Friday, November 14, 2014

Adventures in Doctorsitting

Movin' On Up the East Side
I am still blogging from Cha Cha's hospital room at Kishwaukee Community Hospital in Dekalb but the next time I blog it may be from Rush Copley Hospital in Aurora. I have mixed feelings because they, in my opinion, as you will find if you read the blog from a week ago yesterday but the first visit was Wednesday the 6th, they are the ones who cause all of these visits with stabbing her liver. If you read that blog you know that I was very vocal about this with the nurse there. They sang and danced that it was just a coincidence but she had not had a Crohn's Disease flare-up in two years (remission) until they stabbed her. If we do get sent back there, and I would say it is 80% that we will, I may go down and visit that nurse. I hope I will talk myself out of it before then because I know the only thing that will come of that is me getting more agitated and maybe getting thrown-out of the hospital. The reason that I think it is a good idea to go to Aurora is that her two regular doctors, who know a lot more about this and her history, are in Aurora and can treat her directly. This whole doctors cannot talk to other doctors or go to other hospitals thing is all about the money. As you well know, the entire medical industry is about money, money, money.

Maybe I will just turn this blog into a medical blog. I know they like to make money so maybe I could monetize the blog with their advertisements for their cures that don't work. Ironically, I would use the money I make from the advertisers and use it to pay the bills they are going to send us that me may or may not pay depending on how this all turns-out. Essentially, they will be paying their own bills. I further know that these clowns will always give me plenty things to blog about.

Cha Cha is sleeping right now or I would not be blogging. The morphine makes her sleepy. I had morphine when I got my big toe chopped-off many years ago and I remember loving that stuff. She has had lots of cool sounding drugs since she has been here.

The nice thing about being here at this hospital is that, when she falls asleep at night, I can go home and sleep for a bit before coming back. The other hospital that they are, most likely, going to transfer her to, is about 40-45 minutes away. My parents live close to that hospital so I guess that is an option. I may consider a hotel too. I love staying in hotels. I am not sure why. Maybe it's because hotels usually mean travel or vacations or romantic weekends and I love all of those things. Cha Cha was supposed to be travelling this weekend with MADYM and Nature Girl down to where Splenda lives but now her travelling is far less exciting unless the morphine makes it exciting while she's out.

Last night I had another of those out-of-body experiences I have blogged about and we talked about on Dirty Laundry Podcast Load #162 (that link in red goes directly to that specific show). This time I  was looking through the eyes of Butch Patrick. But it wasn't the young Eddie Munster Butch Patrick it was the one who dresses like Angus Young (Eddie Munster) from time-to-time. Who is next Brandon Cruz? All of the people I transfer to (or whatever it is that I am doing) are famous people mostly from my yute. Cha Cha got to see me have two of the "episodes" (ironic choice of words given all of the people I have been inside of) today. I just had another a few minutes ago and it was right after I scratched my nose near my nostril (no, I was not picking but what is wrong with picking your nose anyway? we all do it) and then my stomach got upset and the floodgates opened to me almost transporting into blog knows who. Somehow I got this one under control before I became Mrs. Brady. Maybe it has to do with stress or lack of sleep or the combination thereof? Maybe I am borderline schizophrenic which would explain a lot? It is really weird though. I am leaning toward I have watched too much television throughout my life. I may have to write a script or something about a blogger who has a habit of transporting back into television shows he watched as a child to solve murders or right history or something. Kind of a Quantum Leap meets TV Guide. I think it is cool when I get "inside" these people but the queezy feeling I get in my stomach and the burning in my nose is not that cool.
Butch Patrick of AC/DC

Alright, they have a room ready for Cha Cha Rush Copley so I had better start packing her stuff for transport. I will be the mule that follows the caravan. I wonder if I stopped by work they would let me use one of the new interceptors? If that were the case the caravan would be following the mule. I am sure I will have more time to blog again within the next few days. Tonight is my Sunday so I am supposed to go to work tomorrow night but I doubt that will happen. Thanks a lot for all of your support of Cha Cha. She sees all of your kind words and we both really appreciate everything.

Turns out I ran out of time to post this at the last hospital and things got totally crazy. It is now 1857 and we are at Rush Copley. Cha Cha is in LOTS of pain now - must be something about this hospital. There are nothing but sick people here. Now I am out and should have been hours and hours ago TA!

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