Thursday, November 27, 2014

I am Thankful for YOU!

I would say that I am an optimistic person which is why I can remain thankful and hopeful when things seem to have been pretty bleak in my little part of the world for the last month or so. Today is the day in America that we are told to be thankful - Thanksgiving. It is difficult to express all of the things that we are thankful for in this house. I am so thankful for so many things but just about every one of those things surround people. I am most thankful for my family, friends, bosses and neighbors. If you are reading this right now I consider you in that "most thankful for" category. I am especially thankful that Cha Cha is still alive. There were two or three times over the past month that I actually thought she was going to die. At moments like that nothing, and I mean the real NOTHING, mattered. You hear about that and see that and read about that but, until you are faced with that actual feeling, you cannot really understand the helplessness. I have seen death many times but nothing quite this close, I will be thankful for whatever time I have with Cha Cha and my family and friends.

I am also thankful that I have a stuffed-up nose and chapped lips. I used to hate those things but now it doesn't matter so much that I am getting sick and cannot breathe through my nose. I know that I am going to be faced with deaths of loved-ones and liked-ones and not-so-liked-ones (unless they are faced with mine first) but, in the meantime, I am not going to sweat the small stuff so much. I say that now but we'll see how successful I am. I believe that it's the economic and political systems and the media hype in our worlds that make us lose sight of what is important. I don't need to go into detail on my thoughts about that - you either understand now or one day I am confident that you will. I predict lots of changes in my life coming soon.

At 0156 this morning I heard three loud knocks. I wasn't certain if the knocks came from my bedroom door or the window. I was on the second story of our house so the window theory was highly unlikely. There is a tall tree outside the window so it could have been branches blowing against the window. I called-out "come in" but nobody came in so I got up and searched the house. I went from room-to-room checking on all of the sick people in the house and they were all fine. I had always heard that three mysterious knocks meant someone had died. With all of the close-calls I feel that I have been around lately I was concerned. I had always heard that 3:00 AM was when most evil spirits wonder the Earth. It has something to do with Jesus being crucified at 3:00 PM (the devil's hour, the demons' hour, devil's time...) and 3:00 AM being the opposite so spirits are let loose for that hour. I know 01:56 AM isn't 3:00 AM but with daylight savings time on and off all the time who knows if 0156 is really 0256? Or what time is it in Jerusalem (I never really put Jerusalem and Salem together until right now - eerie). I know all of that stuff is poppycock but I entertain my mind with it anyway.

Immediately when I woke-up to the knocks I thought I was in the hospital. I must have been sleeping very soundly for the first time in a month. I immediately wondered why I was in the hospital bed. Had I just woke from a coma? Where is Cha Cha? Where are the kids? If Cha Cha is still in the hospital am I in a different room? What about the kids? I began wondered how we would be billed for all of these hospital rooms. I must have had a pretty wacky four hours of sleep.

I baked the pumpkin pies this year so, hopefully, there will be no additional hospital visits today. Jeff and I are the only ones still on our feet. I am only on one but Jeff is still on all four. I hope you have a great day with family or friends or at work or alone or wherever you choose to be. I welcome you over but make sure you wear a hazMATT suit. I will probably blog again tomorrow TTTThen...MITM (out) TA!

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