Thursday, December 11, 2014

We All Have Our Own Bailey Building and Loans

Cha Cha is much better than a Porsche
Yesterday we got the bill from our first visit to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The "service date(s)" reads 11/19/2014. I think we may have to make a call to see what Jerry Lewis is up to these days. Jerry had been on prednisone for several years just like Cha Cha so we have an angle. We have the break-down of the bill and I wrote it all here but Cha Cha convinced me that talking price is boorish and rude (my words not hers) so I deleted that portion. I cannot wait to get the bill for the big surgery where they removed twelve inches of her intestines and she stayed longer. I will just say that this money would have got me that 2015 Porsche Cayenne S Sport Utility that I have had my eyes on. See why I have always said we wanted to move to Canada? This almost doubles the amount I had to pay to park at the parking deck across from the hospital off-and-on for a month. I suppose we ought to play the lottery this weekend. I am certain the insurance will cover all of it. The winter of Que Sera Sera continues.

This home-care business is exhausting. How come whenever I feel like this this time of year I always equate it to George Bailey? I have always related to him. I imagine that is part of the appeal of It's a Wonderful Life; most of us either see ourselves as George or strive to be more like him - I do both. I suppose Jill has been my Bailey Building and Loan Association. My main purpose has been to keep the building and loan open and you, by reading the blog and being behind us and with us, made that possible. We all have our own Building and Loan and it changes from time-to-time.

I slept pretty soundly last night in a very chilly room covered by lots of blankets. I think I like my head and face cold but being warm from neck to toes. I was really stuff-up nasally all night but that's why we were given mouths. And you thought they were for speaking. The last couple of nights I dreamt (there is another word that Spell-Check doesn't think is a word - you are not that bright sometimes Spell-Check). I remembered my dreams for a few minutes but then they were gone for good. I remember last night's was a quest dream and it had a happy ending (behave) but for the life of me I do not remember the specifics. It was probably the cure for Crohn's Disease. I usually have a notepad next to my bed but I am not sleeping in my usual spot so as not to disrupt Cha Cha's slumber and I was ill-prepared. I will have paper and a writing utensil with me tonight.

The dishes and clothes are already being washed. There should be a machine that would be able to do both of those functions at the same time using the same water. There would be separate compartments for the clothes and the dishes but they could be washed simultaneously using the same water. I think the water be used for the dishes first because nobody wants water to pass through their tidy whities and then going to the plates and glasses and silverware. Somebody smart go ahead and work on that and we will partner-up when the thing takes-off. Where would we keep it? Kitchen? It would be nice to have the dinner table to fold the clothes on. It would actually increase the living spaces of our homes. Hey, speaking of that - we still have not recorded and new Load of Dirty Laundry Podcast. I know we will sooner or later.
Not exactly what I have in mind
Tomorrow is the I Love Lucy thing. I still haven't decided on our game plan. I am leaning toward going down early and having dinner near the theater so Cha Cha doesn't need to walk far. I am also contemplating renting a wheelchair for her. I suppose I should figure all that out today, huh?

Alright, I have lots of stuff to get done and other things to figure-out so that'll do it for today. Thank you, as always, for stopping-by. I really appreciate you! Have a great day. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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