Wednesday, December 15, 2010

James Franco to Portray Matt In The Middle!

cue the song I am obsessed with right now

Tanqueray and chronic  (or codeine)
Thank you to everyone for all of your concern for Sugar Momma's health and for watching my frustration of not being able to do anything to help her the last few days. She is doing pretty well right now but she is working again (from home) instead of resting so she will probably be sick again tonight. She has been able to keep a little food down which is a start. She said she took more cough medicine (with codeine) than she should have taken but you know how it is when you are sick; you'll do whatever it takes to feel better just for a little while. Early this morning (2:00 AM-ish - though we have electricity...wait for it...) she was very quiet so I kept checking on her. It was like when the kids were babies and I kept waking them up to make sure they were breathing. Maybe I should get a Sugar Momma Monitor.  It's a good thing I only require two hours of sleep a night so I can be a night watchman.

I started to think about new professions I should consider. I don't sleep much so maybe a firefighter or a nuclear silo button watcher. Maybe I should be a birthday clown or a magician though I don't know what that has to do with not sleeping. Maybe a 24-hour computer're getting very tired of my rambling (how'd I do?). I wish this blogging would turn into a  paying gig since I do that every day anyway. If you want to take me on a tropical trip with you and blog your adventures I would be happy to do that for you. Even arctic adventures would be fine. Alicia Keys' loss could be your gain. Have you ever read Alicia Keys' blog, no but you read this one...just shows that Ms. Keys (cause I'm nasty) made the wrong decision. I am still working on those three books. I also have a sure-fire invention in my head but I am stuck on the mechanics/materials of it right now. The idea is sure-fire but I have to figure the design before I can get it patented...there are several ways I can go with it right now. That was a pretty vague paragraph but sometimes I just like to tickle the old plasticies (ivories if it were a piano) brainlessly and see what pops up (TWSS). Thanks for indulging me.

I saw a truck today with letters on it listing everything that this company did. One of the things said "Mosquito Abatement." I think that's something I could master though I don't really know what it means in this instance; it's kind of ambiguous. Abatement is a word that has such a wide-spectrum of meanings. It goes all the way from reducing/decreasing to eliminating. How can you say that they did a poor job with that wide of a margin of error? I could easily be a master abater. I abate blog readers every day.

James Franco as Matt Helser in Matt In The Middle (the movie)
I had them poke my left arm today so I could write all of my fascinating blog ideas with my right hand and I still can't make out some of my notes. One says "had the other towaacocs." Part of the problem today was that when they poked me (TWSS) it was instant, tremendous pain. It felt like they were poking me with needles full of gasoline fires. I guess that makes sense since she was poking me with a needle but it hurt like Helser! I figured I could take it since it was only for an hour and I was right...I Matted up and was in constant excruciating pain for an hour. I just channeled Michael Franti over and over; Roz did actually. It was like that James Franco movie 127 Hours where the dude cuts off his own arm, though I haven't seen the film yet. If they do a re-make or a sequel where he cuts the other arm off I should play the part and I will do my own stunts; I honestly think I could cut off my own arm...I am looking for work you know and that kinda work should pay handsomely . Speaking of that I have to review Dinner Rush on MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS. I have watched it and now I just need to write the review. If you go there and it's not posted yet that's because I am writing it now and it will be posted momentarily. I have been preoccupied with my fledgling medical and pin cushion careers...sans the great parking.

Oh...I figured it out..."had the other towaacocs" means I had the other two Vita Cocos; those coconut water drinks. The mango one was good but I think I liked the pineapple one the best. All three (including the plain coconut water) were very good and healthy.

Tomorrow is Christmas shopping day. Thank you Baby Jesus. Though I think Christmas has become a commercial travesty I still love Christmas. It means spending time with family and friends. With all of our busy schedules it's nice that there's a time set aside for that. Maybe that's what the miracle of Christmas really is; that our schedules get put on hold, by law, for at least one day a year. This year is even more special to me because Splenda will be home. I took it for granted that she was here all of those years. I can't wait to see her again in a couple of days.

Tomorrow will be a whole new blog. Don't give up on me...I won't give up on you. TTTT...MITM (ever hopeful)!

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