Monday, December 22, 2014

A Few Set-backs?

It is 0244 and I cannot sleep. I am sad or depressed or something; I sure am moody. If you have read the blog for awhile you know that I feel this way every 28 - 30 days or so toward the end of the month. I hope I reach MANopause soon. At least I have never had to MATTstruate. I am tired but I cannot sleep. I will probably try again in a bit. I am watching one of the best movies of all time - The Godfather 2. I am sure you know this but this film gained Robert De Niro an Academy Award for  playing Vito Corleone; the only time two actors had won the award for playing the same character (Marlon Brando had won for The Godfather). Did you also know that De Niro was turned down for the role of Sonny Corleone in The Godfather? Maybe I can never sleep because my head is so full of useless information that it doesn't have room to hold a dream? I need to purge some of the useless stuff I have in there.

Jill had a few minor set-backs health-wise yesterday but we believe she is back on track. We are learning lots of things about how to deal with what is going on with her. We know lots more than most doctors we have encountered over the years. Most of us know about our own health better than any doctor could; it's like knowing all of the idiosyncrasies of all of those junker cars we had when we were younger. We had a lot of growing/learning pains when we first discovered she had Crohn's Disease back in 1983 or 84 . Actually, I cannot remember when we knew exactly what she had but we knew she had something wrong with her way back then. Isn't it funny how you don't see many junker cars anymore like we did 30 years ago?
They spoke loud & clear since you are gone

It is 0305 now. Maybe I will go lie down again and see if I can sleep since it just said "INTERMISSION" on the screen of The Godfather 2; it must be a good place to pause the movie and a sign from the slumber gods. The film gods were speaking to me. I will continue this later.

I saw where Dish Network dropped the Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network because they could not come to terms with them contractually. What a thoughtful holiday gift for their customers. What will that lame-brain Elizabeth Hasselbeck (insert many other names here too) do now? We have DirecTv and we are very happy but I would be even happier if they did that too. It would open-up a couple of spots for something that isn't hateful like the Puppy Channel or the Kitty Channel. I am not sure if we even have those Fox channels and I don't even care to look. It is funny to me that Fox is so progressive, cutting-edge and liberal with a lot of their programming and yet so regressive, antiquated and conservative with other programming like their news programming. They should change their name to the Yin and Yang Channel. How will these people survive without this "fair and balanced" news coverage he blogged sarcastically? I guess Fox is trying to bullying Dish back by threatening to raise what they will charge for their sports programming. Maybe they should have Kim Jong Un broker this deal - he gets things done. Okay, now it is 0316 and I am really gonna break here.


I slept for a couple of hours until Jeff decided he needed to go outside and began barking. He usually barks only when he hears other dogs barking near-by so that is probably what happened. I know he instigates as much as he follows the other barking so I have to accept it for what it is. I wish they could just shut-up and get together and play poker once in awhile.

Splenda comes home tomorrow for a couple of days for Christmas. Jill and I are very excited. We are also excited and very proud that she made the Dean's List this semester. We are all going to see Mary Poppins on Saturday. It does not look like Fabio is going with us; he failed to ask off of work so he has to work. Maybe he chose not to ask. Do 18-year-old guys want to see Mary Poppins? It disappoints me greatly. Lucky for him I am not Michael Corleone because look what happened to Fredo when Michael became disappointed.

When I was shopping Saturday for all of the last minute stuff I typed (by voice) some things in my Inkpad App on my phone: "I hate shopping on the Saturday before Christmas. I have an excuse this year; I have been in and out of hospitals for the past couple of months. Not that things would have been different had I not been."

I could not believe how many people were wearing camouflage clothing while shopping. Were they taking breaks from their deer hunting?  Did they tell their mates they were hunting and they went shopping - sneaky. Just so they know - the camo doesn't work inside stores. I found it funny that they were also inside Target! Did you know that John Cazale, who played Fredo, was dating Meryl Streep when he died? Their story, while he was dying of lung cancer, reminds me a lot of what Cha Cha and I have gone through during her illness. Ours is having a happier ending though thank goodness.  **John Cazale, who played Fredo, was in The Deer Hunter though I remember more plaid than camo** 
Every photo I found was just like this one - customerless

What is the deal with MATTress stores? In my town in the MIDDLE of nowhere surrounded by cornfields we have at least eight or nine mattress stores. I am talking about stores that sell exclusively mattresses and their accessories. These places have to be a cover for something I think. I never see anybody in these places. Are they bookies? Are they a tax write-offs (someplace to show a loss for the fat cats)? A front for the mob? I did not see any lines outside of those stores on Black Friday. I should get a job at one of these places. I could take naps to demonstrate the products, I could... Okay never-mind I cannot think of other things to do. I would have lots of time to blog and work on my novel I guess.

Okay, I hear rumbling upstairs now so somebody is awake (must be Cha Cha since Fabio was up until 0400 killing zombies or Nazis or something). Have a great day. Thank you for stopping-by. Only two more blogs until Christmas. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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