Sunday, November 16, 2014

What Day is This? Not Discharge Day

I cannot believe it isn't even noon yet; it is only 1146. I am STILL at the hospital with Cha Cha. I didn't even know what day of the week it was until I heard a doctor asking somebody in one of the other rooms if he was going to watch the Bears' game today. Since he said "today" and not "tonight" I will assume that it is Sunday and not Monday or Thursday. Incidentally, I was in the hallway; I am not creeping around people's rooms. It is now 1214 (took a bit of a break there to get the television figured out) and Cha Cha is down for another MRI. The doctor decided to put the ERCP on hold because Jill's liver numbers have improved even though she has LOTS of pain in the liver area. I have seen her in a lot of pain from time-to-time in our careers together and this is one of the worst that I have seen. Since the pain is in one particular region of her anatomy he and I (and Cha Cha) agreed that the less-invasive procedure was the way to go first. If that does not show anything she can have the ERCP tomorrow; regardless, she is still here for at least another night.

Splenda had to head back to school because she has class tomorrow, the snowy weather will make her and Andy's drive a bit longer and they have a mandatory meeting tonight at one of her three jobs. It was very emotional because she feels like she is leaving her mama when she needs her. Are we seriously getting to the ages where our kids feel they have to worry about us? She got my worrier gene.

I hope there is a shift-change here soon because Cha Cha's nurse right now is Ms Swan. Her first name is Hyun. I have very good hearing and I have always been able to understand and interpret almost every broken-English dialect I have ever heard but Ms. Hyun Swan (I do not know her real last name) has really tested my broken-English-to-English translation skills. The last time she was in here with Cha Cha I turned the video part of my phone on so I could record her speaking with Cha Cha. I wish I had thought to start the recording earlier because it was funnier at the beginning. I will not play it here because I did not have either partys' consents to record it and it will be funnier on the show if we ever record another Dirty Laundry Podcast.  I tried to translate Swan to Cha Cha but I could only make out about 87% of what Swan was saying so maybe Cha Cha is down having an sex change? I will love her him no MATTer what.
but he cry-a like-a baby!
Consoling Cha Cha and coming back from walking Splenda to her Jeep earlier was probably the saddest I have been in my whole life and I have been pretty damn sad before. Cha Cha said some things to me regarding her condition while we were alone that I will not share that lit the fuse and then, watching her and Splenda say goodbye and seeing Splenda drive away, were tough. Yes, I cried when Old Yeller died. In actuality, I tear-up very easily but I hide it pretty well until I tell everybody in my blog that I do it and they all start watching me from here-on-out. It is usually movies that make me have to pretend to itch my nose or rub my eyes. Sports movies and chick flix mostly.I don't actually cry I just tear-up. It is generally sentimental things not people dying and stuff like the things that make normal mortals cry. This time was a bunch of different factors; I am sure that very little sleep over the past week has not helped much. I am dog tired or bone tired depending on which one is more tired, I could tell that total strangers walking the other way, people who had never seen me before, could tell that I was sad.

I am sorry to all of my Words With Friends friends. I have not felt like playing for however long it has been since I last played. I will probably not feel like playing for awhile. Maybe I should play because I may get some pity-words played against me.

Well, it's 1300 now so I will end. It's been awhile since she left and I may have to go rattle some stethoscopes and see what is going on. I know that some people are actually reading this for Jill updates so I will keep updating and throwing my other nonsense in here-and-there. Words of encouragement and love keep coming in from people from all walks of our lives past and present. We appreciate every single one! Cha Cha doesn't feel like answering many but I read them to her and she sees them and always smiles - you are probably helping more than the doctors are. Love is all you need. A lot more efficient than Hallmark cards and we don't have to feel guilty later when we throw them away.

I may do a third blog today later depending on what transpires. I am dog tired and may take a nap since Cha Cha is back in the room and, thankfully, she fell asleep. Keep happy thoughts in your mind and heart (if you can have thoughts in your heart) for Cha Cha. Enough sentimentality from me for now - time to put my war paint back on and go get some answers. TTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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