Monday, September 3, 2012

Today's God Damned Blog!!!!

This is a test this is only a test my computer is very sensitive and I don't know why but it deletes all my work when I don't expect it to to. I think it was the tapper on the touch pad. I turned this off now only they buttons work

The above message was typed by Cha Cha while trying to fix my GOD DAMNED laptop (it isn't really broken just haunted and damned). That is not using the Lord's name in vain because my laptop is actually DAMNED BY GOD! I don't know what religious deity has damned it but A GOD HAS DAMNED MY COMPUTER.

I spent an hour-and-a-half writing the blog and then, as I was getting ready to publish it, the entire screen erased and auto-saved and I lost it all.

Maybe Jerry Lewis is GOD because I was railing about him and now I am so furious that I could spit Rupert Pupkin's Tabasco! (ka-ching)

People say that I touch the mouse on the laptop and it moves the cursor... but I DO NOT!!!! THAT IS BULLSHIT!!!! I did not touch the mouse! I wasn't even close to the mouse!

I am glad I have this blog to go postal on rather than actually doing something stupid...everybody should have a blog and the world would be a much better place. So, that's what you get today and if I feel like it I may try to recreate what I spend a portion of my life writing to try to share with you but a pox on whatever/whoever is responsible.... I blame you Jerry Lewis!!!!!


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