Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sometimes We Need to be Clint Eastwoodish!

I just woke up at about 4PM so now I will be up all night. It's usually good because I work nights but then on the nights that I am off I would like to be a regular human. Maybe on my "weekends" I should go hangout at a casino. I think I am more tired than usual today because after work this morning I took Fabio to school, went to get my third and final Hepatitis B shot; it's a requirement for my job. The first was in March and the second in April and the last one was set for September so now I guess I will not bet Hepatitis. Now I can deal with the bodily fluids I have to deal with occasionally without impunity. I am not really sure if "impunity" is the proper word there but how often to you get to use that word even if it's only close to fitting? I wonder if I can get any of the other Hepatiti? Spell-check seems to think that Hepatiti isn't a word but I bet it is...Hepatitises doesn't seem to be correct. Nope, Spell-check doesn't like that one either.

I have always liked Clint Eastwood's films but I am starting to think that maybe he isn't as good of an actor as I had once believed. What do most of his characters have in common? They are: socially awkward, they are crabby or mean, they don't care about anybody but themselves (mostly)... Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, In the Line of Fire, Heartbreak Ridge, Every Which Way But Loose, The Outlaw Josie Wales, all of the Dirty Harry films, Play Misty for Me... I thought of that because I saw a trailer for his new film, Trouble with the Curve, and he looks like the same old crabby dude. Maybe that is why he hangs out with an empty chair.

The NFL Referees Association, the referees' union, is getting it easier and easier in their negotiations with the NFL the longer the replacement referees are working. They are blowing call after call after call and everybody is starting to appreciate how good the regular referees are. **Penalty for ending a sentence with a preposition... five line penalty enforced at the end of the blog**
Actual photo posted on our neighborhood Facebook page

I just went outside and shot some baskets with Fabio. After we were done I went and got the mail and saw that we had a letter from our homeowners association. It was about an upcoming meeting and included an agenda and a proxy vote sheet if we want somebody to vote for us. I don't really care what they do. I am gonna do whatever I want anyway. Why do we have to have "big brother" everywhere? Can't people just live their lives? We have more and more signs popping-up in the subdivision that say "for sale" or "new reduced price" or "foreclosure"... Our subdivision has a Facebook page and people go on post things like showing photos of people's yards with weeds in them... and ask "who do I speak to about this?" How about go the people at that house and talk to them about it? I wrote that on the site and the response was, "maybe I will try that." I thought I was kidding when I said (because being a smart-ass is one of my best features) that but they didn't even talk to the homeowners before thinking about going to our city's "code enforcement department." Maybe go out in the MIDDLE of the night and pull the weeds in a black Ninja outfit. Do it on Halloween and say it must have been some wacky kids. I wouldn't mind living next to a weedy yard...it would make my yard look that much better. Be more like Clint Eastwood sometimes! Stop short of the Magnum Force though!

Cha Cha will be home soon and we need to do dinner and record a podcast so I have to finish for today. I will probably blog tomorrow. Tomorrow night we are going to a movie because I cannot pass up free admission and $100 gift certificate for Morton's that both expire next week. Have a great night. Thanks for stopping by and remember to come back tomorrow...you never know if I might blog something worth reading ...it does happen occasionally, I swear! TTTT...MITM (vapor)

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