Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Cannot Escape the Blog Paparazzi (Blogarazzi)

Hey, I found the Dead Sea Blog notes (lost notebook).

Attack of the Killer Garage Doors
The garage door has been making a lot of noise lately when it goes up and down. We have a "whisper" garage door opener and it has been more of a "screamer" garage door opener of late. It has also been rattling on the tracks when it goes up and down (TWSS) so I took a look at it. You remember that I am Matt "The Toolman" Helser right? So, I saw that the end cables that hold the door up and pull it up and down on the tracks had begun to unwind on each side. One side became detached so I wound it back on the spool the way it was supposed to be and reattached it to the door. Then I went to the other side, detached that one, and wound it the way it was supposed to be. My fingers burned so badly form the cold that I had to go in and thaw out. I went back out and hit the button but the garage would not close. I detached it and it slammed to the ground (ooops); I was like Indiana Jones right before that huge boulder chased him out of the cave. I could have been crushed. So, today I had a guy come out and the main spring was broke (not by me) and both cables were worn pretty bad over the past seven years. So he replaced the springs and both cables and now it whispers again. My plasma money for this month will cover that check...yes Virginia, there is a Plasma God!

The best thing about donating plasma is that it gives me two hours a week, undisurbed, to read. You will never guess what I was reading today. That's right it was M.H. again  (Men's Health magazine that is). I read a great article about obesity in America but when I get into it the blog will go long again so I will do it tomorrow because I have a lot to blog about. I have been having a hard time lately so this will help me get back on track I think.
Hey Wang, what's with the pictures? It's a plasma center!

Today while I was lying there having the blood pumped from my body, reading M.H. and listening to Roz, a tour group paraded past me. I know I kid a lot here (I tell you when I'm kidding or it is painfully obvious) but there was really a tour group touring the plasma facility while I was there. There were 10 or 12 MIDDLE-aged Asians parading past me with their cameras taking photos. Holy stereo-types Batman. I have no idea what they were taking pictures of but none of their cameras were aimed at me. OMG the diversity training episode of The Office is on right now and Dwight is "ASIAN" in the "guess what nationality you are" game. Unreal! Anyway, it made me chuckle to myself and think of a line from one of the most quoted movies in America cinematic history.

We got 12 pieces of mail today and it was ALL junk mail. One of the pieces was actually 17 pieces as it was 16 sales flyers crammed inside another sales flyer. The one from Kohl's gave me the worst paper cut I have ever had. Do you think I have legal recourse? On the first day of Christmas mail rush my postman gave to me a paper cut from some Kohl's crap...

Do you believe that the Illinois Senate actually approved civil unions for gay couples? That's fantastic! I am actually proud to me a MIDDLE Illinoisan right now. All it has to do now is get signed by Governor Pat Quinn (who I voted for). Quinn has been a supporter all along so that should be no problem. Supposedly this is the equivalent of gay marriage. The biggest benefit I think of is that partners will now be able to visit ailing partners in the hospitals that allow only family members. I think of the scenes in the movie Philadelphia when Antonio Banderas' character (Miguel Alvarez) was caring for his dying partner Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks). If you haven't seen Philadelphia it's a must see!!! Illinois is one step closer to considering all men (and women) REALLY created equal. I'm proud to be an Illinoisan where at least I know I'm free!

See why I didn't blog about that M.H. article? I was able to blog on too long without it. I will blog you again tomorrow. I will also add a review of a terrible movie I saw today on Netflix while I was blogging, folding clothes and making dinner (tacos/guacamole). In the meantime I added a funny Christmas short to MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS today. Check it'll like it I think. Blog you later ice skater (burrrrrr). TTTT

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