Thursday, September 13, 2012

I Can Sleep When I am Dead! Or, Undead!

Saturday Night Live (SNL) has picked their new cast member to portray President Obama. They have decided to go with Jay Pharoah to replace Fred Armisen to play the President. I never really cared for Armisen's imitation but it was a lot better than I could have done. I have been a big fan of Jay Pharoah since he joint SNL as a "featured" player. He did great impersonations of : Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Eddie Murphy, 50-Cent... I have a feeling that he will do a perfect impersonation of President Obama. Jason Sudeikis will play Mitt Romney; I bet that one isn't as good as Pharoah's. He is going to be a superstar...I wish you could but stock certificates in actors like you can in companies; I would but lots of shares of Jay Pharoah. I think SNL starts this coming Saturday.

I am sure you notice that the look of the blog has changed. I was messing with the looks of the blog and now I cannot figure out how to change it back. I am not sure whether I like the new look or not but I will leave it for a couple of days and decide. If I find I don't like it I will try harder to figure out how to change it back. Maybe I had been grandfathered-in with the old look and the when I changed it I lost my grand ambassadorship.

I didn't realize that Presidential libraries were privately funded. That's crazy. There are only 15 Presidential libraries. There are three close to me - Harry S. Truman / Independence, Missouri, Abraham Lincoln / Springfield, Illinois and Herbert Hoover / West Branch, Iowa. George Washington doesn't have one, Thomas Jefferson doesn't have one, John Adams doesn't have one but George W. Bush has one. There's something wrong with that.

I wrote those previous three paragraphs about three or four hours ago and now it's 2:47 AM and I am not sleepy at all. I am reading my book and doing laundry (not Dirty Laundry Podcast but the real laundry) and the television is on. I was lying on the couch and trying to sleep but I couldn't. I had The Green Mile on, which I have seen many times, thinking I would fall asleep while watching and then the alarm-dealy (actually it's a song) came from the dryer and I wanted to get the clothes out of there so they wouldn't be wrinkled by the morning so I got up and got them out and moved the ones from the washer to the dryer and started another load (dish towels this time). I would be in a real world of hurt if I had to work in the morning but, thankfully this time, I work nights (but this is my Sunday). I have to wake Fabio up at 6 AM so if I go to sleep now I will never wake up to get him up. The alarm in the dryer is going off again so, I will be right back. The clothes are folded and I am back; the washer says it still has 18 minutes to go. Man, I live an exciting night life. Jealous?

Television is really bad in the nighttime. I thought there were a lot of infomercials on during the day but in the MIDDLE of the night it's about 150 channels of commercials trying, not very successfully, to disguise themselves as television programs. Right now I have on a show that was very prophetic. I had seen it before back in 1999. It's Edtv. I thought it was okay when I saw it in 1999 but I didn't realize a film about following a guy around 24/7 would be about 70% of what our television shows would be in 2012. Nostradamus must be the writer of this movie. I think The Truman Show was about this same time...I just looked and The Truman Show was 1998. These movies were like how-to manuals for the Real Housewives and the You Think You Have Singing, Dancing, Juggling, While Cooking on an Island Full of Celebrity Marines Talent shows. I know all of the trends end but this reality television one has lasted about eight years too long (provided they started eight years ago).

I am gonna quit writing now and read my book. I am also going to work on the outline for my novel. I have many, many, many notes (Cha Cha loves my notes) and I think I have enough ideas for the preliminary outline for the story. I am excited. I know now that my leaving my old job about three years ago and having a job now that when I go home I am at home was meant to be. I now don't have to make calls from home for work or plan my next day for work or see if my Nextel or pager goes off (remember I was there for 17 years so I worked there through a lot of intrusive technology) because one of the people who worked for me didn't want to make a decision or one of my many bosses just felt like busting my stones for something that happened that was totally out of my control so they called me. It seemed bad when that job ended but I believe I found the rainbow at the end of the Wicked Witch's castle. Now I can write the book that I was meant to write. For a guy who was "gonna quit writing now" I sure wrote a lot more.

I hope you have a great Thursday and Thursnight. Thanks a lot for keeping me company through the scary, I love the night. TTTT (probably a bit later than this one today)...MITM (hey, there goes the washer's alarm...what great timing). TA!

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