Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Finally the Game Plan for Cha Cha's Surgery Tomorrow

Cha Cha enjoying liquid lunch with a view
It is already 1239. I went home last night because the checks still need to be written to pay the bills, the laundry still needs to be done (most stuff I bring home from here at the hospital from both Cha Cha and I) and, mostly, Fabio is a lot like me in that he always prepares for the worst. Even driving in here off-and-on for the past month I have been prepared for the worst. I am always like that with driving though. I am hyper aware of my surroundings and I have dozens of scenarios going on in my mind all the time. "What would I do if that guy started to come into my lane?" "Which direction would I try to go if I blew a tire?"... I could go on for 700 paragraphs on what I am prepared for. Maybe that is why I am on blood pressure medicine? 

Why is it so difficult to say "Helser?" Cha Cha has a medical student here interviewing her. I think they learn from patients here - what a novel approach (listening to and learning from patients). Both the student and the lady drawing her blood right now while Cha Cha tells her life story called her "Ms. Hesler." My mom has always gotten very upset when people say Hesler; you would not believe how often it happens. It doesn't ever bother me. The only time I will correct someone is if it makes a difference, which is not very often.

It is now 1429. There has been a lot going on. I set Cha Cha up so she could see out both her northern and eastern windows. Oh, I failed to mention that... before I went home lat nine so, around 2100ish, the nurse came in and asked Cha Cha if she would want to switch rooms to a corner room. She started the sales pitch of how the room was bigger and had more windows (Cha Cha loves the light and the views) but then she said they have a man who isn't doing very well and the corner room is further away from the nurses station and they would like to keep closer tabs on him. As soon as Jill heard that she said, "oh, definitely." She was not totally sold by the "bigger room and the windows" but as soon as she heard that this man, who she does not know and will probably never meet, needed more care she immediately said, "oh absolutely!" People keep sending me messages about how lucky Jill is to have me here for her and that sort of thing but, I am the lucky one. However, you who have told me that are very perceptive and intelligent - just kidding. I think that most people who are faced with this sort of thing just step-up and do what needs to be done. I do, however, appreciate the kind words. When we moved from 1309 to 1306 I was hoping they would send up the bell captain to move the stuff for us but it turned-out that was me. They were nice enough to get me a cart to roll the stuff down here with though it would only have taken two trips.

Just as I wrote that last paragraph some dude named Dan came in. He left his card but his entire name doesn't really MATTer plus he may not be prepared to handle the popularity being mentioned in Matt In The Middle would thrust on  him. I will mention that his title is Patient Experience Manager. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Another sign that they really do care here. You can see why Cha Cha has already decided to change her primary physician to one of the doctors that she has met here. It won't' be long before we are renting our house to college students and living here in downtown Chicago.
It is really cool at night (will take a pic)
It's odd how two hours have passed since I started writing today's blog. I hope people aren't thinking the worst because I had not posted this yet. You know I would be thinking the worst because that's what I do.

So, Cha Cha is back on a liquid diet and I set her up facing out the corner windows with a view of Lake Michigan (east) to her right and the John Hancock Building view in front (north) of her about three blocks. She was happy to watch the traffic and people while enjoying a delicious lunch of: chicken broth, red Jello cubes, ginger ale, cranberry juice, a frozen lemonade Italian Ice and hot tea. So, not having ate myself, I went down to the same place I have eaten every day that we have been here, GRK Greek Kitchen. I didn't get a punch card last week because I didn't realize we would be coming back this week. So, I got one and told them the story and they punched for all the times I ate there. The manager and I have gotten to be acquainted. Whenever I walk in they yell, "Norm!" That was for my friends Barb and Rock who have called me Norm for the past 20 years or so. Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows you name or a name that isn't offensive. And now that Cha Cha's doctor will be here I think I will be able to get the 11 punches I need to get a "free Greek meal by the end of 2015. Or. depending on how things go, by the end of the week. I also stopped at the Walgreen's down in the Mall of America downstairs and got some nose spray for me - I know I am getting sick. Anyway, as I veer off in a totally different direction... when I got back Cha Cha was in the bed. She is feeling nauseous again and they gave her something and she is sleeping so I can blog. She was just doing great two hours ago.

I am too lazy and tired to scroll-up so, in case I didn't mention the other things that delayed my arrival today - I stopped and bought Cha Cha a new fizzy robe. She had requested a pink one but they didn't have pink so I called an audible and went with turquoise (pretty much the exact opposite of pink). I hope you don't have an old black and white monitor because those pink and turquoise boxes are just shades of gray to you. I also stopped and got her some more socks as she wanted. She requested a toothbrush and toothpaste so I got those - the free ones are not for more that one day it seems. I forgot what else but I did her shopping and delivery.

With the weather being niceish I drove the Fiat in today. That car is so much fun to drive. I wish the temperature was warmer so I could have lowered the top. The convertible open in the city is really cool for seeing the buildings and such. I brought it in so I could get a good parking place because they have spaces with signs that read "small cars only." Apparently, some people think that Nissan Armadas and Hummers are considered small cars so they park in those spots and take up two of those small car spaces. I know logistically  it would be a nightmare but they should tow those a-holes out of there. First, I suppose, they would have to be more specific on what a "small car" is. I did, however, manage to get a good spot on the sixth deck now that I am a little more seasoned on how to look for spots in that garage.
Tomorrow's surgery game plan

I have lots of note but maybe I will write again tonight when Cha Cha is sleeping again. She is still out now but if this is too long people will stop coming by and that would be a shame. So, I will probably blog again tonight. I will end with what is going to happen medical-wise for her here tomorrow...

Tomorrow (I think I may have told some people that it was Friday but it is, in fact, scheduled for tomorrow - Thursday) they are going to cut Cha Cha open and remove the piece of intestines that has been causing us (mostly her) misery since our first date at Jill and Jim's (The Found Sock's sister and brother-in-law) house where she vomited most of the night and I sat and held her hair. See, she was already training me for today 30 years ago. She has often told people that she new that night that I was a keeper. We had always been told that if they removed that section the Crohn's Disease was damaging it was 100% that it would move somewhere else and eventually she would have no intestines. Now, however, either the technology has changed so they can stay on top of it (as the doctor explained) or we finally came to the place that we should have been sent to when we were 19-years old). Anyway tomorrow, late afternoon, they are going to remove that section and splice the healthy intestines together. Jill is super excited - seriously. In that photo there the dark black line on the lower left is the cut/removal area.

Okay, it is 1544 now. I just had a special request from my patient to shave and moisturize her legs so I did. Maybe I am part of a new hidden-camera reality show to see what all I will do. Whoever is our opponents are gonna lose because there is no limit. Like I said, maybe I will blog again tonight but certainly will at least once tomorrow. Thank you, as always, for your love of Cha Cha and your tremendous support. You really mean a lot to the both of us. TTT?...MITM (out) zzzzzz.

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