Sunday, September 9, 2012

Are You Ready For Some Blogball?

Made entirely from silver dubloons found on The Dread Pirate Roberts' ship
I am worried about Jay Leno. How is he going to live on half his salary? He has agreed to a 50% pay cut so people can keep their jobs on his show which seems nice on the surface. I don't know if I could live on only $15,000,000 per year. I need at least $30,000,000. About 25 people have been let go from The Tonight Show and he took the cuts to prevent even more people from losing their jobs. How about getting rid of Jay Leno and hiring a less expensive funnier person so ratings would elevate and they would get more advertisers to pay for the salaries for these 25 people that were let go because of his lack of entertainment? I think this is a nice thing on the surface but I abhor Jay Leno. I will never watch The Tonight Show while he is the host and have not watched even one since he took over as host. There have been people on the show that I have really liked and I have not watched it because I dislike him more than I could like anyone. I do not think I would watch that show if my own children were guests. I would probably rethink the boycott in that case but it would be a game-time decision. His net worth is estimated at $180,000,000 so I hope he can eeck by on only $15,000,000 a year salary. If I was a viewer I would expect to see more product placements on the show coming up (HP Touchpad...)  He will probably start appearing in more Doritos and Burger King commercials in his cars that are worth than most of our neighborhoods. Is my disdain for him evident yet? Maybe Conan or Dave can take over the show eventually though The Tonight Show doesn't mean what The Tonight Show used to mean thanks to Jay.

Whew...I feel better having gotten that out of my system, thank you for reading.

The NFL has kicked off and now that the games are all on I must admit that it is weird not to be flipping between games on the television and the computer and NFL Network to see which player did what. People would always ask me what my favorite football team was and I would say depends on who is playing who that week. I have played fantasy football for at least ten years straight. You never realize what you have until it is gone. I didn't think I would miss playing but I do. I would listen to 620 AM on the radio out of Milwaukee to listen to the Green Bay Packers' games because Aaron Rodgers was my quarterback. It was like I was living back in the 1920's listening to a football game on the radio which would go in and out because, in my case, it was from a town a couple of hours away. It wasn't exactly like living in the 1920's because I would also be clicking back and forth between games on the computer and most of the teams I had guys from didn't even exist in the 1920's. In 1920 I might have been listening to the Rock Island Independents play the Dayton Triangles or the Chicago Cardinals play the Muncie Flyers or the Canton Bulldogs play the Columbus Panhandles. Now I will have to say that I am Miami Dolphins fan again but I really have grown into a Green Bay Packers' fan over the past couple of years though that would not be very popular in the Chicaoland area.
Tonight is Thursday for me. I know I write about how my Thursday is your Sunday and my day is your night a lot but I do it mostly to remind myself what day it is in my life because I am mentally lost most of the time. Thank goodness for the blog to keep me on track in my world. I wonder if the blog is also why I am less stressed these days too? I get to vent about things that bother me. It could also be that I no longer work at a job that I worked for almost 17 years that I could not stand for the last 14 or so of it. The job I liked, it was some of the buttholes I worked for and/or with that I did not like. There are buttholes everywhere we go (that is a scientific fact) but it's better to go where there are less of them flatulenting (probably not a word). I always have a butthole following me around.

All of you other MIDDLE-agers remember the O.J. Simpson trial and now there is talks that there was evidence tampering involved with the glove. You remember, "if the glove does not fit you mus acquit." The former L.A. District Attorney, Chris Darden, is saying that Simpson attorney, Johnny Cochrane "manipulated"  one of the gloves. Darden says that he believes that Cochrane tore the lining so Simpsons fingers could not go all the way into the glove. One of my friends from high school took the famous photo of Simpson wearing the glove at a football game. My friend even testified at the trial. I remember being in a bar playing pool and looking up and seeing my buddy on the television on the witness stand at The O.J. Simpson Trial.. I had asked him to be on Dirty Laundry Podcast but he said he didn't think that it was a relevant topic anymore. I told him that any Crime of the Century was always relevant but I think he just didn't want to be on the show. We still talk about The Lindbergh Baby and Lizzie Borden still these days. Right now I will say that I won't bother him about it but I probably will. I am pretty sure that I will now that I think about it.

Enough outta me for today. Have a Super rest of you day and night. I am happy you stopped by during halftime or between games. Maybe the alcohol made the blog better huh? TTTT...MITM (if the blog don't fit I must now quit) TA!

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