Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Time To Make the Donuts (or incisions or patient's beds...)

We haven't seen any of these 100 yet, apparently 
It is 0419 on Tuesday morning and we are going on a week now. I always have to look at the calendar to see what day it is but Cha Cha is in a worse time-warp than I am. The surgeon was in yesterday and asking her about this whole saga and she said something like, "when we go here on Saturday..." when, in-actuality, she had been here since, I think Monday, after being in the other hospital prior. The only time she has been outside for over a week if to be transferred from Kishwaukee Community Hospital to the ambulance and then from the ambulance into Rush-Copley Hospital though their ambulance transfer area at Rush is sort-of inside. That makes a lot of sense for bad weather. I noticed that that piece of crap Provena Mercy Center in Aurora's ambulance area had the capabilities to be enclosed too. I sure didn't ever expect this blog to turn into a hospital review blog. I know I have reviewed lots of restaurants and bars but maybe this is what old bloggers do.

Speaking of bars - the last two mornings I have woken-up and felt like I was hungover. I have not had a drop of liquor for (very long pause as I think) quite some time. I cannot even remember. I guess that proves that I am only a social drinker and my only social life these days is to converse with nurses and doctors and radiologists and anesthesiologists and kitchen workers... Other than by electronic means I have not even talked to any of my coworkers for over a week. There have been some people stop by from Cha Cha's fan club to visit and I do talk to them and sign an autograph here and there.

So, now the ERCP is scheduled for 1630 today (about twelve hours from now). I will believe it when I see it. Jill had lots of anxiety yesterday when 1630 rolled-around and then Dr. Siegfried (that really is his name) came in and told her the news about the procedure being put on-hold for 24 hours because of a doctor golf tournament anesthesiologist issue and a car accident or some bologna. Then the other doctor called and I asked him why they couldn't just do it later in the night and he said something to the affect that they like to do procedures while there is a full-staff in the hospital (I assumed because of complications...) I appreciate that if that is the truth but I am skeptical and think maybe they would rather be home watching Gotham or something. Guess what... SO WOULD WE!!! But then why do we have to wait until 1630 again? There are lots of hours in the day before 4:30 PM.
"High Anxiety - it's you that I blame..."

Yesterday Jill's brother Tom (the Lost Sock if you listen to us on Dirty Laundry Podcast), MADYM (our best gal pal and Maid of Honor or Matron of Honor - I have never cared to learn the difference) came on her own birthday, one of the best neighbors/friends we have ever had (Lisa  N. W.) all stopped by to see Cha Cha. Fortunately we have a lot of other great neighbors too but Aurora is a long way from our hood! Cha Cha got flowers from her work friends yesterday and it is starting to look like a greenhouse in her room. My parents have been up, Fabio (Noah), Splenda (Chloe all the way from the bottom of the state). ..I know I am missing some people but I will remember right after I post this and feel like a heel. Please forgive my sleep deprivation blogging. So many people have sent her their love via emails, texts, Facebook posts... She and I are very touched and humbled by all of the love sent our way. That is quite a feat to humble me so, congratulations on that!

I am going to leave the first blog of the day and I will write at least once later today to keep you updated. I think writing, even though the subject MATTer depresses me, helps me relax. I feel kind of like a war-time correspondent these days writing from the trenches. Please continue to keep Cha Cha in your thoughts - she still needs us. Off to make it a great day for Jill. TTT later today...MITM (sober and out) TA!    XOXO

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