Monday, November 17, 2014

Dr. Siegfried I Presume?

I just did the math and I have a total of 37.36 days worth of time accumulated that I can take off and still get paid. My goal is to use as few of those as possible but the medical industry and Cha Cha's innards are challenging me on that goal. So far, with this battle, I am up to taking eight days off but, since we are paid a week or two after we work, I have more hours that will be added to my 37.36 paid days off. This is too much work. After we get out of here Cha Cha and I are going to get healthier than we have been since we met way back in 1983. She has a head start being on an IV and only having ice chips for days and days; I need to... I have no idea what I need to do because the doctor headed into Cha Cha's room so I scooted down there without finishing that sentence. I am down in the end lounge again because MADYM is here visiting with Cha Cha and I came down here because they cannot talk about me if I am there and I know everything is about me so I left. Plus we guys all know that you ladies only talk about: purses and jewelry and perfume and vaginas and stuff so I would have been bored.
He looks different in person but this explains the cold hands

The doctor that was there was Dr. Siegfried. I know I make things up here and there for comedic or dramatic purposes but those are usually pretty obvious or I let you know. This guy was really Dr. Siegfried. He discussed the ERCP which is just over an hour away (it is 1518 now). They are not sure how long it will take. I am torn whether I should stay here and sleep in that reclining chair in her room or I could go get some new shoes and some food? We are close to the outlet mall and they have a Nike and an Adidas and a few other shoe outlet stores. I would call them tennis shoes but is that what they are called these days? Mr. Rogers called them sneakers and I kind of like that. I am glad MADYM is here; she is helping take some of the anxiety away from Cha Cha's noodle I think. The Lost Sock is going to come up a little later too. Our former neighbor Lisa came up earlier; it was great to see her. She even brought a Subway gift card for Fabio.

I am gonna break-off now - it is almost 1600 and they are coming soon to prep Cha Cha. I will blog here again before I post this installment or blogstallment or whatever this has become.

Lots of time has passed and you are wondering what happened with Cha Cha's procedure. Well as the time got closer she was quite anxiety-ridden and they gave her something to calm her down. The nurse told me that there was an issue with the anesthesiologist and the ERCP was going to be delayed. Cha Cha was already upset and now she has to wait until later? A little bit later the phone in her room rang. I answered it and it was the doctor. Turns-out a large car accident occurred and all of the available anesthesiologist were dealing with that and Cha Cha had gotten put-off foe 24 hours. Now we will have to go through all of this again tomorrow night. Good news is she got to have ice chips and morphine again - LUCKY!
 I am not sure such a thing exists actually!!!
I am trying to stay strong but, man, I am tired. Jill's brother and MADYM are in the room with her now and I am in the fairly quiet end lounge. I may have to turn on the television just to stay awake. I just went out and got Cha Cha some headbands because she cannot fix her hair as easily when she is hosed-up like a marionette. Man,is it cold outside. It was 13 degrees and windy. I hope that wind is going from east to west when I am headed home for my nap I could use the extra MPG.

I am going to wrap this up. I have plenty more times to report on the never-ending saga of Cha Cha and the Liver. If she didn't have a liver problem I would stop and get her a nice Chianti and some fava beans; I could still get her the musical fruit I guess. Have a great night. Stay warm. I will blog again in the morning. Sorry you will have to keep your praying and good thought going for at least one more day. Thanks for all the love. TTTT...MITM (out)

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