Sunday, December 14, 2014

I Am Ebenezer Grinch - Lovechild!

I may be their lovechild 
I am feeling a little blue today; I guess Elvis would approve of that this time of year. Jill is becoming discouraged and sad because she is not recovering as quickly as she had hoped to. Compared to a couple of weeks ago she is fantastic but, she was on morphine and some even stronger stuff then, so she didn't care so much. She is frustrated that she cannot even walk up and down the stairs without being out of breath. That's what I am here for! Maybe we need to get one of those lift chairs for the staircase installed. I could blog while I ride upstairs. There are times when I am at the store or somewhere and she needs something and she does not want to or cannot wait. I am concerned that the Christmas thing is going to make her even more disheartened. I am not sure what we are doing for Christmas this year but whether we go to her brother's house and my parents' house or they come here it will be too stressful for her. I will wait a bit before I figure out what to do but I may have to be the one to be the Ebenezer Grinch. That is still about nine/ten days away and maybe she will be well enough to handle the holiday by then? Candy canes crossed!

We watched Scrooged last night on Netflix. It is not a very good film but, as far as holiday films go, it isn't that bad. I lower the bar for holiday movies for some reason. There are some really bad Christmas movies. I used to think Scrooged was pretty good but I think I have seen quite a few more movies since 1988.Maybe the messages of love and kindness and redemption and rebirth make them a bit more tolerable?

I am thinking about making coconut macaroons for Christmas. Many times I have made lots of different kinds of cookies but, in retrospect, that seems pretty stupid. It seems like the mess never ends. I think if I focus on one it may not be so bad. Then, I can be known for the MATTcaroons. I just came up with a great name for them - "Say Brainless, Don't You know Where Coconuts Come From Macaroons." I already make pretty delicious guacamole. Maybe I could open a restaurant serving just weird-named foods. I could serve: macaroons, guacamole, spotted dick, bangers and mash, headcheese, wieners, welsh rarebit... Most of the weird-sounding foods are English foods. Thank goodness for Christmas so we have our independence from these weird food names in America.

I am embarrassed to tell you that I am watching Bad Grandpa on Netflix right now. I am even more embarrassed to say that I have laughed at least 1000 times. I am not really embarrassed by that. I thought Jackass was dumb but I have laughed so hard during this movie that I have had tears running down my cheeks. I realize it is a Jackass film and, of course, Philip John "PF" Clapp, Jr. aka Johnny Knoxville stars in it but the ten-year-old boy inside me wants what it wants. It is actually a film (sort of) with a lot of pranks perpetrated by a young boy and his "grandpa" intertwined. The end credits show where they let the people in on the fact that they had been punked. I dare you to watch it an not laugh! I know several people who would not laugh.
My heaven would have an elevator or, at least, an escalator

Since we saw the film Heaven Is For Real we have been looking for a church to start going to that is similar to the one that Todd Burpo (Greg Kinnear) was pastor of in the movie. Maybe a brush with death does that to people just like in films? Jill thinks/thought she had found one up in Roscoe, Illinois but we are not so sure now. Their stance on homosexuals may not fit our criteria. We feel that churches should love ALL people equally and this one is a bit on the borderline, just like they are on the borderline between Wisconsin and Illinois, on that issue. I don't want to be in a heaven that does not give ALL of my friends the opportunity to join me. I would rather not go at all if that is the case because that would not be heaven in my eyes. Maybe this is how people start their own churches huh?

Okay, I have blabbed-on long enough. Please continue to keep Jill in your thoughts; she still has a long way to go. I think we have one of our many, many follow-ups this week. Then I will be able to let you know a professional's opinion though I am certain I have a much better sense of where she is and where she needs to be. I hope you have a great day. You mean a lot to both Cha Cha and I and you will always be welcome in our heaven. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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