Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Life is a Juggling Act and I Plan to Keep My Balls In the Air

Seriously, what else have we?
I am seven days and 19 hours from finally going back to work. I can tell Cha Cha is getting sick of me. I am sick of me most of the time so I am surprised it has taken her so long. Imagine being me and not being able to leave. I think I must be tolerable in small doses. Maybe I am great when you are on pain killers or under anesthesia? I am good in disasters. Cha Cha is at about 60% physically and about 52% mentally; she is still depressed with not feeling like she wants to feel. We did more walking than usual yesterday trying to build her stamina and, while we were walking, she was fine but, when we slowed-down, she was exhausted. I am not pushing her; she is deciding what she can and wants to do and I just go-along for the walk. There were a few times when she would wait in the car as I ran the errands. She really wants to build herself back up but, it does not make sense to push it so far that she slips back the other way.

Splenda will be home today and we are very excited. It is probably about eleven hours before she gets here but, other than Jill getting better, we have not had much to look forward to over the past couple of months. That makes me wonder, "what have we had to look forward to?" I know we looked forward to her getting discharged from the hospital - that was a huge one. We look forward to her feeling well; we're still working on that one. Splenda coming home - scheduled. We looked for our date night at I Love Lucy - that one went okay but, had I known that she was going to be fresh out of surgery, I never would have planned that one. Christmas and Mary Poppins and then we have little to look forward to again. We will make more things to look for; I am not trying to sound sad or maudlin just MATTer of fact. If you seriously think about why we are really here it is simply to create great memories; what else do we have if you really think about it? There is a reason that you may forget to pay a bill or forget to tie your shoes but you still remember that vacation you took 20 years ago in great detail.

Things like this latest episode with Jill has made it apparent that I need to get my priorities straight again. I have been pretty good at making memories for most of my life but I have slowed-down with doing that. This whole thing has been a sign to readjust and get back to prioritizing properly. Life is a juggling act and I plan to keep my balls in the air. (patent pending, copyright, trademark)

The other day when Jeff and I were creating memories by getting his rabies shot and a couple of other shots and a thermometer stuck up his butt I found some humor in something so stupid. After I got his papers proving that he was current I went to the County Health Department and got his new rabies tag (he is good for three years now). When I got there the receptionist got on the phone and called someone and said, "I have someone out here for a dog tag." Until that point I had never really thought about where dog tags got their name even though it is pretty self-explanatory given their title. That made me laugh out loud. I will never wear my dog tags again without thinking about that.

I am still having a rough time sleeping well. I have been writing this off-and-on for about 140 minutes and it is 0541. I have never been a good sleeper but my world is topsy-turvy. When I go back to work next week I will be about 19 minutes from getting off work right now; I HAVE TO find a daytime job. I wonder if there are any talk show host gigs open; I am qualified and highly skilled for that. Except for the fact that I am not good looking. Aren't we ready for an ugly talk show host who makes us feel better about ourselves and the way we look? I see that Arby's is hiring. Of the many jobs I have had in my life I have never worked at a restaurant. I love to cook and I am great in the kitchen yet I have never done this. Maybe I love to cook BECAUSE I have never worked in a restaurant? I wish I could just write for a living. I like doing this and thinking about you while I do.

Enough of my blathering. I am going put on my cap and take a long short winter's nap. Thanks for stopping-by. I hope you and yours are doing well. I always wish that but don't always say it. I wonder if I will continue to write seven days each week when Jill is back to being her 100% and I am back to work. I think I may - it does me good to get some things out so, thank you for that too. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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