Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kitschmas is Approaching!

I am sicker than a blog. I don't know if I got germs from interviewing Santa yesterday  who talks to sick kids all the time, spending so much time in hospital (staying British) and the doctor's office with Sugar Momma, being worried about SM or it just happened but I am sick for the first time in nearly two years. It may just actually be a humbug that's going around (OMG, ROFL, LOL...). Humbug (HA)

Laura Birn and Hannu-Pekka Bjorkman in Joulutarina

Speaking of my humbug I don't think I am negative on the season anymore. Again, maybe from talking with Santa but more likely from the Christmas CD's that J.R. sent me (I listen to them non-stop). It also could be that my Mattstrual cycle has run its course. I also watched a Christmas movie on Netflix last night that I had never heard of before that I think helped too. I probably never heard of it because it's a movie from Finland. The movie is called Joulutarina (Christmas Story). I think I will break here and go to MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS and review it so that the link there actually means something. Okay...I wrote the review and posted it. It's kind of a Christmas miracle (I know I overuse that term) but it just appeared on my Netflix as a "movies Matt would like." Sometime they are wrong and sometime they are right.

Sugar Momma is sleeping and not coughing. It's fantastic...that surgery totally helped that part at least. Don't tell her but she is sleeping so soundly that she is actually snoring. She's so far behind on her sleep that she is probably sleeping very deeply. I think I may have sleep-envy.

Kitschmas Tree
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I am very excited about something we are going tomorrow night. I like to do weird/different kitschy things and I think this will start a Kitschmas Tradition. I will probably write about it on my Christmas Day blog. This time of year is all about waiting. You will probably read it later in the day after all of the morning hoopla dies down; if not, you may never know. Christmas Eve Sugar Momma's brother and his family and Sugar Momma's sister are coming over. We are doing something different this year for gifts; we are all buying a $20 gift and wrapping it and then there are  several different stories of how we are deciding who get swhich gift but it sounds like maybe musical chairs or hot potato or something for gifts. It's hard buying for someone when you don't even know who (or even gender) you're buying for. I am being open-minded but I think I prefer Secret Santa or maybe even just buying for the kids though the"kids" are 13 - 21. I will let you know about that Christmas Day too. We also have an ugly ornament contest. I am going to win this year - I never have won. Man, the Christmas Day blog is writing itself. Then, Christmas morning, my parents are coming over. Looks like I have the next couple of days pretty well booked...just like the rest of you right? If you have nowhere to go PLEASE PLEASE come and join us on one or both of these days!

Okay that's it for now because I need know (TWSS). I have plenty more to write for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. TTTChristmas Eve....MITM out! Now off to do more shopping!!!!!

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