Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cha Cha Update (not a happy one)

This is going to be a quick one but I feel I have to let you know what is going on because you have been so supportive. I got here at 1030 after 2 1/2 hours of traffic and Cha Cha was already gone. I went out to the nurse's station and her doctor was there. He told me that there was still active bleeding so, instead of the ERCP that was planned for today she was having and angio-something or other. I kind of stopped listening as, maybe a defense mechanism, my brain was performing. All of this was started by them stabbing her at Rush Copley in Aurora - I think it was exactly two weeks ago today (I wrote one week but Splenda saw this and let me know I was off so I corrected it - holy crap this has been going-on longer than I thought). The doctor at Kishwaukee Community Hospital acknowledged that, the doctor that was treating her at Rush Copley Hospital when she was admitted there acknowledged it and the doctor here at Northwestern Hospital mentioned that it is the cause of this. So, we had better not see one bill from any of these people or there may have to be other steps taken on our parts.

Just in case you were planning spending time with us for the holidays you may want to change those plans. Cha Cha said yesterday that when she gets out of here she is planning a cruise or an island vacation for the Helsers (minus poor Jeff). Life is too short to keep putting it off.

That is all for now. I may blog later when I know she is out of surgery and doing fine. I may do mini-updates on my Facebook page just to keep you in the know of your friend Jill.

By the way, that saddest moment in my life I wrote about a couple of days has moved to number two now.

Later MITM

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