Friday, November 21, 2014

Taking a Stroll on the 15th Floor

Don't tell Cha Cha but he died here at 50 years old
Cha Cha is doing very well. She ate real food for lunch and is doing good. It is 1703 now so dinner may be coming for her soon. The guy who is doing her vitals now just stopped-by. His name is Marcell (even though spell-check is giving me the red squiggles it is spelled correctly because he wrote it on the big wipe-board at the foot of Cha Cha's bed. Anyway, we started talking because he is shy just like Cha Cha and I are. Some how Bernie Mac came up and we found out that he died right here in this room (I swear that come up in our discussion). Maybe we could do the podcast here tomorrow and see if we can get his voice on the show. Cha Cha thinks the hospital would not like us recording Dirty Laundry Podcast here. Why? Marcell went on to tell us all of the people he has met in the 18 months here has been there. He has met Mayor Rahm Emanuel. It sounds like the Secret Service comes and does sweeps occasionally since POTUS comes to town every now and then since his home is here. He talked about some baseball player that used to be a Chicago Cub and "played shortstop" but Marcell is not a baseball fan and then said, "his nickname is Mr. Cub." I said, "you mean Ernie Banks?" Marcell said, "yeah, that's his name." He named some other people that I didn't know (rappers...). It makes sense since this is a big city so I suppose there have been lots of people we all know here. I wonder if the Secret Service gets to use the staff elevators and ride with doctors like I get to because I do what ever the hell I want to do. Thanks Obama!

She will definitely have to have the stent removed but they are going to keep an eye on her blood count all night tonight and then make the decision in the morning. I will head home tonight and come back in the morning. My guess is she will not going to come home too early. With my FMLA being approved until the end of the month I know I will continue to use some of my vacation days to take care of Cha Cha and getting myself back to normal. Now that I am not in charge of Cha Cha's health monitoring I will be sick and exhausted. I have been parked in the lot across the street for over 24 hours. I am curious how much the bill will be for this one. When I got here yesterday morning I had to drive all the way to the top (Louis Armstrong) but that was literally on the top and it was outside so I went down to Billie Holliday so, if it snowed, I would not have to clear off the snow.
Two of the greats have watched over my car for about 20 hours

Cha Cha told me that, while she was out with the morphine one of the many times, she dreamt about bubbles and cake. She also said she had a dream about her Great Grandma Rich. I never met her because she was gone before Cha Cha and I met. Morphine should be legalized.

I am gonna end. I still have lots of notes about non-medical-related items that I have been thing about and maybe I will finally get to some of that stuff tomorrow. I may take a little nap before I leave here. I am planning on heading back about 2100. The traffic should be died-down by then. Thanks a lot for stopping-by. If you are new to the blog because of Cha Cha's health reporting I hope you stick around after she gets her parole. I hope you have a great night. Thanks again for all all of your thoughts and encouragement and prayers and meditating for Cha Cha and I. I don't know if I would have made it without you. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

1 comment:

  1. CORRECTION he Died in the icu of this hospital not this exact this room
