Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Schweddy Balls Are / Is Back!

It's the MIDDLE of the night (currently 2:23AM) and I cannot sleep. What is the actual MIDDLE of the night? Does night begin at dark or does it begin when PM starts? It doesn't make sense that 12:00 PM is night so I would say night begins at, let's say, 6:00 PM. So, the MIDDLE of the night...wait, we have to know when night ends to know how to calculate the MIDDLE of the night. Let's say day begins at 5:00 AM. So, since night is from 6PM - 4:59AM the actual MIDDLE of the night is 12:29 AM? That doesn't seem right. If that is the case I am already past the MIDDLE of the night.

I love Ben & Jerry. In case you are unaware they are ice cream makers from Vermont. They seem like really good guys who care about helping others as well as the Earth... They have most recently been in the news for making Schweddy Balls ice cream which I could never find. I ached to have Schweddy Balls in my mouth but could not get my hands on Schweddy Balls. I was planning on getting two if I could find them but I could not find a pair of Schweddy Balls to save my life. I would give my right ball (I believe I keep the football on the right) to taste Schweddy Balls. Anyway, Ben and Jerry are suing adult DVD makers (that is a fancy way for saying porn) Ben & Cherry's for making films like: New York Fat & Chunky, Peanut Butter D-Cup and Boston Cream Thigh for an undisclosed amount. I am guessing these were based on Ben & Jerry's flavors: New York Super Fudge Chunk, Peanut Butter Cup and Boston Cream Pie. At least they changed the names. I could have made adult films without changing the names to: Cake Batter, Chubby Hubby, Chunky Monkey, Cinnamon Buns, Chocolate Therapy, Half-Baked, Karmel Sutra, Mud Pie (not that into it but to each their own), Late Night Snack, What A Cluster... I could keep going on but you probably got the idea about 1/3 the way through that.

Yesterday I blogged that I have always liked Bill Clinton. Last night I watched him speak at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and I like him even more now. I am not sure if it's that I really like him or I have  finally crossed that border where I am an old fart because I have never listened to a political speech in it's entirety before. I hope it is the former because I am not ready to change this blog's name to Matt In The Middle Even Though He's Old. You have to respect a man who supports a dude who beat his wife (for the Presidential nomination in this case) and then gives her a job. A More Perfect Union!
I started reading my book but that wasn't helping anything so I watched Varsity Blues on Netflix on my laptop. I have always liked that movie a lot. It's not cinematic genius but it's a good story if you like football. I was hoping it would make me sleepy but it did not. I am happy that I work nights because I can sleep all day if I need to before I go to work tonight. I don't know why I cannot sleep. It must be the whole vampire thing rearing its head again. I gotta say I love the night better than the day and maybe subconsciously I prefer sleeping during the day. Since I began working nights my length of sleep has increased once I do get to sleep. I seem to sleep more soundly during the day for some reason. Less distractions with everyone else at school and work I think. Maybe it's the whole man of the house having to make sure everybody else is safe deal? As long as my coffin lid is closed tightly while it's light out I am good to go! For some reason a Bloody Mary is sounding very good about now.

I should probably try to get a few hours of sleep before I have to get Fabio up for school. If I post this now will anybody actually get to read it? It will be about four hours old before many of you are even getting out of bed. I am going to read my book for a few minutes and then sleep until 6AM. Then, while I am making Fabio's lunch (I wish he would just eat hot lunch like the rest of his kind) I will post this. Maybe I will even add something more if it comes to me during my brief slumber. It is 2:46 now so TTT...just after 6AMish! MITM (out to try to sleep)

Hey, I slept for 2 1/2 hours...woo hoo. Now here is the blog via time warp again.

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