Sunday, December 12, 2010

That's the Sound of Snowflakes (comin' down)

cue the music 

Another attempt at a Matt Helser (Matt In The Middle) logo. This one I borrowed from the Miami Heat but I don't know if they use it or not. Actually there are better ones and I will continue to try new ones until I get my very own.

Bumbles Bounce!
I worked today from 6 AM to 4:30 PM. The entire time there was a blizzard outside; what a great day to work (inside). I really like that job because I have met and gotten to be friends with quite a few really great people. I also like to meet new people every time I work. I guess I am a people-person or a person-people. I bet Fabio wished today was tomorrow; this would have been a guaranteed snow day. He may get lucky and he'll get one tomorrow anyway because it's supposed to be cold as Hell. How does that work? Wouldn't that be really hot? Why is everything compared to Hell?

When I got home the Bears game was still on so I watched the last part of it.The blizzard that we had experienced all day had pushed East to Chicago's Soldier Field. The snow was blowing like crazy and the field was covered with snow. I have always thought the technology of football telecasts these days was great. The lines that seem to appear on the field to show the line of scrimmage and the first down line are my favorites. They can make the numbers and the players appear like they are on top of the lines and make the lines seem like they are painted right on the field. Today it was cooler (no pun intended) because the yellow line ran across the field on the white snow. It would have been better if they were playing the Bengals or the Lions or the Colts or another animal because it would have seemed like the animal they were playing peed on the field and marked their territory across the field. I guess it could have been Bear pee. It just seems really weird to think that it could have been minute-man urine (The Patriots).

There's Pee... (where?) On The Field!

I have some great notes in my notebook that I can't read because I wrote them Friday. I decided to donate plasma using my right arm to give the left one a break. Turns out that I can't write very well with my left hand. I wish I was Demetri Martin. Splenda has made me a fan of his. He can write with his left and right hands at the same time completely independently. He is also very very funny.

Remember I told you a while ago about the porn star that lives in town? It was weird when I saw her at the YMCA twice a week - yes, maybe that's partially what helped me stay motivated to working-out so much at first. It was kinda weird when I saw her in a bar and she came to our table because she knew somebody at our table but it was really weird seeing her last week pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store. It was kind of like being a kid and seeing your teacher away from school for the first time in the store. So I saw a porn star in the store and there was the time when I was in line behind Cindy Crawford at the grocery store and accidentally bought her yogurt...really bought her yogurt not a euphemism for anything. And you ask why I don't mind doing the shopping.Glad I didn't get the porn star's yogurt.

I have very tiny feet!
I have noticed that when I donate plasma I cross my legs at my ankles while I am lying down. It made me look at all of the other people and notice that they all have their legs crossed too and they also change which leg is on top from time to time. Why do we cross our legs? Not only this way when we're lying down but also when we are sitting. Who was the first person to cross their legs and why  did others copy him or her?

I hope to sleep tonight but that's a hope I have every night. I didn't Benadryl myself last night because I didn't think I needed to since I had only slept four hours the night before. Stupid again...naturally. Have a good Monday though it's gonna be colder than HELLser and that's cold baby (feet). Blog you later frozen street skater...TTTT...MITM!

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