Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Join MATTsa Today!

I have to work in a couple of hours (basketball game - UIC)  so I thought if I was gonna get a blog done today I had better do it now. Your loss!

I know that I'm just being ignorant
I have heard a couple of the new (though they are old and just newly-released) Michael Jackson songs that are being released on "his" "new" album. I am thinking that maybe there's a reason that he didn't release them; they aren't so good as far as I am concerned. At least not that good by Michael Jackson's former standards. Maybe they are running out of money because he was only worth $100,000,000,000,000.87 or something like that. I guess you can burn through that kinda cash pretty quickly these days. But doesn't he own the rights to some or all of The Beatles songs that have just become available on iTunes? What's going on in Neverland Ranch? Maybe he was justified in thinking that everybody was after him for his money. I guess his body is cold enough to start pecking at it by now. What's the waiting period on that these days? Wow, I guess I just had a Crabby Matty streak run through me it seems. Greed drives me crazy and, though I am just guessing on what I blogged in this paragraph, I am right in my own mind 84.8% of the time. And then I am right 92 % of the time the other 15.2% of the time. Wait 'til I get going! Plato, Aristotle, Socrates...morons!

I feel so bad for Sugar Momma. She coughs all night long and she can't keep any food down and she still keeps working (for work) non-stop. She doesn't sleep; we have that in common. I guess it's nice that she can work from home while she is sick since she can't sleep anyway. I always feel like I should be able to do something to make it better for anybody I know when they are sick. Isn't that called a Christ Complex or a Messiah Complex or something? I don't want to have that kinda pressure I just want people always to feel good. Some say that if we didn't ever feel poorly we wouldn't appreciate it when we felt good. That's a bunch of crap. I wish good health and happy feelings for all of you (most of you) all of the time. I am willing to take the chance that you will take feeling good for granted; I would rather that than to have you feel poorly...ever!

Are you the MADYM of the house?
I am sure most of you know who MADYM is by now. She is a regular on the blog and she was Sugar Momma and my Maid of Honor (Matron of Honor? - I should probably find out what the difference is). There's a photo of her on the blog from two or three days ago too if you like to put a face with an acronym. (see how I get you to read all of the blogs - sneaky huh? Until I tell you how I am being sneaky). Her dining room was featured on House Smarts on MIDDLE television this past weekend. In case you missed it and wanted to see where they are going to have the reception dinner for me when my blog wins that Pulitzer Prize click the blue highlighted House Smarts link in the last sentence.  It was a very nice dining room transformation.

I didn't see any meteors last night. I think the sky was a little cloudy and I didn't look outside for very long. I pretty much looked out a couple of times and figured that if I was meant to see it I would see it. It was too cold to make a fire and sit out waiting for the shower. Hey, that makes me think of one of the fun trivial facts that I carry around in my head so I cannot remember important things like which sock goes on which foot. Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was born during the passing of Halley's Comet and died when Halley's Comet appeared the next time. Here's one of the questions from the MENSA (Mensa comes from the Latin term for "table" because most of their members have personalities like tables) test - If Halley's Comet passes every 75 years and Samuel Clemens was born when it passed and he died when it passed the next time, how old was he when he died (within one year)? If you answered 74, 75 or 76 (he was 75) you are now a member of MATTSA (the knockoff generic home-version of MENSA). Congratulations!!!!
Mark Twain has to get in here at least once a month

Okay, enough. I sure have been prattling on in these blogs lately. I am off to take a shower (I am sure that sends unpleasant visions racing through your mind) and get ready for work. Tomorrow is plasma day and I will donate with the left arm so I can take notes. I figure if I blog it then it will stay in my brain longer and I will remember to do it - Ha, yeah right! Keep bundled up in The Middle - well, it's pretty cold so you'd better stay bundled up on the top and bottom too (OMG - I'm helserlarious). TTTT...M!

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