Saturday, November 8, 2014

Waiting and Washing

I am so happy it is Saturday (my Monday). I have had the last four days off and I am ready to go back to work. At about 2300, when I have been at work for an hour, I know I will think differently. The last four days have just been action-packed with doctor visits. We don't have any news on any of Cha Cha's tests yet but I imagine we will hear everything tomorrow. As long as we were at all of these medical facilities I had some blood-work done just so I could feel like I was part of the whole deal. My doctor said I needed to have tests (blood) done before my next appointment (I do not even have an appointment scheduled nor do I know when he will hold my meds hostage until I do) so I went ahead and let them have some of my blood as long as one of the places where we were was where they do those tests. I did get a call back (I would rather have had a call about Cha Ca's tests than mine) and they said everything looked great and my cholesterol was down to where it should be and I should keep up the good work. I am not sure what work I did to accomplish this but I guess I will keep it up anyway. I just hope we get as good of news when they call us back about hers.

I do not know why I am writing on your Saturday. I am doing LOTS of laundry today and maybe blogging and watching Eight Men Out is good to do while washing clothes. I am totally caught-up on our regular laundry but there are LOTS of things that we are going to take to Goodwill this week and I figured I would wash it first. Most of the stuff that I will take are things that Fabio has outgrown. Clothes for a 5'9" dude don't look very good on the same 6'4" dude unless he's looking for a Jerry Lewis-look. If you need clothes let me know within the next day or two. I'd be happy to give them to you if you need/want them. I will probably not be ready to go until Thursday or Friday; I will give Fabio the chance to go through them first to make sure he keeps everything he wants within reason. I always seem to be doing something with Dirty Laundry (podcast).

Now that I blog about it I am not that excited about going back to work.

I am gonna wrap-up so I can get a few more things done before I catch a few winks at about 1700. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I probably won't write tomorrow but I will most likely blog again Monday. Thanks a lot for stopping-by. TTTMondayish..MITM (out).

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