Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Blog that's Hauntingly Familiar

cue the original (and best) theme song - there's no place I'd rather be stuck!

Alright, I am not in a huge rush but I am confident that I can keep this blog short...remember that I am usually wrong.

Does the Easter Bunny spy for Santa and visa versa? There is an area that I shovel in the front yard so that Maisy, our Yorkiepoo (I always feel very manly when people ask me what kind of dog she is), can conduct her business. A few days before Christmas we drove into the driveway and three rabbits tore out from that area. Were they spying or were they just amazed that there was exposed grass in the winter? I know they hang out by where I feed the birds because they leave the most delicious raisins you ever tasted. Maybe they just know that Maisy is a YorkiePOO!

I think the spirits are still angry about the canceled seance!
Did you see my Facebook photo from Christmas Eve in our house? I am convinced that the ghosts of Christmas past, present, future, and all of their ghost friends were celebrating with us. (Danny Elfman's done pretty well for himself) Our family room. or living room - I am never sure what the names for all the rooms are except the Tiki room and the kitchen, was covered in orbs. I have heard that that used to be light reflecting off of things like dust and such but with the way digital cameras are now that that isn't the case anymore. While I was looking over the photos to add one here I noticed they are in most of the photos and not all in the same room of the house. Maybe the ghosts hitched rides from the Chinese restaurant or maybe we live in a haunted house. The haunted house theory is more likely with all of the cemeteries I visited this past year. Doesn't that one orb resemble Edgar Allan Poe? It would make sense that the spirits would feel a connection with me since I was obsessed with the other side in 2010. That would probably explain all of the missing socks.
No orbs here because they're all at my house!

2010 makes me think that I need to get my resolutions together for 2011. I normally don't do resolutions but with the blog now I figured I ought to; especially with 2012 being the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar and all. Also, I see all of the stupid lists that are coming out already. The biggest news stories of 2010, the celebrities who died in 2010, the biggest surprises of 2010... I may have to get together the top 10 list of stupid lists from 2010.

Okay I am going to end the blog now because I said that I would try to make it shorter without the challenge of a time crunch. That will not be one of my resolutions because we all know that if I promise to make the blogs shorter I am just setting myself up for failure. I don't have a problem with failure; I can do it well enough without giving myself the assists as well. What are you doing for New Year's Eve? Sugar Momma isn't that excited about the Brookfield Zoo idea and Splenda will be partying elsewhere. Fabio and I are the only ones interested. I guess I am looking for other suggestions before I put the squeeze on Sugar Momma (TWSS) for the Zoo Years Eve celebration. TTTT...MITM (off to be haunted downstairs)  BOO!

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