Friday, December 12, 2014

Nobody Says Catawamous Anymore - WE LIVE IT right now!

Luckily I didn't need to use a flash because that would have drawn attention to me
I forgot to mention that when we were in the hospital Cha Cha had to walk around the halls regularly (the walking part I did mention). I am not really sure why they make them walk but I imagine it is for many reasons: blood circulation, exercise, sense of purpose, to make sure they can get around at home... The last couple of days when I would walk around the 12th floor with Cha Cha there were several people walking at the same time. Previously it had just been she and I. As we would pass other people we'd see them walking very slowly kind of shuffling their feet. I realized it was like we were extras in The Walking Dead. Most of the people were leaning on their wheeled IV trees and they were wearing the loose gowns that were partially tied and all catawampus (there's another word that spell-check doesn't know). Their hair was all messed-up. Some had hair sticking out to the sides. Some had their hair sticking straight up in the air... They were sort of dragging and shuffling their feet because they were so weak. Their faces were all contorted in different ways. Some were in obvious pain, some appeared very tired or drugged-up... Almost all of them had a look in their eyes like they were near death or half asleep or just back from the dead or wishing they were dead. Cha Cha broke character and laughed when we discussed it. Zombies don't laugh - there is nothing funny about being a zombie I am guessing.

There was one of the ladies who worked in housekeeping at Northwestern Memorial Hospital who made me feel a lot less manly. I have seen lots of women with a hairy upper lip but that lady took the caterpillar cake. She must have had DNA from: Frank Zappa, Gene Shalit. Geraldo Rivera, Borat, Charlie Chaplain. Hulk Hogan, Rollie Fingers, Burt Reynolds, Richard Pryor, Sparky Lyle, Tom Selleck, Ned Flanders, Sonny Bono, Cheech Marin, Sam Elliot and Freddie Mercury all rolled-up right below her nose. I admired the fact that she didn't even try to shave it or tweeze it or cover it with make-up. Why do you suppose that it is frowned-upon for women to have hairy legs or facial hair? Yet another double-standard against women. I could get used to hairy women in time I think.
Taking care of hairy women at home? 

This at-home care business is rough. I cannot wait to go back to work so I can get some rest. I am considering carry-out food from here on out because all of the cooking is making me have to do the dishes two or three times a day. I am trying to do the Hugh Hefner wardrobe-look around the house so I don't have to do laundry as much as I do dishes. Tonight there may be a problem with the pajama thing since we are going to the I Love Lucy show. I have never been a Lucy fan so I could wear my pajamas and sleep there too as far as I am concerned. Jill Loves Lucy. I do not Love Lucy. I bought the tickets while were in the hospital early-on thinking it would be a short sickness/malady - I was wrong, as usual. I always found Lucy to be pretty annoying, truth be told. But, I love Cha Cha and Cha Cha loves Lucy so Lucy it is. I liked Fred Mertz and Ricky Ricardo. I am going to try to get a nap in before we go so I can stay awake during the show. I hope this will not be pushing Cha Cha too hard. Health comes first so, if we have to leave early or nor even go so be it. I will let you know if we have two free tickets available. They were pretty expensive so I would rather not eat them.

I am getting sicker and sicker all the time. I know I am not getting what Jill has, thank Blog, but all of the running-around over the past month with very little sleep and lots and lots of worry has really taken it's toll. I am just worn-down. Maybe we should have a big QUARANTINE sign out front. I will be fine; I am just whining. I feel better already just complaining.

I finally got to see Nebraska on Netflix last night while cleaning the kitchen. We got a new DVD/blu-ray player for the bedroom since Cha Cha will be laid-up for awhile but we don't have HD in the bedroom so we put the one from downstairs up there and the new one is down here. I didn't know you needed HD for blu-ray; I used to be so techie back in the day and now I am just a doddering MIDDLE-aged boob. The new player has a feature that lets us watch Netflix right from the player. We were already big Netflix watchers but now I don't have to hook the laptop up to the television anymore. I haven't tried yet but I wonder if I can get HBOgo on this thing too? I knew I would like Nebraska but Cha Cha thought it would be a downer. I would not say it was a downer. I would say it was kind of sweet actually. I didn't realize Will Forte and Bob Odenkirk were even in the film. So is Stacy Keach and Opie's dad Rance Howard. I recommend it highly. I will see if I can get Cha Cha to see it. Now I am watching Tombstone for the 457th time while I make Cha Cha's breakfast; I love this film. When I was young I always wondered why my dad liked westerns and military films so much. As I got older, and did the same, I think I have found that it is something that just happens when boys become men; right around 16 or 17 years old. It is by genetic-design I think.

Okay, I have blown enough gas for today already. Thank you for stopping-by. I normally have not written the blog on weekends but, until Cha Cha is back to normal, I will continue to blog on weekends too. Not to mention that I am sure you will be wondering how I Love Lucy Live On Stage was/is. I had better figure-out our game-plan for tonight here too. Have a great Friday and Frinight. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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