Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mr. Blogs' Wild Ride!

Too Soon?
Last night while I was in the shower I thought of a great Halloween costume; an NFL replacement referee. I am still working on the particulars but the idea is there. I don't dress for Halloween unless I go to a party so I just am throwing it out there for you. Now this morning the the labor dispute is over and my million dollar idea is gone. All it takes for a labor dispute to end is for a terrible call and then someone will cave. I checked out the calendar and being off Tuesdays and Wednesdays is going to pay off this year (literally). Halloween is on a Wednesday (I am off but don't get paid because it is not a holiday though I feel it should be). Christmas Day and New Year's Day are on Tuesdays and I will get paid while being off...woohoo!!!!

I heard that driver-less cars are actually on the roads in California. These cars are gonna hurt the airlines and the trains. I can sleep in my car all the way from California to Maine? Does it pump its own gas or do I have to do that? Does it know it is getting low on fuel and pulls into a station and wakes me up? Maybe if you are a gas station owner you should get on this one. Bring back a full-service station that will pump the fuel and charge the gas to a credit card that you keep on file in case your car decides it's thirsty. I sense a whole new bunch of jobs coming because of this new way to travel. Will a self-driving car be able to do restaurant drive-up windows? I have a whole bunch of questions.

Dog The Bounty Hunter's show got cancelled from A&E and now CMT is picking him up for a new show of his. It makes more sense that, with that mullet, he'd be on Country Music Television. The new show is more of a "how-to" show. Dog and Beth will travel around the country (maybe the world?) and help bounty hunters fine-tune their businesses.

Speaking of wing-nuts did you hear that former Chicago Bears' quarterback Jim McMahon is showing signs of early dementia? I hate to sound mean but, in his case, how would he know? From the sounds of how he describes it I think I must be showing the signs or early dementia too. He says he gets text messages, reads them, erases them without responding and then he forgets who the messages were from (done that). He meets people and right after they leave he wonders who they were (guilty). When he's home alone he's usually sitting in a dark room watching television unless he comes out to get something to eat (often). But he's also busy all the time making appearances... It sounds more like he's getting old (he's 53 and I am only 49). I don't even have 70% of the memory I used to have and I was not an NFL quarterback getting hit in the head all of the time. You're getting older dud and you faculties are failing you; it's part of the Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! Just hold on tight and use it to you advantage.

Speaking of Mr. Agitator's Wild Ride the new Dirty Laundry Podcast is up and you can find out how old you will be based on listening to this week's show. I need you to do that so I know which friends of mine will be around when I outlive most everyone I know. I was very surprised how long I am supposed to live; I had always had a feeling that I was going to die younger than that. It doesn't say that I'll have all of my faculties just that I will still be breathing.

Some parts I still really like!
I am still verging on being sick I think and I don't think that Hepatitis B shot helped. I have always heard that a flu shot is a little bit of the flu so your body builds up an immunity to it so it makes sense that a Hepatitis B shot is a little bit of the Hepatitis B virus I suppose and if I was already teetering on being sick maybe that just added to it. I am getting a side-order of scratchy throat.

I am going to quit now but one parting thought. I am watching Modern Family right now. I used to really like this show but now most of the characters are getting on my nerves. Most of the actors that were cute when they we little kids are now extremely annoying; you can tell in real life they get their butts kissed. They are really terrible actors though when they were younger I could overlook it. I predict this show will be gone withing two seasons (I am usually wrong but I keep putting myself out there). Not to mention that they will all start wanting too much money and it won't be worth it anymore to do the show. That's all I've got to say about that. TTTT...MITM (out to take a nap like a 80-year-old). TA!

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