Tuesday, December 9, 2014

You Can Check Out Any Time You Like...

Good morning and welcome back to Blogville; I have missed you. I apologize for not starting today's blog until 1049. You must be wondering about Cha Cha's status. We finally got sprung yesterday at about 1700. Actually, we are not really sure when we were officially discharged. Some lady came in and told us that we were getting discharged; we had never seen her before. We had seen hundreds, literally, of different: surgeons, gastroenterologists, nurses, medical techs, housekeeping people, nutrition people, interns, medical students, security guards, resident physicians, anesthesiologists, records people, allergists, cardiologists, radiologists, urologists... a am sure I am leaving out several "ISTS." I apologize for any department I may have left out. Anyway, I mentioned it to our nurse at the time, Erin, and she said she hadn't heard that Jill had been released. I said, "the lady gave us her card." I went back to the room to get the card. I returned to the nurses' station and showed Erin the card. She told me that she had never heard of the person or the name of the doctor that put through the orders that I had written in the card. She asked all of the other nurses in the pod and nobody had heard of the lady or the doctor either. The lady did not look like Alan Funt or Ashton Kutcher. So, all systems we on hold. Two of the doctors that visited is very early in the day said that we could get released if we wanted to and we all agreed that was the best course of action so it had to be related to that in some way. Long paragraph wrapped-up we got released and they told us "we don't kick you out you can leave whenever you want." Previously it seemed more like " you can check any time you like but you can never leave."
Drive over the speed limit or I'll blast ya!

So, we left about 2000 to allow outbound Chicago rush-hour traffic to be over.  I drove much slower than I had for the rest of the week, primarily because Cha Cha was with me and she is my Jiminy Cricket, and his is the time a State Trooper pulls me over. I was in the far left lane going by slower traffic, just barely above the speed limit (seriously). Some car comes right up my ass (I mean within about four feet) and rides my ass. So, I slow down a little and then the asshole shines a bright light (like a really bright flashlight) at me. I continued at my rate of speed and then, all of a sudden, the bubble gum machines go off (red and blue lights light up the universe). Bright lights blinding me... I pull over and the State Trooper walks up to the car. He gave me some bullshit about how the left lane is for passing only (which is what I was doing before some jerk- him - rode up my tailpipe) and needs to be left open for safety vehicles. If safety vehicles have their lights on because they are performing a duty that requires them to be somewhere expeditiously I would immediately get over. Did he need a Big Mac at the oasis up ahead or was it near his end of shift or did he have to poop?  I was very respectful and listened to his lies as he told me "this could cost you $125 (blah blah blah)" and "this is just an educational stop only..." He never asked to see my license or my proof of insurance. Cha Cha and I could have been wanted for something and he just let Bonnie and Clyde go free. Whenever cars are pulled over they should ALWAYS run the tags, licenses... Remember Capone was put-away because of tax evasion. So, I guess I was pulled-over for not speeding enough. It is nice when you don't have to reach into your bag of tricks to get out of a ticket.

Cha Cha is still feeling pretty crappy. I think the thing that is going to help her the most by being home is that she will not be woken-up every hour or so to: get lab work, have blood drawn, get vitals taken, receive medicine/shots... (Heparin cannot be given though IV's). It is also nice just being in your own bed. Last night I slept in Splenda's room so my snoring wouldn't disturb Jill. We bought a new MATTress for Splenda's room right before she came home for a visit last time so it was pretty nice. Maybe I slept so well because it is only night that I got a decent length of sleep since mid-November. I will probably continue to sleep in there until I go back to work.

Speaking of that I finally got an email from HR saying that she got the letter from the doctor and they are extending my FMLA. I do not know what date it is extended to but I am guessing she will type that up and email it to me. If I do not hear withing a couple of days I will contact her again.

Okay, I made two store runs this morning and have to do my third now. The first one was to Walgreen's for Cha Cha's meds and on the way home I stopped by Schnuck's to get a few food items we needed. So, I made Cha Cha her lunch and now I will go across town to get some of the big things (both size and quantity) we need. I might blog later but, since my responsibilities have grown exponentially, I may not have time. I think I should contact the NIU Nursing Department and see if I can offer one of them students an internship to be my assistant. Working beside Nurse Matt would look pretty pretty pretty good on a resume. Thanks a lot for continuing to stop-by and checking on Cha Cha; go ahead and put that on your resume'. I will vouch for you. TTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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