if I started waving at all the other people in cars? I think the MIDDLEwest and the world would be a happier place if we all just smiled and waved at each other. On second thought maybe we shouldn't wave at every car...there are a lot more cars than motorcycles on the road and maybe motorists should concentrate on their driving. Let's just start waving at stop signs and stop lights.

Now it is 2:23 AM and my mom is still sitting on the couch next to me.

On the way down here we listened to my parents' country music most of the way. I drove for about 4-1/2 hours and turned the cd player off. On the second leg of my dad's driviing shift they even had a Reba McIntyre book on tape playing (CD). I don't know if this is a Southern theme trip with the NASCAR and the music and the fireworks for sale on every corner and the Southern accents or I am being Punk'd. Okay Ashton got me now let me off the hook.

I have a lot of notes and maybe I will use them to write tomorrow's blog but if I look at my notes now my couchmate will ask me, "whatchu readin'?" and then I will have to blog about that so I won't read my notebook now. I like silence and being alone in my thoughts and blogs occasionally. I can usually get alone time at 2:00 AM. I feel guilty not talking to her so we can wake up my dad by our talking so I guess I will end this blog. ARRRGGHH...

I am right across the border from Kansas; do you think clicking my heels and saying "there's no place like home, there's no place like home" would work or do I need to cross the border? Maybe I should pray for a twister.

Enjoy the fireworks tonight while I try to find size 10 ruby slippers and drive back to the MIDDLE Middlewest form the Southern Middlewest. I will be back in Illinois tonight. Blog you tomorrow when I am not so cranky and tired...I VANT TO BE ALONE (maybe in the shower?)...TTFN

NO PARENTS WERE HARMED DURING THE MAKING OF THIS BLOG!!! - that's not to say what may happen at the conclusion of this blog. (it's 3:06 AM and she's still sitting next to me)


  1. "POS"(parent over shoulder) Matt!

    Loved this one the best! yuck...Reba?

  2. Thanks D.C. I made sure she wasn't looking over my shoulder while I was blogging. It felt like a covert operation. Not only Reba but talk AND music...if I weren't an adult I would be contacting DCFS for child endangerment or cruelty or something
