Thursday, December 30, 2010

You're a Daisy if You do!

Catch Me in Habitat Africa!
cue the music (today's mood)
Second to last blog of 2010!

Tomorrow is New Years Eve and it is confirmed that we are going to Brookfield Zoo for Zoo Year's Eve after I get off of work at about 4 or so. Splenda is not going to be with us unless her real plans fall through so we are her plan B or C which makes sense. I am happy to be that high in the alphabet. We were also invited to a couple of parties and we may stop at one or more of them on the way home. Let me know if you're gonna be at the zoo and we'll hook-up like my Waffle House hash browns,

 I am still fighting this cold but from what I see of a lot of my friends on Facebook it is something going around. Maybe it's a Facebook virus. I haven't been as ill as some of you have been. I was never laid-up where I had to say in bed; I just had a headache and a cough and a runny/stuffed-up nose (is it possible to have both).

A Great Humanitarian and Ballplayer
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the night that Roberto Clemente died in 1972.  For those of you who are not familiar with Roberto Clemente he was from Puerto Rico and was one of the early Latino (Puerto Rico) players to play Major League Baseball. He played for the Pittsburgh Pirates. When I was eight-year-old I did a paper on him for school. As research I wrote to him in Pittsburgh and received a bunch of Pittsburgh Pirates material along with a Roberto Clemente autographed photo. I was already trying to be a writer 40 years ago. Even at that young age I was impressed not only by his greatness on the baseball field but with his humanitarianism and charity work. He died on New Year's Eve in a plane crash while delivering aid to earthquake victims of Nicaragua. His body was never recovered. He was voted into the MLB Hall of Fame  posthumously in 1973 without having to wait the usual five years.  He was the first Latin American to elected to The Hall. Whatever happened to that autographed photo? It was thrown out sometime when I was young with my bushel basket full of 1950's and 1960's baseball cards. Don't tell my mom...though this is the story of numerous MIDDLE kids.
I'm Your Huckleberry!

I am really having a hard time keeping this blog short. I feel like I am ripping you off. Ripping you off of what? I don't know. The voting has ended and Nature Girl is staying Nature Girl receiving 40% of the overall vote (2 votes). There is still one more day to vote for the best movie Doc Holliday on MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS but Val Kilmer looks like he is gonna run away with the title...Maybe I should send him a plaque for his office from us (MIDDLERS). I am sure he would treasure it always...I actually think I may do that and see if I get a response. I am still working on my 2011 resolutions and will reveal those on New Year's Day while you're hung-over and looking for something to ease your pain. TTTT...MITM (let me be free).


  1. val kilmer came in for dinner earlier this year where i work. i was not there, but the scoop was he was not very friendly, and he no longer looks like above photo. *sigh*
    i think you should guilt your mom out about how much some of those baseball cards could be worth! lol
    have a wonderful and safe new years, please be careful of crazy drivers if you are out there driving. i will be working my 13th new year in a row. every year i say it is the last new year's eve i will work, but its become tradition for me to just threaten and complain about it while trudging sadly to my car to drive to work. I look forward to your blogs of 2011.

  2. I have seen him and he doesn't look even close to the same - you're right Stacee. Thank you for the kind words...I hope you and your family have a great 2011.
