Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra

Mele Kalikimaka

The crazy part of Christmas is over. Now all that's left is the cleaning-up.

Onward Chinese Soldiers...
Last night we went out for dinner. At first, last week we thought, "hey, let's have Mexican." Then I thought to myself, "self, will the restaurants be open on Christmas Eve?" So I called the two Mexican restaurants that we would probably go to and they were both closed Christmas Eve. Then I thought, "self, remember in A Christmas Story when they went to the Chinese restaurant for Christmas dinner after the Bumpuse's dogs ate their dinner?  So they had "Chinese Turkey"?" So I called Yen Ching and made a reservation for nine. It was a great time. I would say that it's the best Christmas Eve dinner that I have ever had. Next year I want to go to Gen Ho in Geneva....that's my favorite Chinese food around here. I hope the Chinese Christmas Eve dinner is an annual tradition. I think it might be for me even if I have to eat alone. I am downloading a video now to my Facebook page but it says it will take 46 minutes so check back if it's not there yet. I am also going to add some Christmas photos including the Yen Ching photos.

And on the Holiest of days of the year
Every year Sugar Momma puts up her little S A N T A wooden letters and every year I change the order they are in. She will change them back and then I will change them again... I really hope that whoever is in charge of things upstairs when I leave this Earth has a sense of humor because, if not, I will be smoking a turd in Hell for sure one day.

While opening presents this morning I was playing Roz's Christmas playlist (most of the songs provided by my buddy J.R.) and "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" by The Partridge Family came on. My mom and dad were here and it reminded me of when I was growing up I was a HUGE Partridge Family fan. Every Friday night we would sit down as a family and watch their show. What I am about to tell you, up to this point, has been a very little-known well-guarded Matt In The Middle nerdy secret. At the end of each show The Partridge Family would always sing a song. I would make my family be perfectly quiet and I would take my tape recorder, the size of a toaster, and hold the microphone up to the television speaker and record the song each week. I should probably have figured out Youtube and iTunes or VCR's and DVD's...and have become a 7-year-old billionaire but instead I just had tapes of all of The Partridge Family songs that I would listen to constantly. Thanks for the memories J.R..

We received a Christmas package from my brother in Hawaii. The favorite part of the package he sends each year is the chocolate kisses. Mauna Loa has chocolate kisses with macadamia nuts in them. Man are they good. Sugar Momma gets her usual various flavors of Kona coffees and the kids get great gifts from the islands but we all love the kisses. The little ripcords or whatever those dealies that stick out of the top of a chocolate kisses that look like the fuses that light this candle and helps you open them say "ALOHA ALOHA ALOHA..."

Gimme Ten Buddah! Don't Leave Me Hangin'
The video still says that it has 43 minutes to download and do you have any idea how long this blog would be if I blog straight for another 43 minutes? Probably as long as it usually is (TWSS). I am going to wrap this one up because most of you are too busy to read this on Christmas and I think we are going to see Gulliver's Travels (see the trailer at MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS now). Also, Fabio saw the new Tron movie and I will have to tell you what he thought. I will do that when I review Gulliver. I will blog you again tomorrow. I hope you have a nice rest of what's left on Christmas (and that it's been great so far). TTTT...with what we may do for New Year's Eve...MITM (aubi 5000).

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