Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Big Blogger is Watching

I bought my first two Christmas presents of the year while I was out getting groceries and sundries and the like yesterday. You may be surprised to learn that they are both for Cha Cha. One of them is going to make her so excited that she is going to pee her pants. I wish I would have had it while we were at Northwestern because that was one of the tasks she needed to perform to get released from the hospital (not necessarily in her pants). Ironically, the present that is going to make her pee her pants would not have happened had she not been in the hospital; I would not have known anything about this thing. And, when I located it I found and super duper extra special version of this thing.

So, now I have an ear ache (seems like congestion), a tooth ache (maybe a cavity), a stuffed-up nose and a cold sore inside of my cheek. They are all on the left side of my head except for the stuff-up nose - that is both sides. I knew I would get sick before this was over. I did get confirmation that my FMLA did get extended to December 29th. Let this be a lesson to you youngsters out there - store those days-off like a squirrel hiding his/her nuts for the winter. You never know when you are going to need to go into your reserves.

Splenda sent me a message last week that said it seemed like Facebook knew her mom was sick because the ads on the side of the page were all from 1800FLOWERS. Maybe they just knew she would tell me and her dad is a moron and would blog it to the entire world. I have things like that happen a lot too. George Orwell knew it and we knew he knew it and, despite that, we still let it happen.
 They ARE watching
Cha Cha is still very weak. I don't know how long you have been reading the blog but you might remember me saying that I was going to get tickets to I Love Lucy On Stage as a surprise. Well. I did. I am not sure exactly when I got them but I could scroll back in the blogs or look at the ticket order to see when I purchased them... okay wait a moment...holy moley that was from the blog on November 21st. Back then I thought that Cha Cha would be fine in a week. I continued to scroll back wondering when I turned the blog into me being Cha Cha's personal Press Secretary/Public Relations firm and see that I began this blogging journey on November 6th. Wow! So, anyway, we have tickets to go to this show in Chicago this Friday night. I see that the theater the show is at is where Harry Houdini performed in Chicago in the 1920's. I do find several variations on this story. It may be like the old "George Washington Slept Here" stuff?  It was The Majestic at the time but now it is Bank of America Theater. I am a huge Houdini fan so that is a big bonus for me. I do not know if Cha Cha will be able to walk much so I am considering several options. Take the train and then a cab from the station? Limo? Just drive and drop her at the door and then go park? Stay at a hotel near the theater the night before? I may just be too sick and we will have to give the tickets away? The theater is not too far from The Art Institute of Chicago so it is in a well-populated area with plenty of hotels...decisions, decisions I am so tired of decisions. At least this time it supposedly isn't a life decision.

Well. who knows what horrors today has in store for any of us? Hey, "store" reminds me that we need birdseed. I cannot believe I remembered that; I don;t seem to be able to remember anything. I just asked Jill about Thanksgiving. Then I asked, "that's the day we went to your brother's house. right?" I hope that I am just overly exhausted and fatigued and I haven't crossed the line into old person senility. Luckily, I already wrote that I need to get birdseed.

Cha Cha just told me that Mary-Ann Mobley died yesterday. "She had Crohn's Disease" came next. Well, she lived to be 75 years old and she died from breast cancer so, that's a pretty long life. Especially with two diseases. She was married to Gary Collins until his death. When he died does that mean she wasn't married anymore? Obviously, since people get remarried after their spouses die. That's why they have to say that "'til death do you part" part.

Okay, I have to end. I need something at the store (oh yeah, birdseed). Have a great day. Thanks for stopping-by; I am delighted not to have much of a report on Cha Cha today so far. I will NOT blog again today;) TTTT...MITM (out) TA! cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze. Now I have a scratchy throat too. DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

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