Friday, September 21, 2012

Wouldn't You Like to be a Blogger Too?

Maybe the only time you will see this ad.
I am so tired of the hyper-sensitivity in America. The reason this comes to my mind is because of a new advertisement (now pulled due to supposed controversy) by Dr. Pepper. Nobody ever has a problem with cartoon animals or produce or usually inanimate objects like spatulas or oven mitts talking and hawking goods but an ad showing the theory of evolution is unacceptable. Shouldn't the problem be with sugary-drinks that have helped to make obesity in America so prevalent instead? In the ad all three figures are well-proportioned and it would have been more believable if they had been a little heavier. Maybe these figures were supposed to be used in the Diet Dr. Pepper advertisement? There are so many untruths in advertising yet this simple photo has caused such fervor.  That makes me think of the "wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too" commercials from the 1970's or 80's. Was that realistic with a huge crowd of people following a dude down the streets of New York City singing and dancing and all getting along more real? Also, I believe in evolution but I am still open to the other theories too. Couldn't it be possible that there are bits and pieces of each theory mixed to make up a truth that we aren't even aware of yet? Now we are hearing that maybe Jesus was married and did you know Adam was married before he was married to Eve? We don't really know much at all as it turns out.

I am still stuffed-up (nasally that is) and I think it is actually me being sick rather than allergies. It's probably due to the weather change and the early fall-like temperatures but whatever. I will get the cold out of the way early and then I can enjoy the sub-zero temperatures of the inter in full wellness.

Cold, rainy weather = meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. I already made the mashed potatoes but then I scooped them into one of those Pampered Chef baking stone pan dealies and threw them into the oven. Cha Cha likes them crusty, which is why she likes me more and more every day. I sprayed the top with canola oil so they get crustier still. Then, at the end, I will turn the broiler on for a little to get the top golden brown. Can you tell I am hungry? I hope it gets done soon because Fabio just came down at 5:15 and said he was going to the high school football game a little after 6:00PM. And, guess who gets to drive him? Winner, winner meatloaf dinner! I sure am talking about meat a lot for a Pescaterian. I wonder how he is going to get home since I will be at work? He doesn't like his friends to see him in the Fiat by his friends so he probably doesn't want Cha Cha to pick him up. It's odd because the girls all love the car and then they talk to him a lot...he hates any kind of attention; I hope he gets over that by the time he is in the NBA (I know that probably won't really happen but if it does I will sound really wise except the part where I wrote "that probably won't happen" and then I won't...).
Cold weather comfort food

I have to wrap up because the timer is beeping and I have to get Fabio fed and to the football game. Have a great Frinight (makes sense that they have Friday fish fry's but maybe they should call them Fish Fri's? - free marketing tip to you Friday fish servers.) I may blog tomorrow because tomorrow is only my really doesn't feel like Tuesday morning right now does it? Thank you for taking the time you took with me...mucho appreciado! TTTT (82.3%)....MITM (loafing out)!

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