Friday, December 5, 2014

Eat Poop Pee

Which floor or room do you imagine we are supposed to be in?
As we were getting ready to go down to Pre Op yesterday we were told that we would be moving to room 1202 after the surgery. So, I got a cart and put all of the stuff that I had packed earlier yesterday (before the surgery) and headed down to the 12th floor with all of our belongings. I felt like Tom Joad from The Grapes of Wrath with all of our belongings loaded on our truck (the cart) headed to a new life. So I made the trek out West (the 12th floor) while Cha Cha was still in Post Op and went to room 1202. The room was a mess. The bed was torn apart, there were crumbs from someone's dinner all over so I went to the nurse's station and a nurse came down to the room with me. She said the housekeeping people must have been in the process of cleaning the room and left. I pretty much had come to the same conclusion in my preliminary investigation. She took my cell phone number and said that she would call me when the room was ready. So, I headed back to the corner penthouse - room of 1306 and parked the cart there. We were citizens of two countries but exiled from both. I went down to the mallfeteria and got some dinner because I was lightheaded, my vision was becoming blurred and everything was spinning. I went back to 1306 and exercised squatter's rights and ate while watching the Cowboys - Bears game. Then, after writing last night's blog while watching the game, I went back down to the 12th floor. There was no change in room 1202; it was exactly as it was a couple of hours earlier with crumbs on the tray/table and no sheets or blankets on the bed... Cha Cha did still have her bed from room 1306 with her though. So, I went back up to 1306 and finished watching the game while fighting to keep my eyes open and waiting for Cha Cha. I really was hoping that the whole "possession is 9/10ths of the law thing" would take precedent because that corner room was great he wrote the next morning from room 1202.

It is 0646 the morning after the operation. The medical team was in here about thirty minutes ago and they seem pleased about Jill's progress. They were a somber serious bunch; maybe they have been up all night. Cha Cha is sleeping very soundly and, save for the interruptions throughout the night to check on her, it was a good night. The doctors said that the section of her intestines that the targeted and removed was definitely bad and needed to removed. We had no doubt that would be the case as we knew all about that section in 1983ish. We are so excited that medical technology has come far enough that they felt it was safe and prudent to finally get this predator out of Cha Cha's body. We don;t know what will come from this operation but we are excited to find out. This entire experience, though it is still far from over with her recovery, has brought two best friends even closer than they already were. The next couple of months will probably be very trying with the recovery but we are both extremely hopeful and excited. We do not know when, but the stent will still need to be removed in the future too, Right now the question will be when she can come home. They mentioned getting her up walking today. I wonder if she gets to take that little black button the releases her drugs into her system home with us; we should all have one of those devises.
Paul GiaMATTi as Abraham Zapruder
There is a film on Starz right now called Parkland. I am writing that here so I remember the name of the movie. It looks really good but I have joined it in progress. I just checked Starz' (or would that be Starz's?) website and it isn't on again until January 5th; I hope we are not still here then. Who knows, blog forbid, we may be back here then (maybe for the stent removal though I believe that will be outpatient surgery). I will check Redbox first. The film is about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I have always been fascinated by that day and John Kennedy in general. Maybe it is common to have an affinity for the person who was the leader of your country when you were born? The film stars several great actors: Billy Bob Thornton, Paul Giamatti, Ron Livingston...Hey, Parkland was the name of the hospital wasn't it? Curiouser and curiouser.

I feel better this morning with some sleep. It wasn't great sleep because I was sleeping on a sort of half couch thing and it was as cold as Helser in here plus people kept coming in off-and-on all night long to check on Cha Cha but I think I could have slept on the Titanic last night. Last night I felt like I was going to pass-out. I was light-headed and felt really weird (yes, I know that I AM really weird). Things were spinning and blurred in and out. I think the adrenalin of all of the events over the last month or so was keeping me going and when the fight or flee defense mechanism was deactivated my body started to send out warning signs of its own. I did not feel like I was going to have one of my episodes where I jump into the head of a celebrity again though.
We are filming the sequel  - Eat, Poop, Pee

Th surgeon just came in and said if Cha Cha can "eat, pee and poop" she can go home. Currently she has a catheter installed and she has a luscious breakfast consisting of: chicken broth. hot tea,  yellow and orange jello cubes and apple juice on the tray in front of her and she fell back asleep.  The doctor also said she will probably be in here for the weekend and perhaps though Monday but her body will tell us when that time is here. He also said that they removed about twelve inches from her intestines and everything went very well. Twelve inches sounds like a lot to me but he said that is not all that uncommon. We will need to come back to see him probably next week and he is not concerned about the stent and said they could be removed in a week or two as long as it isn't causing any problems. He seemed very optimistic and hopeful but, how many doctors have you had that are negative? Oh yeah, she also will need to be walking before she can walk out of here even though they will wheel her to the car. So, overall, the situation looks optimistic but we have had that thought before (there I go with my expecting the worst and hoping I am wrong).

I am going to wrap-up and help Cha Cha eat. When I say help I do not mean I will eat any of her food because that would be counterproductive if we got all the way home and she started eating and came back here again in another ambulance. Cheaters never prosper. That used to true but there are lots of billionaires who have cheated their way to wealth in my opinion. I imagine I will blog later with the pooping. peeing and eating statuses. Though she is better than she has been this has been, and will be. a roller coaster ride. I predict we will get out of here on Tuesday - I hope I am wrong and we are gone Sunday. Thanks a lot for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers it has meant a lot to both Cha Cha and I. Have a great Saturday Thursday Friday and I will blog you later because she cannot stay awake and I need to stay busy. It's like her body has been through some kind of traumatic ordeal or something. TTTT (or later today)...MITM (out) TA!

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