Friday, November 21, 2014

Chameleon in the Middle

I can get anywhere, anytime - I'm a chameleon 
Before I forget for the tenth time, I will let you know about my escapade of finding Cha Cha's room after the ambulance brought her here and I came later I think that was Wednesday. Remember, this place is hugemongous (it's not just huge and it's not just humongous) which is why I coined the term airmallportspital in one of Wednesday's blogs. Anyway, I walked-in and had no idea where to go so I just went anyway. I have always known that if you look like you are supposed to be somewhere nobody will question that you do belong there. So, I got in a Staff Elevator on the second floor of the hospital. There were only 13 buttons of floors I could choose from. Of course, I chose 13. When I arrived on 13 I found a different elevator and traveled up the next two floors. The stairs required me to have to use a Prox Card but, since I was just pretending to be staff, I did not have one of those. I did see one later on someone's coat and, had I been so inclined, I could have me one of those now. I guess I do sort of this thing for a living so??? I didn't learn until I went back down to eat that I was probably the best mole/spy this hospital has ever not seen. They give the card out on the first floor and the second floor and there is someone at a desk by the elevators on all other 13 floors to make sure you have your badge yet, I made it to Cha Cha's room without contact with one person. My services are for hire if you need my very special set of skills.

It is now 1102 and Cha Cha is sleeping very well. Of course, they keep coming in and checking on her (vitals, weight, turn off the beeping IV...). Supposedly, rest and apples are the best medicines but she doesn't get much of either. She is better than I am - I would say that I was in pain so I could get some more morphine just to sleep. She is in a bit of discomfort but, compared to what she has endured over the last two weeks, this is nothing apparently. The last time she had pain medicine was 2255 last night. We still haven't heard when she will be getting her stent out. I hope they give us some warning so, if we are going to leave today and come back later, I would like to start getting her stuff together; that is what a good PA does. We don't have much here but I need a task. I noticed last night, when I wasn't on-duty as Cha Cha's consigliere (though I am always on call), I was getting really tired and I was feeling a bit run-down. I will probably be sick for awhile after we are done with this ordeal. Maybe I will be using all of my "continuous FMLA" through November 30th just for me to get well. I will have a lot of the last part of December off too because we go down to minimum staffing and my seniority that I will probably be above the Mendoza Line and will be able to be off.

Don't tell Cha Cha but I think I am going to throw down a couple of duckets for tickets to I Love Lucy On Stage. When I was getting her stuff at Marshall's and Walgreen's yesterday, while she was in surgery, I walked-by the Bank of America Theater and saw that it is playing there. She was always a big fan of Lucy and I know she would like this. I am off Friday nights and I see they have tickets available for one of the Friday nights while the show is here.  I would go now but I know as soon as I do the doctors will walk-in and I will be gone.
Mum's the word!
Maybe I will take a nap in this chair. It only partially reclines because people were stupid and couldn't figure out how to use the recliners so they had the foot parts that are supposed to go up incapacitated. Who doesn't know how a recliner works. I got the story though. If you need intel or to be snuck into someplace just let me know. If Cha Cha were more daring we'f be able to get into I Love Lucy for free dressed as dancers at the Tropicana (I assume they will have scenes there); maybe I should do my homework first. Prep is about 80% in my line of work.

Okay, I am just rambling now. I will blog again later today/tonight either with news about Sleeping Cha Cha or just some notes from my many pages of blog note. One day we will be getting back to Dirty Laundry Podcast I hope. TTT?...MITM (out)... maybe I will just take that nap. TA!

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