Monday, September 24, 2012

Who Wrote Today's Blog? Nobody!!!!

Why do we reward the weirdos in our society by putting them on television? Doesn't it reinforce and reward their bad behavior? Snooky and Honey Boo and hoarders and The Real Wives of Bug Tussle... There was even a Reality feature in last night;s Primetime Emmy Awards. The presenters made a joke (though it didn't seem like a joke) and gave the score of the Sunday Night Football game before announcing the winner of the reality Emmy (the Ravens beat the Patriots 31-30 and The Amazing Race won for reality show). I say that about the reality shows but I watch several now that I think about it. I watch Survivor and The Amazing Race regularly and Dog The Bounty Hunter, Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars and quite a few others on a time-to-time basis as it turns out...I am part of the problem!!!!!

The next James Bond film. Skyfall. begins November 9th. I have never really been much of a James Bond fan until recently mainly because it always seemed a little hokey to me. I had always felt that Bond films should have been more spy stuff and less nonsense and gadgets and that's what happened with the addition of Daniel Craig as 007. I feel that he is easily the best James Bond of all time and I now consider myself a James Bond fan as of Casino Royale (not the Peter Sellers one though that one was okay, but a spoof, too). Have you ever seen The Spy Who Knew Too Little? If you get a chance to see that one check it stars Bill Murray as a bumbling idiot that stumbles into good things by accident (maybe I like it because I can relate).
A stranger asked me the other night, "Platoon or Full Metal Jacket?" It was a very odd question from a perfect stranger and I was a little on-guard after he asked me that thinking to myself, "Self, is this the day you will die?" but I answered, "that's an easy one...Full Metal Jacket!" Joker and Gomer Pyle / Lawrence of Arabia and Gunnery Sgt. Hartman! Those were all great characters. Great movie but weird question coming out of nowhere from a stranger. Me love it long time!!!

Where did the term "perfect stranger" come from? How can you know someone is perfect especially if they're a stranger? I thought nobody was perfect. I have always wanted to change my name to Matt Nobody so when somebody said, "nobody's perfect" I could say either "thank you" or "yes, I am."

I am tired...I think I am tired a lot. I think I even dream that I tired when I am sleeping. Is it even possible to be tired while you're sleeping or am I the only one? Have you ever slept in your dreams? I don't think I have but if I am tired in my dreams how come I don't sleep? And then, if I woke up in my dreams, would I really be awake or just dreaming that I was awake?

I believe that is my queue that I am done. Thanks a lot for letting me get some of that out of my system. Have a great Monnight...thank goodness it's Friday! TTTT...MITM (tired and confused and maybe even dreaming) TA!

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