Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sometimes 97.9% is 100%

Why did we like this station again? Oh yeah, the music
In the blog I wrote earlier today I said that I was 97.9% sure that I was going to stay in Chicago tonight. That percentage was not an arbitrary number. For you Chicagoland peeps, especially the MIDDLEaged ones like me, that number may mean something to you. One of the parts of driving in here and back out to home is that I love to drive when I can blast the music as loud as it goes. When I was a teen we always listened to 97.9 FM (there's that number) WLUP - The Loop. Where we live now, way out in the STYX toward Iowa (maybe I should have said Kansas), the station doesn't always come in very clearly so I have loved that part of the drive. And, it is ACDeCember on The Loop; I am a big AC/DC fan. They played Thunderstruck and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap back-to-back. I heard a lot of my favorites from when I first started driving and many that I still like today: AC/CD, Rush, Van Halen, Kansas, STYX, ZZ Top, The Doors, Queen... From listening to all that music I have come to the conclusion that the two best rock bands of all time are AC/DC and Queen. You may say The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles... but you would be wrong. Okay, maybe The Beatles.

Cha Cha is sleeping now, She had some tomato soup for lunch and she actually ate that. The foods they were giving her when she was on the liquid diet were all sweet things and she didn't want all sweet stuff. After her soup she has some vanilla ice cream. She was pretty pleased. Then we went for a stroll around the 12th floor without having to have an IV tree in tow. After that we went into the bathroom and I washed and conditioned her hair. And then, because the job was not complete, I blew her hair dry (with a blow dryer smarty). I didn't know if I should have said "blow dried" or "blew dry" so I went with "I blew her hair dry." I felt a lot like George Roundy or The Zohan other than my job ended with DOING the hair.
I was kind of in a panic for most of the day in my mind today. If you remember the blog from December 4th I blogged about how Cha Cha entrusted me with her rings right before she went into her main surgery. I even added a photo of me wearing the diamond ring I put on her finger during the surprise renewal of our vows in Hawaii. It was a surprise renewal because I was afraid that if I asked her to marry me again she may have said "no." You don't have to take no for an answer if you don't ask a question. After she got back from that surgery I put the rings "someplace safe" so I would remember and so I wouldn't lose them. I told here where I was putting them just in case I forgot. Guess what? I forgot where I put them. It isn't like I have had anything else on my mind this week (or for the past 30 days). I did not want to ask her because A) she was on morphine or something when I told her where I was putting them B) I didn't want her to worry because she needed to focus on healing and C) I knew that I would eventually remember where I put them. After she went to sleep, after I got her all gussied-up, I went down to the car between Neil Diamond and Tony Bennett and got my overnight bag because the 97.9% chance of staying here tonight turned-into a 100% chance. I was in hopes that I put the rings in my valet thingy where I keep my toiletries and such. Cha Cha gave me that valet thing for my birthday so I suspected, given how sentimental I am, there would be a link there. I went and got the bag, got back to the room and the rings were there. Whew, And she never even woke-up.

I wonder if we will ever record another Dirty Laundry Podcast? We have LOTS to talk about but I feel like we live in Chicago now and that life seems so long ago. The last show we posted was November 3rd.I guess that really isn't that long ago but I cannot seem to remember anything but doctors and healthcare and IVs and hospital gowns and listening to television from a thing that looks like it should be hanging from your car window at a drive-in theater. I do like living in the city but I would like to be able to take my baby to a show or to dinner.

The Lost Sock's artistic work
Speaking of living downtown I have received a couple offers to stay at peoples' apartment here in the city. One of Jill's friends and former boss Tricia offered to let me stay at their place the first time we were residents here at Northwestern as well as when we came back here for this stay. Also, last week, our former next-door neighbor Jenn offered to let me use her boyfriend's apartment down here because he stays in DeKalb quite a bit. Those were both incredibly kind offers but I would feel weird doing something like that. I know they were both sincere offers and I hope I didn't offend either of them. It is just one of my weird hang-up - I do not want to impose on anyone, ever.

Last night The Lost Sock (Cha Cha's brother and my brother-in-law coincidentally) and The Found Sock (coincidentally both Cha Cha and my sister-in-law) came down here to visit with Cha Cha. They may be coming again tonight with Cha Cha's sister Heather. Since it is already 1621 on a work day I am not sure whether or not that is still going to happen? I sure hope they don't interrupt my sitting-around here waiting to help Jill.

Okay, Cha Cha is awake so I will end now. Thanks for stopping-by. We both continue to appreciate you and all of your positive thoughts. I hope you have a great night. I know I will blog in the morning unless, on some weird chance, they whisk us out of here. They never seem to do anything quickly in hospitals though. If they tell us at 0800 we are leaving we will probably get out of here by about 1400. My bet is we will be here until Tuesday. TTTT...MITM (out) RX

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